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Everything posted by DementedFool117

  1. I think it is in here: trg setTriggerStatements[this,ANOMALY = [thistrigger, 5, 1] execVM "DAPANOMALIES\Scripts\Trampoline.sqf",nul]; I dont know what is inside the script "Trampoline.sqf", but there most likely is a "_this select 0", which means it grabs the first from the array, which I highlighted in RED, and I think it needs to be the trigger NAME, which is trg... maybe. To make it more understandable, "select 1" would in your case select the "5", and "select 2" would return the "1" inside the [], that just aside. Try that. Maybe rename the "trg" to something else, like "customtrg1" and "customtrg2" for the next, and so on. I generally stay away from using simple object names like trg or trg1, some of them are used inside the game itself or may be used inside a existing map/script, resulting in all kinds of errors.
  2. DementedFool117

    Vehicle Unlocks/Locks itself

    With the "vehicle enter" you overtake "ownership", so to say -> commands like lock, setfuel, etc. I've made the experience, that once you try to use an "execvm" or call or spawn, with one of these codes, a server-spawned vehicle will not respond -> it will be unlocked for 1 second, and then lock, or have fuel for 1 second, and then the server resyncs and its back to normal. A command that is always transferred globally is "setdamage", for example. Without fading further away, a half-assed solution is spawning the vehicle local to the player, or use a loop that starts on Server init, and use publicvariable; that way, you send the code to the server and it processes it and delivers it to other players to update the state of the vehicle, I cant think of anything better ATM.
  3. Arma 2 Free. Alot of people join, do crazy hijynx, get banned, only to reappear after a while, still banned, but able to get in all the way and do all that crap they got banned for, again. There seems to be a problem with Free not linking the GUID or whatever to the installation too accurately, and therefore, people can just do whatever they do, get banned, laugh, and come back. I am 100% sure, NO DOUBTS, that it is THE SAME people, and not just anybody with the same name, I HAVE to say again, because lots of you are obnoxious to such claims, IT IS THE SAME PEOPLE/PERSON. Banlist has the same names over 10x each, only with diffrent ID's all the time, and yet, 1 hour later, they come back in, diffrent ID. So what, Bohemia, what have you done? This started ONLY with the release of Arma 2 FREE, it might be a hack, but I really, really doubt it, since none of them have any hacks/modified files. Whatever.
  4. Yeah, all you actually need is the classnames, the "begin1" and other "begins", for ammo the "hitX" definitions, and (if you want) the "reloadmagazinesound" and "reloadsound" and others, for vehicles it's a bunch more, so as the guys said, take a look at the unpacked and un-bined pbo's and configs, and then make your own config.cpp, start putting in the "external references" (so you don't define NEW things, but just "override" already existing things), and then define what to change to whatever you want; just be careful with the dependencies, if done wrong, you replace things you don't want to, or may even "undefine" a thing, meaning like the game doesn't know what that changed object is anymore, because the dependencies/governing classes are wrong or undefined. It takes a couple hours to do, if you know where to look and know what you are doing. If you don't know what you are doing, you will get errors over errors, and you 'd have to skip and correct each error one by one, which can take many hours.
  5. DementedFool117

