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Everything posted by 5LEvEN

  1. 5LEvEN

    FCS for helicopters.

    The game is set in the future... So I think if BIS is using the A-10A then they really don't know what they are doing when it comes to aircraft... The A-10A is slowly being phased out (upgraded) to the A-10C... Which is why I am talking about the A-10C not the A-10A.... BTW using the radar I have always found that my aim using the CCIP is always off... EDIT: Even at this very moment the A-10C is the primary A-10... So yeah, the A-10A is outdated...
  2. 5LEvEN

    Player Leveling

    I think it might be cool for arma 3 to have a MP leveling system. In the system you would unlock gear/weapons. It would not matter what MP mode you play, so both (pvp, coop, ect) will level your character up. It would distinguish veteran arma players from the grunts, and give everyone something to work towards (other than the main objective of the mission). The system would most likely resemble rainbow six's leveling system. EDIT This idea is not going to work, thus I have given up on it within the first few pages of this thread. So please stop posting hate like a bunch of kids. A leveling system does not mean this game is now like BF or CoD. I hope this game stays clear of being like those two. I suggested a simple idea, and I am taking a lot of flak for it now. I really don't see why you guys even post. Most of these post are not even constructive, they are just insults or trying to make fun of me. When I posted this I had no thoughts of BF or CoD yet you guys have to suggest or compare this idea to making arma like BF or CoD. I am not a Developer at BIS, thus I am not saying "this will be in the game". You guys are acting like BIS announced this feature in their game... I honestly thought the Arma community was more mature than the BF or CoD community, but I was wrong. Just look at what you guys post.
  3. I think OP is referring to something of this quality Maybe with a little less static though...
  4. I think you are a little confused. BF2 Modern combat was the console version... It was a lot different then the BF2 for PC... I honestly don't get why the community rips on BF... I bet 90% of the community actually plays it... I personal enjoy BF. Cod 4 I also enjoyed when it first came out (the fact they keep remaking the same game is why I don't like cod any more...).
  5. 5LEvEN


    I have... So unless I am the rare exception...
  6. 5LEvEN

    FCS for helicopters.

    CCIP for bombing runs, is basically the dive bombing method... The A-10C can utilize CCRP which is where you can fly level and drop your bombs accurate. It helps to avoid AAA fire. Rockets can use CCIP or CCRP. CCIP for rockets is the same as CCIP for the gun. While CCRP for rockets allows you to fire at longer ranges, although your accuracy will be diminished. To use CCIP for the gun or rockets you must have elevation data for where your target is. The gun also has three other sights it can use, each one requires you to know the distance from you to your target (this is where the lighting 2 pod is very handy). With the A-10C and the lighting 2 pod there is no need to find and lock on with the MAV sensor alone. The MAV sensor is very low resolution, so it is not hard to target a friendly vehicle on accident in a battlefield like arma... Sidewinder missiles, like the Mavericks can use the lighting 2 pod to locate and identify targets. Sidewinders have a circular sight on the HUD that you must line up with the target, you will hear a growl noise when in AA mode on the HUD, and while hear a higher pitch growl when you have a lock with a sidewinder... Also in the A-10C it needs a 3 minute calibration/warm up time for the lighting 2 pod, and mavericks... So even on a big island like lemnos, the CAS A-10C is not really going to work all that great, unless they fix the speed of the A-10C... The only way it would work is if people would fly out into the ocean, and after some time turn back to the island to provide CAS. Basically the armaverse is horrible for fixed wing aircraft, jets would be even worse... Just to clarify some things for people :p
  7. 5LEvEN

    Would you decrease detail for less lag?

    Actually my bottleneck for arma 2 is my CPU... My GPU handles it fine... Also my GPU is a low end GPU... The only reason I bought it is there is certain things I do which needed the dx11 capabilities, otherwise I would of bought a 9800gtx as it is much better and same price. Basically what you said does not support your argument... As a low end GPU handles the game fine... The graphics seem about the same, because you can only change post processing effects, aa, af, textures, and hdr... Most people here should be able to have af on max and textures on max... So you really only have three options to increase graphics... And those three options make a difference, but not as big as say shaders... EDIT: Forget you can also change resolution... Which obviously makes a difference in how it looks...
  8. 5LEvEN

    FCS for helicopters.

    LOL... I hope you're being sarcastic...
  9. 5LEvEN

    FCS for helicopters.

