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About Miburec

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  1. Miburec

    2 questions about magazines config

    I know, that's why i was able to throw the medikits like grenades (in my second attempt mentioned in the frist post)... Sry for the confusion, but after a long time without ofp scripting I rarely understand what I do, while some obscure part of my memory still knows what needs to be done ;)
  2. Miburec

    2 questions about magazines config

    Thanks for the info, it helped me alot. :) As for my second question, I decided to make unusable dummyweapons and adding them to the unit. Since I need the possibility to stuff those Items into a vehicles cargo, I need to be able to actually equip them, although "modes={}" keeps them unusable but selectable - yay! I also tried the modes={} with my grenade derived attempt (forgot to mention I redefined the throw weapon to take the kit as magazine) but this led to a strange bug, where everytime I dropped something, be it a weapon or a mag, the Kits got dropped too alltogether and I couldn't pick them up again... :confused: I try to avoid addAction like a pest, since this ridiulously high action radius is driving me nuts, so I allready redefine cfgvehicles where additional actions are unavoidable but try to keep them as few as possible. Anyway. 2 Problems solved, a truckload more left to go for... :rolleyes:
  3. After a few years without OFP. I'm completely out of practice concerning scripts and configs, so the first question is quite "noobish". But I wasn't able to find any clue about it - neither here nor in the depths of the world wide web. How can I define wether a magazine takes up a primary mag slot or a pistol mag slot? The second question is a bit more specific and might sound a bit odd: How can I define a "weaponless" magazine like grenades or stachels, while making them completely useless? Let me explain: I need those mags as "consumables", like firstaid kits, but they must not have any actual funktionality. My first approach was to make them simply a subclass of an allready existing magazine (M16 in this case). Since the weapon selection is quite restricted in my mission, I was perfectly fine with firstaid kits you could theoretically stuff into a M16 and unleash a band-aid hell upon an enemy - since there is simply not a single M16 in my mission to do so. The problem is that you cannot pick up magazines (from dead soldiers/crates/vehicle cargo) if you don't have the weapon which uses them. My second approach was to derive them from grenades. But after that i was able select them as a weapon and throw them (band-aid hell on a diet, so to speak, since they did not explode). Now I came up with two Ideas: The first was to derive them from stachel charges, since the "put" weapon is (like "throw" for grenades) allready available for soldiers. But i fear it leaves me with two problems: First of all the typical "put" porpably appears in the action list, which is quite annoying. The second is that stachel charges appear as a weapon in the upper left info box if the unit has no other weapon in its inventory. My second idea was to create a dummy weapon with "weaponType = WeaponNoSlot" to prevent it from beeing equiped or used somehow. But again I fear that the mag is displayed as a weapon, if no other weapon is available (like the stachel charge). Perhaps someone has an idea how to get around those issues.