    Observations about cheaters

    Grrr... sorry mate, I just KNEW that the title was still wrong; I thought a couple times about WHAT to write in (not thinking about the need for actual description of the problem etc.) as the topic title; I had "My Experiencees with Hacks", but after reading through, I changed it again and again, and then just put the wrong thing in, damn. Also, I was and am still dozing off, too late here, too much early weekend, too much booze. Came back to change the title, and find it already changed, thx. Reason I don't visit the forums that often at all, is I found the forum pretty late or at least battled with me and finally decided to join, after a long struggle, lol; And now that I joined, the overly arrogant and hypocritical cheaters screwed the game for me: Those normal servers with NO cheaters allow "NO ADDONS AT ALL"; this makes the JSRS or VOP soundmod useless; needless to say, compared to Arrowhead, Arma 2 vanilla sounds are just crap, esp. the sprinting "clonke-ty-clonk" from I-dont-know-what piece of equipment bouncing around when you sprint drove me nuts (think it is a field bottle swinging against a grenade or some mags? Maybe some mag pouches banging against the radio? I dont know. Annoying sound anyhow). Those servers that ALLOW mods (may the almighty have mercy on them) get bombs dropped on the base on a daily basis, hundreds of civilians spawning in the base, zero visibility (meaning fog like crazy) or people freezing up/crashing due to scripts executed to crash them. Invisible people running around shooting everybody, everybody dying on the map, no matter where they were, they just drop dead. But it's not the obvious hacks that get me so enraged, it's the damn hacks that are there, but nobody is honest about them, but in turn, you are displayed as a noob because you can't shoot from 4 miles away, with a measly M4 SPR, that, when shot by everybody BUT the people in question, also has significant bullet drop, and not an "instant hit" which sends enemies sliding across the ground. That's why my problem is not QUITE solved, since it seems to be a somewhat common practice on a few servers; Admins gotta be the boss, and the boss' 's got to have some overpowered equipment. That's how they seem to think, not realizing that a kid would do that, hax his files to get an extra buff nobody else has. Best thing I've seen so far, is a friendly unit (player) shooting next to me, on the base, and due to lag I drove my Tank past and into their line of fire, just 1 or 2 bullets from the guys M4 made my tanks tracks go red and my AI's yell "Critical damage" and jump out, wth. But then again, on closer inspection, big bullet hole in the side of the tank, but standard excuse "I wasnt shooting, you must've been shot by a enemy tank". Yeah, shot by an enemy tank, where the active town was way across the map, 10 miles away. Second best was one guy who shot 1 bullet, or whatever, and all the trees in a 100m radius area went down, all at once: "I dunno, you seeing ghosts or something. Trees still standing on my end, keep going." Whatever! I say it once, I say it again: If you can't play the game ONLINE without haxing the files to make you "better than everybody else", go play singleplayer, or get a life, that goes out to all cheaters out there. Haxing your files and then not even having the damn balls to admit you are doing something (Yeah, because then nobody would be playing there since we normal people arent allowed to do the same) makes you all look like a sissy girl. That had to be said. And now screw it, I'm going to play around in the editor or play minecraft or something. Arma 2 isn't DONE for me, it's the fact that there's people who love Arma2 for its "realistic" gameplay, but turn it into a shooting gallery (for themselves), and then cry because it is too easy (for them), LOL!
  6. Hi there, as the title implies; what are the causes of the following "glitches" (which are in fact hax) experienced by me and some more players during MP on some servers (multiple different ones): 1. Getting hit by one bullet from a standard rifle (either body part; no 20mm explding autocannon, no gau8, no grenades, just bullets), dying instantly (only when shot from 2-3 people regular on the servers) 1.b Getting hit with MULTIPLE BULLETS causes the hit person to FLY off, dead, or slide across the ground (like a Satchel went off besides them), just from 2-3 direct bullet hits (indirecthit?) 2. Getting hit with a bullet that DOESNT insta-kill causes the weapon/players/AI's arms to jerk up to an almost 90° angle (definetly indirecthit AND/OR initspeed causes this) 3. Some People shooting way faster than the gun usually allows (autofire + reloadtime=0.001 maybe?) 4. People shooting their weapons infinitely (count= changed? scripts maybe?) 5. People shooting, bullet holes the size of a plate from a 7.62 round and dust kicking up 6 stories high, whereas my dust only kicks up 1-2 feet and only leaves a opaque, penny sized bullet hole (hit + initspeed changed?) Now, I'll go ahead and answer these questions for you: Sidenote: the person causing the problems aka hacker, will be have the suffix "in question" from now on. Sidenote2: earlier hours ago, I got a note from a guy on my email ADMITTING they (one of the owning clans of one of the servers) INDEED know and use PBO editing, and got "signed addons" enabled, which means they got their own hax running legitimately (which is BS). I am not to mention the names of the 3 people I talked/texted to, but I am permitted to write this down, as long as nobody can be linked to anything. No witnesses, no names. 1.+1b. Bothe are most likely changed hit and/or added/changed "indirecthit" and ...range causes exactly that; also causes 4., bullet holes the size of a plate (at least 8 inches in diameter), and slightly increases "dust-production" when hitting ground. Force somebody you suspect to shoot the ground or a tree/building, then check the hole out: when shot from everything but a .50 cal, everyhole bigger than app. 0.8 - 1.5 inches should be checked into. 2. Yeah, the setting called "initspeed" causes this; inside the games core files, it is put onto the magazines (if the weapon doesnt have one of these values, but it overrides the weapons initspeed I THINK!) and determines the bullets "launch speed". BUT, when CHANGING OR OTHERWISE FIDDLING WITH IT, and then shooting somebody, even a small difference causes the hit person (AI or player) to jerk his arms up into the air. Initspeed also affects the damage, since damage should decrease over distance due to the loss of speed - cranking up the speed causes the bullet to retain it's full damage longer AND even have a magnified damaging effect. 3. + 4. Definetly "reloadtime" with "autofire=1" (if chosen firingmode not equals "fully automatic"); reloadtime is not the MAGAZINES reload time (seperate setting for that) but the weapons "CYCLIC RATE". 0.001 would cause a serious minigun-like behaviour. Not running outta ammo is either some scripting stuff (which I don't know about, yet) or changed "count" in the magazine. Change it, and you hold more rounds. But you better hope nobody from the enemy team kills you and then robs your corpse, they will get YOUR magazines, with XXX rounds (you changed it to). 5. Hit, indirecthit and initspeed, or even either one of these values causes that. Max. size of bullet hole is hardcoded, but you shouldn't leave dinnerplate-sized holes from everything but a 20mm or 30mm cannon - leaving them holes from shooting a 7.62 is messed up. Now towards the "invisibilty" of those I have some bad news for you measly hackers and good news for all of us "normal players": 1-5 are ALL NOT LOCALLY executed, and everybody can see the results, esp. the bullet holes and the 1-shot-kills from 4 miles away (the shot from the shooter in question hiting instantly, very high initspeed), so it is fairly EASY to ID who is doing that shit, esp. when somebody shoots 2 rounds and a building goes down in smoke or a series of trees fall over. I am not butthurt because I was killed a few times while playing, au contraire mes amis; I played on MANY servers so far, for the time ever since Arma2 was released in the US. It is more because I get either the explanation that these guys are "gods in this game" or it is "some glitch" and "they didn't see that", didnt see that my arse, I was standing right here looking at it happening!!! It is so obvious, since I (and some others) watched the people in question (sitting LITERALLY next to them and even ASKING THEM OUT about it, with a response like "I'm an experienced player thats all"), them shooting from distances WAY out of r.o.e. and they STILL hit everything in 1-2 shots - such people having 900 kills and 3 deaths, kinda weird. Everyone else is under 200 or slightly over 200, even until map finishes. Now comes the fun Part; isnt there a way to report such servers to somebody to stop that lunacy? Even if the clan members and owners are the problem-makers? I never had these problems on most other servers, which have signed addons or "no mods allowed", but some servers seem to be populated with admins/owners/members that dont give a single **** (censored that word myself, so you know) and neither have the balls nor the honesty to say "We have these mods that change that". Cause they want to have the fun, and of course don't allow anybody else to do the same; What would you do, if you were there, found some friends, and want them to come with you, but they refuse coz they like the map and the ping (ping is a bad excuse, but when you want fluid gameplay and want to snipe a lot you need a good ping) and theres just to many others playing there that also don't wanna leave? And especially, WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT THAT? PPS: I know about all these things damn well since OFP got mod-tools released/developed, but I NEVER EVER play online, only when I host a LAN-Session to play some warfare against myself and I want to make a quick "runthrough" of the campaigns or missions. Tghe mod-folders and -mod switches allow for a quick and unbloody change without you loosing your mods. So heres to all you maybe-cheaters: when and if you can't play the gamne without hacks, GTFO. IF you can play without them, just take them off as soon as you join MP, k? PPPS: My weird name, yeah, that name was just randomly picked; I'm not demented (slightly maybe, k?), but surely I'm a fool, if I can be convinced so easily to stay/come back on haxering servers, and then bitch about it. PPPPS: Why not a battleye ban for haxer servers? Yeah I know, people can do whatever they want, with their own property. kThxbai
  7. DementedFool117

    Team Kill punishment [script]

    Hm, does this script take in account that "Friendly fire incidents" may also happen and it was a mistake? As in Evolution, where you have for example 5 kills, and then, just as you fired the last shot, the town clears and the guy shot was considered Prisoner -> instant Jail for you, since you got -30 points (killing unarmed men and officer costs points), although you couldn't do anything about it. The better solution against Teamkillers is having an admin instant-ban every teamkiller, like I do, since sometimes it happens too frequent, and you are not supposed to look somebody in the face and shoot him in said face after 5 seconds; do that in real life (shoot a real person) and you get either the syringe (death penalty), firing squad (as in china still today) or the chair or hanging (Arabic countries). I'm not a hypocrite, I play arma (and OFP1) since they came out (with OFP that was 2001), well over 10 Years, and played other games before, and NEVER EVER did something stupid just to piss people off. We would have Teamkill parties and other funny hijinx when the maps cleared, sure, but I never looked somebody in the eye and straight up shot them just because they were near me, like most of them Kids nowadays do. Teamkilling somebody because the are there is like beating or killing a guy just because he exists, it's the lowest form of "interaction" one can do, and should be punished by instantly banning them; there is a difference with people accidentialy killing another one, but there is a difference between getting shot at spawn/in base or in combat (by accident), I only warn those who do it by accident and they apologize to each other and it's cool, but when I spectate on somebody and see that he kills a person just to kill someone, instant ban. No doucheyness from me, that is just how I see it; you being an retardo (by shooting somebody without a damn reason), get the hell out of here and never come back.
  8. Answer to the second one: yes it is possible, by either waypoints (INACCURATE and delayed/interceptable/not very reliable) or scripts with "Move", "Target", "setCombatmode" and other commands, but this is very tricky and I don't even dare to try to explain, since it is, well, very complicated if you want sophisticated measures to be taken by the AI. Also, scriptlag and general AI behaviour MAY cause glitchyness and may not work a 100% perfect (as in most maps and scripts out there), but it is entirely possible by either triggers or looped scripts with several requirements to advance to the next "stage" of the script. Best tear one of the Zeus_AI scripts apart and some of the Insurgency (or other Maps with deep AI-Scripting) to see how they get the AI to move and do all kinds of hijinx.
  9. DementedFool117

