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Everything posted by BL1P

  1. Hi Friznit2. Thanks for offering to help this is the error i get from the server .rpt Error in expression <ATH = "bon_ieds\"; bon_number_ieds = tfor_ieds; bon_ied_container = [ "Land> Error position: <tfor_ieds; bon_ied_container = [ "Land> Error Undefined variable in expression: tfor_ieds this is a link to the download for the bon_ieds script maybe that will help you - help me :) ---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 PM ---------- Also :) the mission Im attepmting to edit :) has 3 teams on blufor with 3 members in each team TL+2 soldiers so its only a 9 man coop I would like to lower the amount of forces the WICT adds below 55 as we are finding the missions too overpowering for us when the WICT is on and 3 or 4 tanks roll into a town. How would I go about lowering the amount of enemy's WICT creates. ------ Also I would like to reduce the amount of ai the TLs can recruit ? atm its 6 how would i go about lowering that ? Sorry if im asking too much
  2. Hello guys I was wondering if you could help me with adding a script to your missions I am trying to add the bon_ieds script what i have done is downloaded the script and then placed the bon_ieds folder in the mission root I then added the game logic to the map on editor and called it Server I then added this line into the init.sqf for the mission #ifndef execNow #define execNow call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers #endif waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_init"}; diag_log format["MSO version: %1", "4.03"]; execNow "core\init.sqf"; execNow "ambience\init.sqf"; execNow "support\init.sqf"; execNow "enemy\init.sqf"; [color="Red"]execNow "bon_ieds\init.sqf";[/color] execNow "init-custom.sqf"; "Completed" call mso_core_fnc_initStat; execNow "core\scripts\intro.sqf"; but nothing happens and the ieds are not placed on the map any help would be fantastic thank you :)
  3. thanks for the disable r3f line thats perfect As for restricting the weapons the players have to the faction they choose Maybe it might be a bit restrictive wont know till i give it a try Thanks again for the info on the R3F logistics m8
  4. Hi again ;) I would like to have static ammo boxes at the main bases and have loadable Supply ammo boxes at the base aswell for FOB setups I looked in the Support\ ref logistics scripts and cant quite figure out how i can make 1 box loadable and another not could anyone help a poor old confused guy ? reason for making the base boxes static is so that public players dont load them in a jeep then leave them on a mountain without marking where they are :( also is it possible to restrict which faction can use which box ? and or vehicles IE BAF boxes for BAF guys only etc etc and BAF vehicles for BAF guys only etc etc
  5. Nps its more than enough to have the JIP markers And AARs and Tasks
  6. Hi again. Im not a supper expert scripter like you guys But I as wondering if it is posible to upload your Ace map onto a billboard for new JIP to see and DL like the message board
  7. was a beta tester for the us army till they kicked me out for speaking my mind :)
  8. Yes sure Sorry Ill do what i can so you want me to do something on somewhere called Dev heaven ? ---------- Post added at 01:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ---------- https://dev-heaven.net/issues/27765 hope thats what ya wanted and hope it helps Sorry if i sounded Discourteous
  9. erm no thanks I was just passing on info if ya dont understand the info no big deal but thanks for answering
  10. Something ive noticed when altering the mission for myself on my dedi When you first download the mission into your cache you will not get the team leader option or task If you join and already have the mission in cache you do get the task and options Hope this helps and sorry if already mentioned
  11. damn :( I wanted to swap the units from cz to baf but it seems i cant because the baf leader looses the tasks im probly doing something wrong ill try agian from scratch
  12. It pops up for me aswell when im playnig patrol ops 2 dunno why though
  13. Hello. Great mission set btw !! I am trying to add baf units to replace the Cz units on the zazgabad co mission when i replace the cz guys with the baf guys the baf TL looses the ability to see mission objectives on the map IE no tasks. How do i ensure that the BAF TL can see the task etc ? Edit .. when i replaced teh cz guys I added = 1 BAF team leader (editor rank sarg) 1 BAF team leader (editor rank corp) 6 BAF riflemen (editor rank private) recruiting works but task dont show Any help welcome Love and kisses BL1P
  14. BL1P

    Patrol Operations 2

    Hello again :) I found a small oversight I think The ammo trucks come with a Maaws plus ammo. no matter your class or rank you can equip with them.. Also as an at soldier when using ace there is no Maaws ammo in the gear crate I fixed it by removing the ammo trucks and replacing the maaws with the Smaw. for our server I also added rank to the following powerfull vehicles Hmmv MK19, hmmv TOW, Stryker MC, Avengers , Little bird with weapons. Would be nice if it was posible to prevent players from swapping weapons somehow but i think that is imposible. For example i have herd people on our server ask for a sniper to give them a sniper gun from the gear or place something they cannot get because of class into a vehicle for them. If there was a way to make it so they cannot carry weapons that they are not classed for that would be cool :) Ps if you want to see what a mess ive made to your mission You can get it on the server called "25ID Server-UK- =ACE ON= =Acre ON=" Its the default mission on a dedicated home server its only a 40MB down and 10MB so dont expect lighting fast connection :)
  15. BL1P

