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Everything posted by 5LEvEN

  1. Blood and hit effects are not just visuals. It does increase realism, and capabilities. Like mentioned you would be able to tell where a bullet came from (somewhat), the direction of injured units walking. And of course figure out what happened to a group of dead bodies. ++1 better blood and effects....
  2. 5LEvEN

    Why warfare fails as a game mode

    Pure fiction = made up. MAAWS, METIS, NLAW, RPG (variants), SMAW, ect, those are all real. The MAAWS does have a noticeable drop btw. Go and test it in the editor. Its very noticeable at 700m. ---------- Post added at 22:27 ---------- Previous post was at 22:18 ---------- I am taking a guess here that you have never crewed a tank in arma. I can hit out to 900m accurately with the m240 machine gun. And I can easily hit out to 2200m with a HE shell. Again those are not fantasy weapons. Also its not that unrealistic from real life. If a tank platoon drove into the open, and within range of two guys with javelins, each person carrying two rounds. Yeah, those tanks are dead... EDIT You also misunderstood what I meant by realism. Simply put, I meant that a Javelin should be better then a RPG (example). You can't get exact numbers for what damage each weapon will do. But you can assume weapon 1 is better then weapon 2, and weapon 2 is worse then weapon 3. And so on...
  3. 5LEvEN

    POLL: leaning system.

    I wish I had some money for rudder pedals. :) --------- Just keep the current leaning system... Get rudder pedals, free track or trackir if you want more precise movements...
  4. 5LEvEN

    Why warfare fails as a game mode

    Will I believe it fails because of the complexity and the fact its a time consuming game mode. Also when servers reset when players leave does not help the game mode. Arma was NEVER meant to be balanced. So your point about balancing patches is quite stupid to be honest. Besides it would seem stupid if the Ak-47 had the same exact properties of the M16/M4... Arma is about two things. Gameplay and realism. When it comes to balancing its not there. Why? Because that falls under the realism category. And we all know in real life war is not fair.
  5. 5LEvEN

    POLL: leaning system.

    Improve collision detection... Also do not allow bodies to go through solid objects.
  6. 5LEvEN

    Thoughts on using enemy uniforms

    That made me LOL Anyways +1 for AI getting suspicious of you.
  7. 5LEvEN

    POLL: leaning system.

    Leaning not important? WOW! I have just one question for you. Do you even use cover? Leaning is very important. I use it on 95% of the corners I take. And I know for a fact that REAL soldiers also LEAN out of cover.
  8. 5LEvEN

    AI quirks we'd like to see.

    There needs to also be a way to reset AI scanning. You can set the AI to watch a direction, but you cannot tell the AI to go back to normal. That is what is needed as well.
  9. So I am wondering how the AI on servers handle grass. In single player I know it's dependent on the client, but what about multi player? Example of what I am talking about. No Grass Go prone and shoot at AI. AI responds by going prone, and firing back at my position. Grass On. Go prone and shoot at AI. AI responds by going prone. The AI does not fire back. Basically if I have grass on in a server which response would I get? -Sorry if in wrong place-
  10. 5LEvEN

    AI Grass Visibility

    Are you sure? Cause I ran the same test over and over with grass on and off, and I still get the same results. AI cannot see me with grass on; AI can see me and shoots at me with grass off. I recommend you set up your own test to see what I am talking about. BTW I am on the latest Beta
  11. 5LEvEN

    Functioning Co-Pilots

    This should be added...
  12. 5LEvEN

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    That the admins for servers of Arma 3 put some good coop missions on the server, OTHER then domi... I mean come one guys, aren't you bored of that.............. It's almost impossible to find coop missions now....
  13. 5LEvEN

    Wish: Military intelligence!!!

    +1 jk :)
  14. I don't think anything we have seen is 100% fictional...
  15. Yeah... It was something to do with not getting time to recover from what they have done... Basically Consciously make a decision to end someones life. You watch them getting killed through high resolution cameras. Then all of a sudden your shift is up, and you go home to eat with your family like nothing happened...
  16. 5LEvEN

    PLEASE be secure..PLEASE....

    Agreed it needs to be more secure. It also needs a way to see who was the hacker. I was on (don't recall the server name) when it was claimed to be hacked by team deadly... Really ruined the game, and the hard work... ---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 PM ---------- @WarriorM4, the air units are very arcade...
  17. ---Sorry if this is somehow in the wrong place... I did use the search thread button, and found no suitable threads for this--- So this thread was created to brain storm some ideas for how the game could hand weapon customization. So please tell your ideas :) Here are my ideas so far. The gear menu would be capable of filtering items. So it could show weapon parts. For example a filter for weapon sights, grenade launcher attachments, suppressors, and barrel changes(for weapons you can swap out barrels for). So basically you could go to a crate, and select the attachments you may need for your mission. There would be a button in the gear menu that would allow you to enter a modify page for the weapon. From there you could attach items to your weapon, and view what it will look like. Once done you would just hit the confirm button, and it would take you back to the gear menu.
  18. 5LEvEN

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    I am sorry, but what? Why? I don't think anyone (except you) wants that.... Then again its a wish list...
  19. 5LEvEN

    Any details on improved wounding system?

    It is a simulation, but BIS is trying to target a variety of people. By adding immersion onto the simulation more people are willing to buy it. Simple as that... Better/more animations = better immersion = more people buying = money Just as wanting to improve aircraft simulation would help gain it sells. Imagine if 90% of the people in the flight simulation communities also bought this game...
  20. 5LEvEN

    Group/Squad limit to 144

    From my experience yes. But single one man groups are not as effective as four man fire teams in combat. The reason that one man moves faster then four is because the one man is on his own, not waiting for anyone, while the four man group is covering each other from cover to cover. If you gave both groups a waypoint and told them to move fast, and be in safe awareness, then they will move about the same, but in combat, the one man will move faster... Not even snipers work in one man groups though...
  21. Some problems with the statements. I cannot find a good source (other then wiki) for how much the A-10C cost (which is current CAS), but the reaper has a unit cost of 53.5 million dollars (http://www.af.mil/information/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=6405). There is still a selection process for pilot of the drones. Although not as tough, it is still present... Drone pilots have the highest rates for PSTD... So it's not exactly safer either... In order to use drones you have to have air superiority, as they have no real defenses. You also have to have a secure link to it. As of right now the reaper is only equipped with AGM's and GBU's. It has a small payload as well... Which means it's not good for all CAS missions...
  22. 5LEvEN

    Take on helicopter environments for ARMA 3 ?

    I imagine limnos will be like sahrani. With unlimited water....
  23. 5LEvEN

    Group/Squad limit to 144

    I don't really think this is needed. I would rather have a few "intelligent" AI rather then a couple thousand dumb AI...
  24. And that's exactly how the US Military thinks. The A-10A was outdated, solution, update it to the A-10C.... I wouldn't be surprised if when the A-10C is outdated they just update it to something like A-10X.... The US Military likes tried and tested weapon systems... Which if you are correct about the time frame there is no need to think about new CAS, as the A-10C would still be in service...