    "Tab" targeting issues

    Actually, I played Lock on:FC and DCS:A10 and DCS:Black Shark, and that's where I got that idea with a "more manual" locking system from; you know, slewing a reticle over some targets in the A10 to target a group of enemies WITHOUT having the ability to manual-lock would be so friggin nice! I think some overly (or at least MORE MANUAL!) locking system would make all the noobs back off (right now, everbody who joins screams "I GRAB A PLANE AND BOMB!", and we get a lot of Friendly fire incidents from random bombing), since they'd have to WORK to target something. As I also said, a more complicated system may screw up the AI and make them either useless or godlike, if the new system affects ONLY human players, the AI would still be able to target what they want with no problems, so it (the targeting system) would still be only prolonging the targeting for the players, and may be very useful in PvP, but when it comes to the AI, they will still probably shoot you from 7km away.
  10. DementedFool117

    "Tab" targeting issues

    I've ALWAYS wanted to have a more realistic targeting system; I dont know if any of you have watched some of those "Hellfire vs Insurgent"-like Videos, but I think some sort of "manual lock on" would be neat; you know, target ANYTHING, even a flat piece of terrain, and hit it with a missile; Don't get me wrong, I don't like the TAB-thing either, but it is neat when you are not the one getting hit, but are the one shooting an AI/Player plane from 6km away. Targetting systems are very hard to realize in a game that includes sooo many different ways of fighting, also, I think having an AI Gunner pretty much makes a more complicated targeting system useless, since its either that A) You (or your gunner that is) wont target ANYTHING because the AI's are stupid enough already, how are they supposed to operate a targeting system, my AI won't even hardly shoot their Rifles, and hit something! Or B) the AI gunner gets uber-accurate, and will target even MORE things even FASTER, which would require complicated scripts/variables to determine WHEN to SHOOT at WHAT. Esp. in the A-10 or SU25 I'd loved to see a targeting system like the Su-25 Shkval or the optical System used by the A-10, so you could actually slew a targetting reticle/device over a target an lock it manually, which would require the player having to "work" to target something. So basically, it is sadly best the way it is; you would either screw up the AI's and make it more complicated for PvP, or make the AI godlike when using a more accurate and complicated system. Verrrrrrry complicated topic, that targeting stuff.
  11. Thanks Myke; yeah, just as I suspected, its mostly a hardware problem; I also asked because planned on hosting a own Server for a couple of my buddies every now and then (you know, some weekend carnage or something), nothing 24/7, but seeing the lag on all these underpowered machines, I'd have to spend a fortune to get a decent new PC to use as a server.
  12. Ok, I've already posted something SIMMILAR but not exactly same, about my concerns with the Free Version; First of all I play on a couple Servers that are populated by alot of Players with Arma 2 Free lately; not saying Arma 2 Free is messed up (PBO and coding-wise), but it started JUST with Arma 2 Free coming out. I could play Arrowhead btw, but nobody plays it besides the "All Tactical, no fun at all"-Types, and sure, I want to play tactical, true, but if you get kicked/penaltized for leaving formations/not staying behind squadleaders and stuff, or picking the wrong loadout, that's no fun. The maps played are Warfare, Evo and Domination, and CTF, and others, and the lag has pretty much ever been in the game, ever since I first got the game (me and a Friend were the first ones who got the game and already made a MP map at Day 1, European Release Date, so I play this game kinda long), but all of a sudden the LAG is just getting extreme? I'm getting a steady 45 Frames. The Servers I play on are private and (from those 3 I know of) a cheap quadcore, a Dual Core and a Single Core, Mhz strength I dunno, but the Servers are all still pretty much "undersized", only the Quadcore one ran a bit smoother, but it's gone for 3 days straight now. My Question is (I'm also asking myself): Will an "undersized" Server cause that Lag which makes the Game unplayable when the Server is almost full (30/40 People playing)? When only 6 People play, it (IT meaning the SERVER) seems to run perfectly stable, with only minor lag. Logic says: I may be wrong, but isn't it that even though the Server is not actually "playing the game", it is still "running the game" or "simulating" the game, and therefore NONETHELESS HAS to match the REQUIREMENTS to play stable and steady??? So, I am just "thinking" (in I fear that I am right about it) if I were to get a old P3 with 2 gigs of Ram, and would manage to install Arma 2 on it and host a dedicated server, it would be the same outcome, and as soon as there is "much action" on the Server, it will lag too. I played on a friends Server too, that had a neat quadcore and loads of Ram (16GB or more), and never gotten any lag, sadly, that Server was just up for a Week. Also, my computer system is strong enuff to handle Arma 2 or Arrowhead, so dont worry, I played Crysis too, HAHA, so it is NOT my system, because everybody starts screaming "LAG!" when the lag strikes.
  13. DementedFool117

