Thanks for the info, it helped me alot. :)
As for my second question, I decided to make unusable dummyweapons and adding them to the unit. Since I need the possibility to stuff those Items into a vehicles cargo, I need to be able to actually equip them, although "modes={}" keeps them unusable but selectable - yay!
I also tried the modes={} with my grenade derived attempt (forgot to mention I redefined the throw weapon to take the kit as magazine) but this led to a strange bug, where everytime I dropped something, be it a weapon or a mag, the Kits got dropped too alltogether and I couldn't pick them up again... :confused:
I try to avoid addAction like a pest, since this ridiulously high action radius is driving me nuts, so I allready redefine cfgvehicles where additional actions are unavoidable but try to keep them as few as possible.
Anyway. 2 Problems solved, a truckload more left to go for... :rolleyes: