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count how many times a function is called
jakkob4682 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
i want to count how many times a function has been fired using a global variable, then when that condition is met I need to call another function. Do I need to set a variable to true when the count is equal to the set amount or can I use waitUntil{myVariable = _myVariable}? myVariable = 0; while{true} do { if(_params call my_fnc)then { myVariable = myVariable + 1; }; waitUntil{myVariable == 3}; _params call new_fnc; }; true is that how I should I write it? -
Help with spawning groups from arrays inside a parent array
jakkob4682 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
So I'll share what I have so far. Be brutally honest with me if there's something I'm not doing/should(n't) be doing. It's incomplete currently. What I'm trying to do is create a defensive group and patrol group for each position in an array. The groups are going to be spawned in the same function. The patrol group is going to be a qrf group. So the question is how do I create unique group names inside a for-from loop. As always thanks for any advice/tips/criticism. Code is in the spoiler. It's incomplete atm. -
Help with spawning groups from arrays inside a parent array
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
never seen hash marks used with the _x variable. What does that do? Nevermind, after looking it up I see. Just a lot of new scripting commands that I'm becoming aware of. Thanks Pierre -
Help with spawning groups from arrays inside a parent array
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
So this is what I'm using right now and it seems to be working fine. @pierrmgi Its because if I am trying to be less redundant so I don 't have to type the params for the spawnGroup function repeatedly. Again, thanks for the advice/tips -
Help with spawning groups from arrays inside a parent array
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I'm just spawning them in the BI function so, private _grp = createGroup [east, true]; //spawn units etc. private _grp = _params call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup? could I use missionNameSpace as well? I'm trying to figure how I'd reference each group separately since one is going to be defending and one is patrolling I can't call the defend/patrol functions inside the same loop can I? -
params ["_center"]; _towns = nearestLocations [getPos _center,["nameCity","nameVillage","nameLocal"],10000]; _markerArray = []; _buildingArray = []; _grp = grpNull; _randomTown = { params ["_list"]; _idx = selectRandom _list; _pos = locationPosition _idx; _mrk = createMarker [text _idx,_pos]; _mrk setMarkerShape "Ellipse"; _mrk setMarkerSize size _idx; _mrk setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _mrk }; _randomBuilding = { params ["_pos"]; _buildings = nearestObjects [_pos,["House","Building"],300]; _building = selectRandom _buildings; _buildingPos = getPosASL _building; _mrk = createMarker [str(_buildingPos),_buildingPos]; _mrk setMarkerShape "Ellipse"; _mrk setMarkerSize [10,10]; _mrk setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; _buildingPos }; RydHQ_obj1 = [_towns] call _randomTown; RydHQ_Obj2 = [_towns] call _randomTown; RydHQ_Obj3 = [_towns] call _randomTown; RydHQ_Obj4 = [_towns] call _randomTown; {_markerArray pushBack _x}forEach [RydHQ_Obj2,RydHQ_Obj3,RydHQ_Obj4,RydHQ_obj1]; for "_i" from 1 to 5 do { { _buildingPos = [getMarkerPos _x] call _randomBuilding; _buildingArray pushBack _buildingPos; }forEach [RydHQ_Obj2,RydHQ_Obj3,RydHQ_Obj4,RydHQ_obj1]; }; {_grp = [_x,east,(configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "CUP_O_RU" >> "Infantry_Ratnik_Winter" >> "InfSentry")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup}forEach _buildingArray; {[_grp,_x,300,5,[],true] call lambs_wp_fnc_taskPatrol}forEach _buildingArray; true groups spawn as planned but can't figure out how to get the patrol function to fire for each group
So I have a function that creates a trigger dynamically, whats the best way to pass a local variable to the trigger? params ["_pos"]; _a = createTriggger ["EmptyDetector",_pos]; //settTriggerArea, activation, etc _buildings = nearestObjects [_pos,["House","Building"],350]; _building = _buildings select (count _buildings - 1); _bPos = getPosASL _builidng; how do I pass _bPos to a function within the triggerStatements?