    VERY URGENT: Arma 2 Free people unbanable

    REDO means, when I install a new patch, I delete my old mods/backup as "Mods for Version XXX" for example (so I know which version they belong to) and then start over from scratch: Unpack the patched PBO's, check WHAT has been changed/added/removed, and try to remember WHAT I need to change, since I change only minor things (Characters.pbo-> HUD Icons changed, for example, or Weapons.pbo-> sounds of certain weapons swapped), and then include/change it in my own Mod's config.cpp/bin. I make my own addons (mostly for Singleplayer/Coop/Fun servers), but it is too much of a headache for me, at least when I try to change TOO many things, even though I know alot about addon making; I just learned that from different games (Arma included), that when you make a mod, and then just re-use it without checking, if what you did to the mod conflicts with the original vanilla game, you get those and even worse errors. "Could've fooled me, what with all the "anyone saying that is untrue is a liar / Bohemia (and Bethesda?) messed things up" talk, but kudos on the 180° turn." Yes, sorry mates. As I said, these words are mostly from the server I play on, and I get this exactly whining in my ears all the time "Ahhh, Bohemia messed something up there", bla bla bla, NOT entirely my words at all and not my own experience. Also, I play "The Elder Scrolls" ever since TES:Arena, an just confused Bohemia an BETHESDA for no reason, dunno what rode me there ??? I should've wrote "I just wan't to make sure that I'm being told about these errors (a lot of which I've seen come up during gameplay on these servers), that it is either the Game or the Server", but now you people have made it clear and opened my eyes: Arrowhead is not who is to blame, but I'd rather not explain WHO is to blame too much. In case the right person reads this, I'll end up in a word of trouble; not that I'm afraid of anybody, just, you know, talking and explaining that THEY DID SOMETHING wrong, to some people, is like beating on a dead horse: I get yelled at, cursed at, and I'll be told I'm an idiot and don't know shit. Yes. Right: time to rethink about a server change.
  14. DementedFool117

    VERY URGENT: Arma 2 Free people unbanable

    Ok, I do apologize for making this look like a rant-thread, it is not. I'm not the hoster btw., and good luck telling him. My game is installed clean, everytime. Had to reinstall 3x because of HDD crash. NOW: I don't have a up-to-date rpt. Sadly. On the plus side, nobody'd be able to tell where "no entry config.bin: ." belongs to, really. I seen some vehicles like the British APC (forgot the name, the one with the 40mm bofors) had multiple entries "no entry config.bin: scope." and a couple others (scope, viewpoint and some others). I redo my mods (when I use them, rarely) from fresh PBO's, meaning it takes me 2h each time a new update comes out to just redo my files SO THERE ARE NO ERRORS IN IT. Some person in our server does the same, but KEEPS the old files, and doesnt realize, that something changed in the config.bins. So are the files on the server, patched but still messed up. NOW after ya'll told me that it has to be my end, it has to be the SERVER HOSTS end. As I said, when you patch your game, you check if your mods are compatible to it, right? Well, ever since we got Arrowhead, we cant hear certain weapons on the server - that's right, Server got modified weapon files, and they are f*cked up. I (and ALL the others, even random new players) can't hear the SCARS, the ZSU-23 static aa gun, and some more weapons, like the M4AIM and way more. I'm getting into deep trouble for saying this, but the Host doesnt know jackshit about nothing, yet thinks he knows it all and edits Pbo's, takes entries out of the pbo's. Tha's rite, deleting classes out of the pbo's,..., repacking, done, that is what HE DOES; NOT ME!!!! I'm the editing veteran, as I said, and my mods work, oh they do. So do my scripts :) That just aside. Playing on other servers, no probs. As I just now played on another server, no Problems indeed. When I place a ZSU-23 in the Editor, it works just fine, and since even joeblow off the street has the problem with not hearing certain weapon sounds and vehicles and other weirdnesses.... I hate to blame, but host's files are f*cked up. Yes, my files AND installation are clean, as I wrote, patching and everything goes fine, then I delete my old mods and restart from scratch, fresh files, no errors FOR me, all standard routine. I just wrote this because of the host making those claims, and yelling at me because "Arrowhead sucks" --but I know, it sounded like I was talking about my own experience - when I play on the other servers, indeed, no problems. But on this particular one... telling some1 that you just can't delete stuff out of the configs or use old mods that override the new patched files... is like talking to a brick wall. Arrowhead rocks imho. AGAIN: I was speaking for the whole Server, mostly host; while my game, meh, when I play elsweyr (meaning on other servers), no Errors, never. The "Arma 2 OA slapped together" was a statement of the other guy. I only agree because of the errors that I've seen on that server. But now, I think it must be him. Ah well, you all got my point, and I'll get in trouble for writing all this. I was wrong, and I shall be playing on our server with them errors, as long as that guy doesnt rethink and properly patch and leave the pbo's ALONE!
  15. DementedFool117

