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About SeedOfEvil

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  1. SeedOfEvil

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84260

    Well the carry system is not working correctly for me in a few missions, I carry a dude over 20 meters let him go and once I drop him he reappears on the same place I picked him up. Also I have a few problems now with the AI not staying put where they should, but they start moving and running around when they have explicit orders to stay put(Like POWS). Other than that the performance is good, no crashes.
  2. SeedOfEvil

    Coffeecat's Single Player Missions

    While playing mountain warrior, in the ambush part, do the IED blow up automatically when bluefor comes close to them? because they never did blow up, and the 6 guerrila's left with me were slaughtered.... using latest ACE version as well btw.
  3. I did, yet I found no post about this subject, all I see are post about ONLINE dedicated servers. I got a server running no problems all configured,etc. Also I know I can type as the server to not list my server but this still does not solve my question, because it is still an online dedicated server running wheter it posts it with the main server or not. Therefor my question still stands, is it possible? is there a command out there to make it a REAL LAN only server? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi guys, I've been enjoying the game playing lan with my buds and family. But I am having problems when I really want a lot of AI in my COOP missions. For example we want to play some Domination or Warfare BE, but just like 4 human players the rest is AI. For every1 there is no problem except for me that I am hosting and running the AI and also playing. I do have a computer laying around here that is a 2 gig DDR2 ram dual core 3 gigherz with a gtx260 and I was thinking on leaving that as host to run AI and such things while we play but I just cannot seem to be able to configure this thing correctly. If anybody would be so kind to point me or help me in the right direction to get this running it would be greatly apretiated. Thanks in advance.
  5. SeedOfEvil

    SecOps Playground. Fallujah.

    Hey, I was playing this not long ago and I thought It was nice. But I thought the city feelt really empty, being such a big map and all. I was wondering if you could add some civilian markers or add a few civilian groups to see at least somebody in the city walking around so it won't feel like a ghost town. Maybe a different version with civies added for anybody that might have performance issues with it.
  6. SeedOfEvil

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 81423

    I can confirm, I get less performance by a few fps 2-5 than the non beta patch. Also last beta that worked fine for me with minor bugs was 79600, all beta patches after that had mayor graphical bugs and soldiers freezing with a few instability issues. This one fixed most of the graphic bugs but I still get the enemy soldier freezing and never dying.