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About PhillInterinactive

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    Web Designer
  1. PhillInterinactive

    CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

    Really? Cmon... there's no need for that.
  2. PhillInterinactive

    CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

    I know it's not as good, but compared to what the next one will be, it's going to seem a lot better in a lot of peoples eyes. GRAW2 was especially bad as the AI didn't seem to do much but stand around acting as bullet cushions. I actually played all original games as a kid and loved every minute of every one of them. They were hard but I just kept trying and I became very good, something that is never encouraged now as people need to be instantly gratified. I don't think we'll ever see that type of game again from a AAA publisher/developer, especially not Ubisoft anyway
  3. PhillInterinactive

    CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

    I'd love to see them making platform specific versions like with GRAW. If the differences in those games aren't a direct admission that console games need to be dumbed down I don't know what would be. It's a shame the next in the series is going to be one-game-fits-all :(
  4. PhillInterinactive

    CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

    While I may be a little bias towards ARMA, since liking games with depth and substance is a problem I have, I can't help but feel they use people such as myself to project their anger across to. For example, the points that were being made unrelated to my review and the tangents some members went off on as if I were debating any of it seemed a bit strange. There's just too many things you cannot do without automatically being labelled as an elitist. I compare a bad game to a good game, whereas they interpret it as me comparing a PC game to a console game, always elevating the PC version simply because it's on the PC. On forums such as that one the hardest part is not being able to tell if you're talking to an 11 year old or an adult, and if they even know what they're arguing about. "I haven't played Cold War Crisis ---- but here's my uninformed opinion regardless". Anyway. I don't consider myself to be a professional writer, just somebody who writes about what he experiences based on two decades of gaming.
  5. PhillInterinactive

    CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

    lol, that's on the last level right? Unless it was in other places too. But hey, they count on the majority of gamers to be 8 feet away on their couches so they won't notice ;)
  6. PhillInterinactive

    CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

    This isn't just a topic about Operation Flashpoint, it does have a point. I wrote a (what might seem long!) review over the past few nights for my experiences with Red River. I just wanted to say, despite my bitching and complaining over the years, I have developed a massive appreciation for every ARMA game after experiencing clone after clone, with games that continuously only seem to get dumber... which is basically the feeling I have for the last two Flashpoint games. What's great in the instance of ARMA/Flashpoint, is that for once we get to see two franchises side by side, one catering to what the game started out as with the other trying to appeal to new audiences, the latter failing to evolve in any way shape or form. A buggy game can change and be fixed. A game terrible to it's core cannot. I know which I'd rather. Thanks, and keep up the good work