    VERY URGENT: Arma 2 Free people unbanable

    As I've expected, people are not listening. NO MODS USED. Multiple people get this, strangely only some people other than those playing on our Servers. The Game installed right (of course), nothing effing corrupt, you non-listeners; you people can claim what you want, Bethesda messed up the implementation of certain things when they slapped Arrowhead together. Furthermore, nobody reported most of the errors we get, so eff it, we will walk it off; and when Arma3 comes, we will wait 3 years before we finally buy it. That way, it hopefully 's patched enuff so it's error-message-free.
  16. DementedFool117

    VERY URGENT: Arma 2 Free people unbanable

    As I said, mostly "entry config.bin: scope" or other errors; most of the errors dont actually show WHAT is wrong at WHICH file/spot/whatever, so there aint much that can be done. When you cant tell WHERE the error comes from. I guess nobody reported this, and since it has been an issue since Arrohead came out (and we all bought it) nobody seemed to care about it, and i doubt it has been reported. I just don't know anymore, they don't seem to have given up on patching the game, but they patch things I and all of our clan NEVER heard of and never had any issues with, really, it is called "patching the wrong things". I stay at my point: Arma 2 combined ops (Arrowhead + Arma 2) suffers some badly implemented config.bin references, and since you cannot tell WHICH files it exactly are (only the AV8B harrier and the AK107 error you can tell where they must be coming from/caused by) that are messed up, I just dont know what to do, anymore. One error is about the "error .bin" and something about the av8b "hud". Only happens when you try to use an harrier in Arrowhead (Multiplayer). 1.59 has less errors than 1.60 too.
  17. DementedFool117

    VERY URGENT: Arma 2 Free people unbanable

    Thank you dwarden, sadly we shut our Arrowhead servers down because of nobody playing but us 2-3 at the same time. And yes. Arrowhead is a lot better, weren't there so many config errors in the pbo's. We counted about 20 different errors related to weapon and vehicle cfgs. AV8B, AK107, some Arrowhead vehicles,etc. Lots of them are "no entry config.bin: ." or similar, happens when you get in certain vehicles, or grab certain (vanilla) Weapons. No mods installed, just gameplay without anything. There seems to be a lot of problems with the inclusion of Arma2 Vanilla PBO's and Arrowhead pbo's. They (Bohemia) messed up the compability at some point, so as long as you ONLY use Arrowhead stuff, you only get errors related to the base classes defined in "Common", i think it is. Arrowhead needs to be rewritten, at least a little bit, so it includes the base classes of certain vehicle and other pbo's (which, afaik, are stored in "common"). Yes. I know a lot about scripting and editing PBO's (veteran since OFP), and NEVER had that happen in any game or my mods, UNLESS I had some errors in the config.bin's or CPP's. Strangely, there seems to be scarce info about these errors, since most people seem to use only certain equipment, as the errors dont involve ALL pbo's. Mostly the tracked vehicles and weapon pbo/config.bin's seem to be "included" badly into Arrowhead. Anyone saying "That is untrue" is a liar, Arrowhead has alot of errors related to config.bin's, even in the newest patch, which was the reason for us to downgrade to 1.59 + 1.10 again, arrowhead/vanilla-wise.
  18. DementedFool117

    Can't hear guns since OA?

