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About cr4wl3r0

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi, Something similar happened to me: the cause of the problem was the name of the mission folder (too long). Hope this will help you
  2. thank you Kylania, but you can do better...
  3. cr4wl3r0

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    hello everyone ! Is it possible to obtain an helicopter (aircraft) fly-by view, accessible in-game while maintaining control of the helicopter (aircraft) ?? I mean something like the fly-by view provided with lock-on combat simulator etc. THANK YOU !
  4. Hello everyone ! I am an absolute beginner in scripting and I have a kind request for something absolutely out of my capability: I have a group of blue soldiers and I want an unarmed (or armed) ugv to go ahead a given amount of meters, in the direction of travel of the player (and/or group leader and/or other member of the group) to patrol the area in front of the group, adjusting continuously its route accordingly to the group chosen route (not pre-planned via waypoints but chosen in real-time). Thank you so much to everyone who will help me.
  5. thank you Tony; now my question is: is possible to revert to stable branch without reinstalling ? How-To ? Thank you again !
  6. Hi everyone ! After last steam update of my arma3 installation I get this error message when i open altis map in editor: cannot open object a3\roads_f\runway\line_curve_long_f.p3d Can someone help me ? Thank you
  7. hello everyone ! First of all I want to thank you all "scripting gurus" for providing us plenty of useful scripts [of which I manage to understand only few line of code *WALL* ]. My request: is it possible to obtain an helicopter (aircraft) fly-by view, accessible in-game while maintaining control of the helicopter (aircraft) ?? I mean something like the fly-by view provided with lock-on combat simulator etc. THANK YOU !
  8. Hi all ! I want to know if there is a scripting way to reduce AI shooting/strafing frequency. I want to make a mission with a less intense firefight between sides. Thank you all Scripters, thank you BIS for this wonderful simulator !
  9. hello everyone ! I' m an old arma 2 player, and I' m completely new to Steam. My internet connection often disconnects due to line problems. I want to know if is it possible to play arnma 3 Alpha in such conditions (I hope yes !!!!!!!!!) thank you
  10. hi all ! I want to know if I can play arma 3/arma 3 alpha on a windows 8 64 bit pc. Thank you !
  11. Hello everyone ! I have noticed that when my ai squad members are wounded they go prone and continue to follow my commands (i.e. "all, advance). Is there a way (script into the init file) to check if an ai is wounded ad prevent him from moving (or issue any other command, for example findcover, only for that or those wounded units ?). Thank you very much !
  12. hi, I want to know if there is any script to make a vehicle go reverse, without turning. thanks !
  13. cr4wl3r0

    PROJET FELIN - [R3F] Armes

    I would like to thank R3F Team for their amazing Famas, I have seen a picture of a real Famas Felin with an Eotech attached on the Felin scope, for cqb purposes. Any chance of seeing it in a future R3F addon release ? Thank you again !!
  14. cr4wl3r0

    SSD migration

    thank you all for your interest another noob question: if I want to perform a clean reinstall of the game, on the same system except it has an ssd added on it, is it necessary to deactivate/reactivate my legal copy of the game ? I' m a bit worried of loosing my available activations. Anyone knows where I can purchase the reinforcements dvd in Italy ? Thank you !!