    Patrol Operations 2

    Hello I would like to make ranking take longer Normally Im rank major after 1 mission or captain at least I saw this script "mps_func_rank_system" Which has this line _values = [0,500,1500,2500,3500,5000,7500]; I tried altering the _values to higher amounts but came across some problems :( ( you would rank up then down while killing enemys ) are there some other scripts which need altering to make ranking up harder ? THANKS BL1P
  16. BL1P

    Patrol Operations 2

    @Roy86 We narrowed down some of the cause of the MHQ drop problem here is what we know :- If there are 2 players on the server for example and player 1 takes the mhq and moves it into a pick up location player 2 is in the chopper and lifts the mhq.. the mhq if dropped from air drop will vanish.. But if player 1 moves the mhq and also then lifts it using the chopper then the mhq will drop as expected.. maybe something to do with vehicle ownership ? Hope that helps
  17. BL1P

    Patrol Operations 2

    Hi m8 First forgive me if I post something which is Just a fault on my part and not the mission its because im a noob :) Me and my clan m8s have been playing this with ACE alot here is what I have for feedback atm.. 1: AIR drop doesnt seem to work for us Here is what we do We have air drop param enabled and Air lift param enabled We pick up the MHQ with the chinook then get high alt and drop when we drop the MHQ it vanishes (so does any other vehicle we use) Placing it on the ground at low alt works ok though its just the air drop 2: I see a huntir round but i see no Huntir monitor ?? 3: we have to play with ace wounds off because when we turn on ace wounds if we get injured we are placed underground and become hidden from all other players and when maybe someone revives us by finding our tag on screen. We are half in the ground .. maybe a conflict between the two injury systems ? 4: the MG gunner has a gun in his selction which is the M240L it doesnt seem the have any rounds available for it maybe we are doing something wrong ? Some more things happen but that just could be because we are new to ACE and most are new to arma2 the AI dont repond with a radio if we have recruit ai on ? (maybe this is an ace thing i dont know) I disabled the halo drop myself in the end to stop the bad habbit of respawn and halo to enemy A request again would be to add a param if posible to increase the difficulty of the Ambient : insurgents ? Also could you make it so if a player isnt there we can turn on an AI to replace him ? so rather than using recruit ai we would be using teams as layed out in the lobby ? or is that not possible ? Also Is every Ace weapon and Item in the mission ? if not could it be ? I really enjoy the mission and have spent ages playing it Thanks BL1P PS : One other thing is If you have class retriction on you can just get ai and get them to use any vehicle you want is this supposed to be like that or was it an oversight ? A work around might be to alow only same class ai for same class player and restricting the ai`s ability to use vehicles aswell ? damn this post just got longer :)
  18. The blog was over my head a bit. basicly i look at my system monitor that tells me how much ram is A: Hardware reserved B: in Use C: modifed D: Standby E: free When I play arma2 it shows that about 3.5gig is in use / 4mb is hardware reserved / 1g is modifed / 2g is on standby and 9.#g is free (give or take a few .### numbers) Running 3 versions of arma2 at once did teh following Hard reserved = 4mb / In use = 5.1g / modified = 3.6g / Standby = 2.1 and free = 5.4g
  19. BL1P

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hello Me and my friend are playing a mission which uses ace wounds When we get injured the players are placed under the ground and become none visible to other players When we find the players tag and revive them they are then walking half in the ground half out most of the time. anyone else getting this and what other info do you need ? Thanks BL1P
  20. BL1P

    Why I haven't played ARMA 2

    I especially agree with the icons in your face part I hate it when i try to take cover by a vehicle only to have some Icon pop into my field of view. Or when you try to pie a doorway and get 2 giant triangles in your face
  21. I have 16g That i got for video editing. I run a system monitor on my other monitor when im playing sometimes I sometimes feel its a shame that i only use 3g of 16g and 25-35% cpu while playing Arma2oa Would be nice if that memory button in video options actually did something Like oooo look this system has 16g press button and it uses 14g
  22. How do i update the runMemAllocBeta to use my paths ?
  23. I have the New patch etc etc and its Great Btw But. :) When i play warfare missions and i buy gear and place that gear in my vehicle when i try to take gear back from the vehicle my gear slots are changed for some reason For example I have a rifle with 6 mags I also have a m136 with 1 m136 rocket and assorted items If i fire my m136 and goto my vehicle to take another from the gear the loadout for me will alter upon taking the m136 I will only be able to carry 2 mags for my rifle + the m136 and 1 rocket Untill i goto a buy gear option or something similar where by then my loadout will be returned to normal rifle and 6mags and launcher + rocket setup Is this a patch error or a new mission error thats cropping up since the patch ?
  24. BL1P

    Why I haven't played ARMA 2

    I cant wait till the thread op tries to command a 20+ team in a warfare mission :) That rant will be great fun to read
  25. Cant wait to see how the 7990 rates