    Yeah, true that. It's just that the Admin and alot of others tried to figure this out, and since I'm a regular and they trusted me, he send me some files he changed and we decided to do all kinds of things to find out what the Hell's wrong, since it's mostly (or all the time) the Admin of the Server that has this problem. My guesses are (all of them denied by Admin): -Wrong Magazines in Guns: If you hack guns to use mag's or ammo that isn't supposed to be used, the exact effect is: No shooting Sound Effect, but Bullets still come out, visible for Everybody -Changed Firing Modes: Putting a "custom" firing Mode on Guns does the same Effect, but not all the time. E.g. on the Scar H M203, the Grenadelauncher plays a Sound, while "Full-Auto" doesn't when I play on that Server. -Allegedly the Initspeed would do crazy stuff, but unlikely, other than no visible Tracers and (on bullet impact) dust throwing up 20 feet in the air, there's no side effect. What I got so far: -No answers or no response or even angry answers to the question: Why is it that (for said person) the guns with M203's sound and shoot like AGS-30's? -Just looking at some of the files (I'm not good with pbo's, but I rule on SQF) has some weirdness, like changed initspeeds and hit and weird (Scope) Optic's Settings -Server (well not server, more like a hosted Session) is down alot, and when it's up, some people connect, see some1 shooting 4-6 M136 AT4's in a row, that also track their targets and always destroy even T-90's, see Admin 1st in the list with 0 deaths and 300 points, and leave. Lol. Talking about "playing a game". Sadly, there's not enough servers that support unsigned mods! Coz I made a soundmod taking effects and settings from all the major Soundmods, which I exclusively use for myself, you won't find it ANYWHERE if you look. I can't play with vanilla sounds anymore, for example, just listen to the GAU8, or the M16 vanilla sounds: The M16 sounds like some1 beating 2 plastic sticks together. The GAU8 sounds like a WW1-WW2 machinegun. So, yeah, thats that.
  19. Hey; Men, we're having a big problem with people running into crossfire and stuff all the time; the problems come in a big variety but always end up with people getting teamkilled by accident: Some weapons (mostly ArmA2 Vanilla weapons, not OA guns) that get used in OA, like the M4AimSD with m203 do NO FIRING SOUNDS; the person that uses this gun also does some crazy editing to the guns, so it may or may not be a screwup there. I tested, by putting a magazine that the SHOULD NOT USE (like putting 30rnd Stanag on the AK74), and that produced the same effect in MP: nobody heard my gun, but me. But here comes the randomness: Even different guns don't work, even enemy guns won't make a sound for him. Some guns like the Scar H M203 randomly "make sounds" for some people, then they the next day, they are "silent" again. The ZU-23 never makes a damn firing sound either, but sends you flying when it hits dead on. My guess is, and I can hear people cussing me out already, that OA isn't that well made: For example "Common/weapons.pbo" is supposed to "contain the base defs for weapons" (sorry for my weird explanations, I got everything in my mind, but it won't come out the way I want it to read), which makes sense; but something MUST have happened when they made those "LITE" pbo's (which 90% of the "/Common/" files are), since as soon as we jump on Arma2 Vanilla, all the guns and stuff work right, regarding the sound effects. But ALL THE ENEMIES GUNS play sounds, as long as an enemy shoots them. So, wth?
  20. DementedFool117

    Can't hear guns since OA?

    Nononono, not what I said: I said that to test, I edited my files for the AK to use STANAGS, and put it back after that, with the effect: standard rounds: sound plays OR not (randomly, each session, sometimes it works, sometimes not). "Wrong" (or "hacked" Ammo): no sound effect plays for other players. But ye, something might be wrong or hacked with the server files if it is that random and (for some people) all the time...
  21. DementedFool117

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Well, most likely people already said it, but here I go: 1. Camo like in OFP (2001); hide in a Bush, wearing a ghilliesuit, and enemy AI's walk right past you without noticing; but since Arma 1, the (especially) enemy "spotability" just went from realistic to "X-Ray-FullBright-Thermal-Hawkeye-Vision". While the enemy see's you even when wearing a ghilliesuit and lying in tall grass, you own friendly AI's never shoot somebody unless they are in range to beat them to death with a stick. :-/ 2. AI's like in OFP: AI's where actually moving, but since Arma1 and even worse Arma2, they hesitate to even walk 5 steps before lying down, screaming "MOVING", and eventually get shot after 5 seconds. And why are only the enemy AI's shooting, but the friendlies never kill anything?
  22. DementedFool117

    Identifying in-game admin hijacking

    Well I partially decyphered how they do it, since I wrote an Admin Tool with a Dropdown Box that allows to add eventhandlers and do other crazy stuff to players (BAD players that HACK or TEAMKILL, no honest players are affected) to constantly kill them, open their maps (forcemap) and disable their input, make them fly, attach them to somebody else's vehicle, etc.; It is simple: They don't use Admin commands, they just use compile and publicvariable and (maybe, mine is different :D) exec. Solution: get somebody on with their own "Tool" and as soon as some weirdness starts going on, freeze them up. They need to restart their game, since there's no counter (unless they loop a script in the bg which sets disableuserinput false on themselfes) and that gives enough time to ban. But then again, the best way'd be, shoot them in the head.
  23. DementedFool117

    Backpacks being anal?