    I agree DCS is a bar set too high. But things like a simple start up procedure, functional counter measure systems, FCS, and MFD/MPD's should not be to difficult to add in a year... Look what it took to make DCS A-10C at its current level of simulation. It had betas with very good testers with a decent amount of knowledge about the aircraft and a very good amount of knowledge about flight mechanics. The dev's for DCS update even the little things for realism... For example the lights on the panel that shows warnings for systems (can't remember the name :o ) where blue, someone noticed that in recent pictures of the A-10C they are green, they posted a forum about it, next update they are now green. Same with the warning light for the APU generator during start up... And it is still being updated for realism... So yeah, every single aircraft is WAY too much...
  10. Tom1 I wasn't replying to your post... At best I was replying to DMarkwick's post, but even then I wasn't really... I was making a statement... BTW DMarkwick I would be MUCH more willing to play as medic in Arma 3 just by adding this system, I think others would too...
  11. 5LEvEN

    FCS for helicopters.

    I believe you are leaving out the CCRP sight :)... Keep in mind this thread was started for helicopters though...
  12. The medical system in AA3 is FAR from being too complex or tedious in my honest opinion... The only difficult part of it is memorizing what you need for the indicated symptom, which is VERY EASY to do. If you are unwilling to spend five minutes memorizing something like the medical treatment for a wounded soldier in AA3, then I have no idea how you even manage to play arma with all of the waiting for combat... Here's what you do, print out a sheet of paper with the necessary info on it, and while your moving towards your objective look down and memorize things on it every now and then... You will maintain situational awareness, but also memorize what to do... See problem solved...
  13. 5LEvEN

    FCS for helicopters.

    Please give me a source for where BIS said arma was an infantry simulator? I have not seen it in any of there advertisements, nor I have I seen it in any statements made by them... As I have stated before... I think people believe arma is an infantry simulator because it's the best simulated part in the game, but I have yet to see one developer state it is an infantry simulator. I believe arma is more a general combat simulator (based on advertisements, features, content, and game play), which is it's flaw... Nothing in the game is not in need of improvements to make it more of a simulator... Aircraft and land vehicles are the worst simulated by far... Which is why you see a push from a lot of people to increase it's simulation... Also since arma already has great infantry simulation with just minor improvements needed, I do not see this at all as too much work... It should be one of the main focus's for arma 3 (increase simulation of land and air vehicles)... Honestly what in the world do you think will take them a year to do involving the simulation of infantry? Revamped animations are not necessary, but is wanted to make movement more fluid (so don't try saying animations as something)... Am I the ONLY one thinking like this????:confused:
  14. 5LEvEN

    High Command AI

    Communication among AI needs to be improved. HC is a great way to do it when a player(s) is present in the group. As of right now if I set up two AI squads some distance apart, but not too far, and attack one of the groups. The group I attack will respond, while the other group will continue there patrol. I think the second group should come and help out defend against the attack. The same happens when they are both in the same HC structure, with a single commander... This would also allow non scripted diversions to take place much easier...
  15. 5LEvEN

    Would you decrease detail for less lag?

    It's a dedicated PC game... So don't expect to be running it full specs on release. Optimizing for a console is much easier because everyone is running the same software and hardware, where as optimizing on the PC is completely different as almost no one has the same hardware and software... Same concept for each, just for the PC you will be optimizing for many different configurations. On my PC (yes its very old) I can run arma 2. No not at full specs hell I barely run it to be honest, but I do make it work. I have a 4000+ cpu, 430gt, and 4gb of 800mhz ram cas 5... My settings are view distance minimum(500m for inf, and 2500m for flying), Post Processing effects off, textures very high, memory default, res 1080p, aa off, af very high (16x), objects very low, terrain detail very low, and hdr normal... So tbh it kind of makes me mad when I see someone complaining about the performance of the game on there 20x better then mine system... Yes I will be upgrading soon :) Do NOT expect to run it at max, expect to run it... If you cannot run it at at least 25fps with very low to low settings and meet recommended requirements, then by all means complain, but if your complaining because you cannot run it at max with at least 25fps then please STFU.... This is PC gaming, expect to have to upgrade every now and then just to run a game... As a PC gamer I EXPECT AND WANT my games to push my system to the limit and force me to upgrade eventually.
  16. 5LEvEN

    xbox controller support?