No error in the .rpt but the waypoints aren't working for the infantry group thats spawned. If I go about it using assignAsCargo and orderGetIn it works fine but then I have an issue with the group not ejecting out of the vehicle. params ["_center","_radius"]; _LZArea = nearestLocations [_center,["FlatArea"],_radius]; _LZ_Zone = _LZArea select 0; _LZ_Pos = locationPosition _LZ_Zone; _LZ_Site = [_LZ_Pos,sideEmpty,(configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Empty" >> "Military" >> "HeliportsSmall" >> "SquareLZ")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _veh = "CUP_B_CH53E_USMC" createVehicle _LZ_Pos; createVehicleCrew _veh; _infGroups = [west,"CUP_B_USMC","Infantry_DES",[2,8]] call f_randomGrp; _infType = selectRandom _infGroups; _pos = (getPos _veh) findEmptyPosition [25,50,(typeof _veh)]; _grp = [_pos,west,(configFile>>"CfgGroups">>"WEST">>"CUP_B_USMC">>"Infantry_DES">>_infType)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _hWP = (group _veh) addWaypoint [getPos _veh,1,0]; _hWP setWaypointType "LOAD"; _hWp setWaypointStatements ["true",""]; _cargoWP = _grp addWaypoint [getPos _veh,10,0]; _cargoWP setWaypointType "GETIN"; _cargoWP setWaypointStatements ["true",""]; [(group _veh),0] synchronizeWaypoint [[_grp,0]]; [_veh,_grp] next function _qrf = [getPos player,3000] call f_spawnHeli; _veh = _qrf select 0; _grp = _qrf select 1; waitUntil{{_x in _veh} count units _grp == count units _grp}; _lz = (getPos player) findEmptyPosition [25,75,(typeOf _veh)]; _pad = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _lz; _wp2 = (group _veh) addWaypoint [getPos _pad,25,1]; _wp2 setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; _wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true",""]; _wp1 = _grp addWaypoint [getPos _pad,10,1]; _wp1 setWaypointType "GETOUT"; _wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true",""]; [(group _veh),1] synchronizeWaypoint [[_grp,1]]; true again if I don't use the waypoint system and use assignAsCargo and orderGetIn and then use action "eject" in this function they don't eject
need help with a couple functions
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
should I do this in the load waypoint or in a separate line? -
need help with a couple functions
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
waitUntil{{_x in _veh} count units _grp == count units _grp}; _lz = (getPos player) findEmptyPosition [10,50,(typeOf _veh)]; hint format ["%1",str _lz]; _pad = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _lz; _wp = _vGrp addWaypoint [_lz,50,1]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true",""]; waitUntil{_veh distance _lz < 200}; {_x action ["eject",_veh]}forEach units _grp; {unassignVehicle _x}forEach units _grp; {[_x] orderGetIn false}forEach units _grp; _veh land "LAND"; this is working now, I abandoned the waypoint system -
do waypoints operate in the same manner as triggers using list? i.e. can I use count thisList with a waypoint? Or do I need use a separate function to get enemy units within the waypoint radius?
I want to be able to use the waypoint to find any enemies within the waypoint radius sort them by type and prioritize them by most dangerous/importance. i.e. attack heli moves to position when they reach the area it creates a list of enemy units within the waypoint radius sorted by order of danger/importance and targets them by priority.' i know theres probably already a function/script for this but I'm trying to create my own and want to understand how it's done.
how to init functions from more than one parent folder?
jakkob4682 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I have a three parent folders that contain a handful of functions, what's considered best practices for initializing each category of functions? i.e. I have an ambient functions folder that contains a few functions, I have a support folder with a few functions, and I have another folder that has misc functions. How do I go about initializing these? Should I put them all in one primary folder and then preprocess them from them that way? or preprocess separately? -
how would I add random waypoints from an array of positions so each one is random? Do I need to create each one separately or can I just use a for from loop?