    Yeah I noticed that too, put "canCarryBackpack" or so it is called on most my units, but that requires changing the pbos, nothing you can simply use on every server then, heh. Also: in Insurgency, all the backpacks but 3-4 are empty. That is because them fools put something like the "Base"-Class in, and those only have the attributes like "transportammo" or so, but not the actual loadout in them. Pretty gnarly when you dont know that and end up in a firefight with an empty pack.
  24. Hey there; Me and my Bud at our Server (or his coz he owns it, I just grunty Co-Admin) have a loooot of problems with guys coming in, not reading the (clear) info on our Server Notes; it TELLS everybody that it is a ranked Server, yet they take off to get in all the Vehicles, then get in the gunner seat coz they can't drive/fly, and then shoot like Madmen, esp. at other players/vehicles and even me. Also they like to set Mines/Satchels all over the Place. It is a Dedicated Server, and Co-Admins don't have access to the Banlist, and it SUUUUCKS when it is early or late in the night and the Server Owner with FULL Access isn't around, neither is Banning enabled for the "normal" Co-Admins and we only can quickly login, kick, and then logout again to avoid being hijacked (thx to that f*cking Darky Hack and it's Admin-Hijack.) Yes, we have addons enabled, so we can use our, ahem, "tools" to teach them (TK'ers, Cheaters, etc.) a Lesson, but also can these other ppl use their stuff. We have a loooot of regulars on all the time, and it suuuucks *ss when they/we can't even get points coz we have to babysit the all the time; kicking the People don't work, they just change their name, and come back (with the same UID though, lmao). Now we made this neat little script we extracted out of some "File" (which I WON'T mention!) which allows to execute a Freeze-Script (I WROTE MESELF) on said People by typing in their name, WORKS LIKE A CHARM! Almost exactly like the Banana-Phone, but ANYTIME we need it, and on ANY Person, even if they get some + Points b4 they start doing sh*t (getting Plus-Points before killing Friendlies avoids the Banana-Phone, as long as there's + Points) . I got this Idea up because: Freezing them Forces them to Alt+F4, and reboot the Game, and THAT takes longer than just, ya know, quit, change name (or fake UID if they can) and come back. But; It requires to put in the players name, to run the script! And that can SUCK at times, when you can't grab hold of them fast enough, then they just set a Satchel/Mine and BOOM the Base is/will be gone, or they get in Vehicles and shoot the P*ss out of me/others when I investigate what's going on in the Base. Also, the Owner is off half the time (he has a life, unlike me it seems :D), and I'm all alone there. Ban-Option is DISABLED in the Game options to KEEP the People who know the pass (like me and 2 others) from banning the wrong People by accident (yes, lots of Lag+ one Bad Mouse = click on wrong Names, happens too easily). Now. How to run the Damn thing by just creating a Dialog Window with either Drop-Down Option or a Playerlist like in the EVO-Assign-Menu, where you could click on their name, then on Freeze/Unfreeze (Yes we have an Unfreeze Button since we arent complete assholes)? We use a Self-Made Tool similar to those Viewdistance-Tools that you can get, but waaay more complicated now, with multiple Pages on them, and stuff. Looking in the EVO/Warfare-Maps themselfes don't help a bit, since it is coded in like 20 different Files, and also seems to use the codes that were made by bohemia and are buried someplace else. And yes I can code a bit (lmao I used the almost same Tool ever since we went from Arma1 to Arma2 and now Arrowhead, rewrote it about 90 times now), but I had to use like 5 different pre-made Thingies to make our own, private thingy, but can't figure out the User-List thingy. Important note: This in NOT for hacking anybody elses Server (but, I already hear the Trolls screaming 'YES YOU ARE, HACKING US'!, well what do you know, gtfo kids), since we have our own (Server), and don't like the others (Servers), no offense. I don't want to give out too much info on what we got running, in case some1 at these infamous Cheater-Sites (yes they still haven't given up ruining the game, though these queers are more over CoD/BF it seems) or similar reads this; thx anyways, I appreciate. NVM, forget about it, I figured it out. Pretty easy though. Just copypaste-ing from the EVO Core.sqf.