    Huh, could of sworn it already maps the controls out that it can in arma 2 to your controller... Either way, I remember it already having support... Also arma is NOT a game you can play with just a xbox controller, there is just WAY too many controls... EDIT: Yes, please be respectful of others preferences... Keyboard/mouse is good for some but NOT all games... I found that I personally have much more precision with movement of my character with a controller then I do with a keyboard... TBH there are a LOT of games I can actually aim faster and more accurately with a controller then I can with a mouse... Its all about preference, and what game you are playing. We're not clones...
  17. 5LEvEN


    Yes, I could understand if my guy was being shot at (which already effects accuracy in game), but I am talking about when I jog to an objective and manage to get the drop on the enemy. They have not seen me yet, and no bullets have been fired. I am talking about outside and before combat. So unless arma is just trying to simulate my guy being scared... It needs to be tweaked down a little... ---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 PM ---------- I don't know anyone that can run forever, and not have to stop for a break, especially in full gear. I think after running x miles your guy should have to stop for a break, or slow down to walking pace. Obviously if your guy takes fire during this break period, he should be able to run to cover, as in real life I am not going to stand there and get shot... The current system is fine, it just needs to be tweaked down a little, and to have things like adrenaline and having to stop for breaks added... As of right now I have yet to find a distance that forces my guy to stop for a break... It also appears that after 1600m my aim does not get any worse in game... So I could jog for 5000m and my aim would be the same in the game... I do not know how long there limit should be, as I do not know the average soldiers limits, I only know mine and some of my friends...
  18. 5LEvEN


    Allow me to be more specific this time :) . I was aiming a WE Scar GBB, yes I even used iron sights... Google it if you do not know what it is... I understand the difference between aiming say a piece of metal, and a rifle... Also it is very very rare for me to have a rifle in arma without at least a red dot... So I almost never use iron sights in game...
  19. 5LEvEN


    Who can sprint 500M in FULL gear, then pop off a headshot in a split second? What I am stating is that when I go and run 10+ miles at 10minute per mile, and try to aim something that weighs the same as a rifle, my aim is NOT messed up like it is in game... No I am not wearing full gear, obviously... Yes, there are SMALL effects to my aim, but nothing I cannot compensate for... In game, I have to wait for my guy to catch his breath before I can aim accurately, after only jogging NOT sprinting half a mile.... Sometimes even for just a quarter of a mile... So unless the average soldier is in worse shape then I am, I see this as WAY unrealistic. EDIT: Did some testing on utes with the standard USMC rifleman on the run way... After jogging 100m there is a slight movement of the rifle while standing, and almost no movement when in prone. After 400m there is very noticeable movement of the rifle while standing, and very little movement of the rifle while in prone. After 600m there is a lot of movement of the rifle while standing, and noticeable movement while prone. After 800m is about the same as 600m... Jogging 150m has roughly the same effects as sprinting 100m...
  20. 5LEvEN

    FCS for helicopters.

    I am very confused... Why does everyone say the mando missile mod is realistic? I have played DCS A-10C and Black Shark along with Falcon 4.0 AF, they are WAY different from the mando mod, yet they are hard core simulators... So how is it that the mando mod is realistic? I do NOT want to see something like the mando mod... I want to see REALISTIC FCS...
  21. 5LEvEN


    No. I already dislike the shaking of your weapon after running. When I run and pick up an object and point it at something, my aim is not all messed up like it is in game, in fact its the same as if I had not run before hand...
  22. 5LEvEN

    FCS for helicopters.

    I also like the idea that DMarkwick said... I really really really want realistic aerial vehicles. Basically the quality of DCS is what I want... Arma 3 WOULD appeal to more people with aircraft realism... If you want aircraft to be more on the arcade side, then why don't you buy BF2? Arma is about realism....
  23. 5LEvEN


    Uh the 2 series is no longer sold brand new (unless you get lucky at finding it)... Compare it to the 560 gtx and 560 ti... Those are the two closest... BTW those type of benchmarks are NOT in direct relation to game performance 100% of the time.... So look for game benchmarks (but the drivers are almost never the most current for any benchmark...) ---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 PM ---------- /sarcasm on This obviously has not been stated enough... If you have an AMD card... AMD cards do NOT run physx. The CPU does through software... In other words AMD owners can have physx, but it will run on the CPU not the GPU.... /sarcasm off
  24. 5LEvEN

    arma 3 poly limit

    Although it is much easier to download models then to make them your selfs, the models you download are very high quality, not optimized for games. Thus it is better to make your own...
  25. 5LEvEN


    The only (from my observations in the year 2011) reason you can consider AMD cheaper is because of the lower power consumption. Power use cost money, so it is cheaper to run an AMD card. AMD and Nvidia cards are priced about the same. I personally go with Nvidia because of the better driver support, as with better drivers comes better performance, thus a Nvidia card is almost better in performance with the latest drivers for each. Nvidia's new GPU series kepler is supposed to have better watt/performance ratio... Just a heads up...