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About strych9

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. problem is, i wanna play on workshop content. :(
  2. strych9

    Problem creating new game LAN of ArmA3

    ive been having the same issue, if i un-subscribe from everything in the workshop, it works fine. as soon as i subscribe, i crash to desktop when trying to launch im sure you were still subscribed when you re-installed. try unsubscribing. see if that works. i see allot of threads in steams forums about this issue.
  3. strych9

    Arma 3 Alpha Steam DirectLink :P

    its good, ill have the game in 40 minutes, giggity
  4. strych9

    Arma 3 Alpha Steam DirectLink :P

    thanks man, the bis store is lagging with all the pingers.
  5. strych9

    Bistore closed

    steam has the option for developers to be able to update their games on demand now. not like before when the updates all come out at a specific time. id assume alpha would be concidered as an update. id also assume bis would consider this when making the countdown timer. people would rage buying a game then waiting to download. but as for the steam store, it updates at a specific time, so alpha probibly wont be seen until it updates.
  6. strych9

    Bistore closed

    54 minutes and patiently waiting, well trying to be patent. fishi fishay
  7. strych9

    Bistore closed

    probably daylight savings, just a guess. as the counter works off your pc's time
  8. strych9

    Bistore closed

    they had a small issue with the prices changing. dont worry, it will be back up. we still got 1h14m to go.
  9. strych9

    •Helmet mounted cameras?

    from what ive read about in a multi monitor thread, you can script data such as the "in cab rear view monitor" to a second (real life)monitor. The more and more i think about this feature, the more excited i get. seeing your morters land a few miles away by a front line soldier, or seeing down a friendly snipers scope, over your shoulder, or relaying info to a chopper/apc/tank and vise versa. I can think of tons of cross reference data that would be helpful. And to see how the military tech is advancing today, especially with Moore's law. I can see every soldier having this in 2030ish time. I stream my gopro to my phone now wirelessly. would all the cross info create netcode synching issues?
  10. strych9

    •Helmet mounted cameras?

    thats what im trying to figure out. id assume its like the land warrior, but id rather have a streamed buddies camera view rather than the optic on my gun. getting a cross referance of where the enemy is, rather than a 12 o'clock or north calling would be way more helpful. put that on your second monitor!! giggity.
  11. id like to know a little more about these, the concept sounds awesome. will there be a small "pip like" overlay on the eye, that will show what my co-op buddy sees? having that would be silly helpfull on where he is calling out an enemy. I mean a picture is worth a thousand words, live streaming would be worth a thousand to the tenth power. any insight if my assumptions are correct? i sure hope so.
  12. strych9

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    no one was saying buy a game everytime it comes out, maybe plan on which game you buy though. I dont have the money to buy a new game right now either. but fortunately my brother gave me a steam gift card for christmas/birthday(same day). ive been sitting on for 3 months now, and it will be going to arma.
  13. strych9

    ARMA 3 OPFOR Discussion Thread

    id like to see korea or china on american soil. maybe pushing into cali or texas(oil) or northern mexico, there is mountians, desert, city. could be some cool maps. imagine a city battle within skyscrapers. giggity
  14. i dont see why valve wont have the alpha. bis has a good rep with them. im sure they would like to use steam for the updates too. although i look every day and have not seen anything regarding A3 in the store(damn tuesday isnt coming fast enough). Id also like steam for the "never having to look for the cd/key again". I hate trying to sift threw 1000 dvd's to find my game, just to find out i left it on some sandpaper. ive had to torrent a few games because i treat dvd's like coasters. all i need now is to remember a name and password.
  15. strych9

    ArmA 3 terrain Size in to the Future

    yes to all, the more content the happier ill be. i miss the battlefield 1942 "all around" warfare. battleships/subs/tanks/planes/inf. i know it was more arcade like. but, make it more real/sim like and id be happy. doing a night time "hostage rescue" rescue mission onto a pirated cargo ship sounds "giggity", or using a battleship as arty, beach assault on a hovercraft with an apc onboard. the list can go on. side note, I could go for an updated bf1942 for my arcade fun fix. unfortunatly dice became ea and now is all about money. so they have been boycotted by me.