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Everything posted by Lupin!

  1. The problem with the muddy water is that there is an abrupt jarring transition between the brown water and where the waves break onto the shore which has the default water colour. Also, if you fly around the island you see an endless brown sea. Will you change the two bridges east of Maruko?
  2. Celery, For part two you wrote: Does this apply to part three? What happens if I am not running a BETA patch on my server?
  3. Hi, I am using v0.33 and having trouble getting newly assigned tasks to be the current task as per the setCurrentTask command. In a radio trigger I have: ["Task1","succeeded","Task2"] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd; This correctly updates the status of Task1 and makes Task2 assigned but not current. I want Task2 to be the CurrentTask so that the yellow waypoint indicator will show up in the game. Adding player setCurrentTask Task2; in addition to the code in the radio trigger doesn't help. The 2 tasks in the mission are added correctly and have valid destination points. I have Task1 set as assigned at the beginning of the mission with a corresponding destination point that appears on mission start up. When I activate the radio trigger and then open the Tasks menu and manually click on "Set as current task" under Task2 then the yellow waypoint indicator appears in the correct destination point for Task2 and the task is made current. I am using CO with OA version 1.59.79384 with no mods loaded or any other scripts that would affect tasks. This test was done in the editor and in a locally hosted game. Am I doing something wrong? Are assigned tasks meant to be the CurrentTask?
  4. Hey, I think your mission is very solid and fun. In multiplayer the view distance is automatically reduced to about 1800m to increase performance. A good script to overcome this is Deadfast's On-the-fly GFX Changer available here: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=33827. It's easy to implement. Increased view distance also means increased engagement range for the AI. The combination of your health regeneration script and the first aid module seems to cause some complications and sometimes when I revive units they don't recover and they continue to roll around on the ground. This was with AI units. A 3 minute warning when your time is about to run out would improve the mission. Maybe look into something like this: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=32326 . If you intend to do another update I think you should allow for random start parameters i.e. random date, time, weather and number of opfor units. Maybe add and option for opfor to get a random light vehicle.
  5. Hey, I’ve been playing on Lingor for some time now and have noticed a few bugs. I hope these haven’t been reported yet. There are some trees growing inside houses east of Corazon. http://i.imgur.com/JSHUA.png ARL units will appear as western units on the map (blue icons) if you do not have full information about them. ARL units don’t have radios but I am not sure if this is intentional. The ARL Saboteur is armed with a silenced micro Uzi and a silenced Makarov. However, if you switch to the Makarov the weapon model won’t change. Venator PMC units lack radios. The Venator Escortman (SA58V) has 3 M203 HE rounds but his weapon has no grenade launcher. The Venator Machine Gunner (M60A4) has a Glock 17 pistol but no magazines for it. When you switch to your pistol as either of the cyborgs the pistol is visible in first person but not in 3rd. This also applies to non-player controlled cyborgs. Maybe add some larger enterable buildings at the research lab. I think the coast to the South West of the island looks a bit strange. If you are thinking of adding some new weapons I would suggest talking to RobertHammer and asking if you can incorporate some weapons from his packs. Namely: Uzi, Mac10, M14, M21 and P90 (for Venator units). I have edited someone’s (forgot who, sorry) Lingor Insurgency mission too. You play as GAL soldiers against ARL rebels who also have ChDKZ vehicles. At your HQ you have Bicycles, M240 & Mk19 armed HMMWVs and a UH1Y. You should have a MiG-21 for CAS (the text will say A10) but I haven’t tested this. There are more weapons to choose from and optional ambient modules. I’ve added a loading screen which increases the mission size but I liked it so I kept it in. http://www.multiupload.com/IS1T7BG4VN However, it has four major bugs: Despite the fact that the HQ can be mobilised and re-deployed it will not shift the spawn point or the respawning vehicles. I suggest that you do not move the HQ and if you start at a bad spot then just restart the mission. When joining Opfor the game will probably freeze. Although, they are playable, don’t join them. No idea how to fix this. There are no hostile sectors on the North Eastern island. Sometimes players get a negative score for killing enemies. Also, I suspect this is related, if enemy armoured vehicles are spawned they might not attack Blufor forces. Hopefully somebody can correct these bugs. I am looking forward to your update. Bridges will be great!