_f_randomLoc = { params ["_startingPos","_filter","_range"]; _array = nearestLocations [_startingPos,_filter,_range]; _randomLoc = selectRandom _array; _pos = locationPosition _randomLoc; _pos }; _a1 = []; _a2 = []; _a3 = []; _rPos1 = [getPos player,["nameVillage"],3000] call _f_randomLoc; _rPos2 = [_rPos1,["nameVillage"],1500] call _f_randomLoc; _rPos3 = [_rPos2,["nameVillage"],1500] call _f_randomLoc; {_a1 pushBack _x}forEach [_rPos1,_rPos2,_rPos3]; _hill1 = [_rPos3,["Hill"],3000] call _f_randomLoc; _hill2 = [_hill1,["Hill"],3000] call _f_randomLoc; {_a2 pushBack _x}forEach [_hill1,_hill2]; _Sp1 = [_hill2,["Hill"],3000] call _f_randomLoc; _Sp2 = [_Sp1,["Hill"],3000] call _f_randomLoc; {_a3 pushBack _x}forEach [_Sp1,_Sp2]; {_subset1 pushBack _x}forEach [_a1,_a2,_a3]; _checkpoints = []; _f_getCP = { params ["_pos","_range"]; _roads = _pos nearRoads 750; _road = selectRandom _roads; _cp = getPosASL _road; _cp }; _cp1 = [_rPos1,750] call _f_getCP; _cp2 = [_rPos2,750] call _f_getCP; _cp3 = [_rPos3,750] call _f_getCP; {_checkpoints pushBack _x}forEach [_cp1,_cp2,_cp3]; _f_addWP = { params ["_grp","_dest"]; _waypoints = waypoints _grp; _count = count _waypoints; _addWP = (_count + 1); _wp = _grp addWaypoint [_dest,250,_addWP]; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "YELLOW"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "Limited"; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp setWaypointTimeout [15,30,45]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true",""]; _wp }; _patrolPos1 = selectRandom _a1; _patrolPos2 = selectRandom _a2; _patrolPos3 = selectRandom _a3; _patrolPos4 = selectRandom _checkpoints; _wpPool = [_patrolPos1,_patrolPos2,_patrolPos3,_patrolPos4]; _nGrp = [(selectRandom _wpPool),west,(configFile>>"CfgGroups">>"WEST">>"rhs_faction_usmc_d">>"Infantry">>_nInfType)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; for "_i" from 1 to (count _wpPool) do { _wp = [_nGrp,(selectRandom _wpPool)] call _f_addWP; }; ??
not like using the addAction command but making an object interactive so for instance giving the ability to open a container/ plant a charge etc.
adding an action to an object
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thank you this is exactly what I was looking for Yeah after reading Beno's response that's what I was looking for now to implement it!! Thanks guys. -
adding an action to an object
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I want to enable object interaction. As in opening a container/placing an object etc where you hold a button down to complete the action and after so long the action is completed. If that makes sense. -
Two questions. Cargo capacity.... And check if group is loaded/unloaded.
jakkob4682 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Not good with config commands so trying to check if vehicle has enough cargo space for a group. Then check if group is loaded/unloaded. Please and thank you. -
Two questions. Cargo capacity.... And check if group is loaded/unloaded.
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Ty -
Two questions. Cargo capacity.... And check if group is loaded/unloaded.
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Can you explain scheduled vs unscheduled please? Tried reading the biki on it but it lost me when it started getting into post/pre init. Again thank you -
Two questions. Cargo capacity.... And check if group is loaded/unloaded.
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
yes this has helped a lot thank you. Trying to incorporate this into a system that sets variables so something like //setVariable command - _veh setVariable ["cargoSpace",_cargospace] where cargo space is available room in vehicle //setVariable for groups _grp setVariable ["ready",_inVehicle] //setVariable for in-transit _veh setVariable ["moving",true] how do I set a default value to params? params ["_height","_speed","_cMode"]; //if(isNil _this select 0)then{_this select 0 = 300}else{_this select 0 = _this}? -
Two questions. Cargo capacity.... And check if group is loaded/unloaded.
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
params ["_grp","_veh","_wpPos"]; { _x assignAsCargo _veh; _x orderGetIn _veh; }forEach units _grp; _inVehicle = true; { if(isNull objectParent _x)then { exitWith { _inVehicle = false; }; }; forEach units _grp; waitUntil{_inVehicle}; _dropPos = (group _veh) addWaypoint [_wpPos,1]; _dropPos setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; _dropPos setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; waitUntil{{vehicle _x != _x}forEach units _grp}; [_grp,getMarkerPos "patrol",300] call BIS_fnc_taskParent; -
Two questions. Cargo capacity.... And check if group is loaded/unloaded.
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
the forEach should be forEach units _grp though right? -
Two questions. Cargo capacity.... And check if group is loaded/unloaded.
jakkob4682 replied to jakkob4682's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Does that work if the vehicle is already crewed?