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About 115426

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  1. [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] AWACS Escort, And now mig armed Vympel r-37
  2. you know likes rudder, elev, flap, gear, canopy, aileron things
  3. Thx for your reply ;) first i need basic aircraft config example also shadow volume i already tried to making shadowvolume model but that was broken even closed all model :( and cockpit is still working even if hard i'm trying
  4. First sorry for my english Ability :p [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] I just finished texture and basic aircraft define. (likes flap,rudder,gear,canopy etc) I am short of experince so I'd like to look good, even if the lack:o
  5. need some help plz guys:( http://i.imgur.com/T387Pdx.png (313 kB) i got a preety cool sepecat jaguar model. but i can't define this model
  6. 115426

    Ivory Aircraft

    how can i defined aircraft? exactly mean a gear i almost ready model just got a define problem http://i.imgur.com/KBWF6VL.png (208 kB)
  7. i sawed Arma 3 Roadmap.. pressed ctrl+f find word jet or plane but nothing :( well we just got helicopter dlc and marksmen? this game relased 2013 Thursday September now we just got a attacker plane(and almost trainer plane) i'd like got a fighter jet so when can we got a jet fighter?
  8. I tried Some Skin..XD https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1252x704q90/20/3pd8.png https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1252x704q90/21/khea.png https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1252x704q90/546/9mm0.png https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1252x704q90/607/3cfq.png https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1252x704q90/202/55yt.png https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1252x704q90/17/tn46.png Man! This Addon is so amazing i
  9. i need A3_Glasses example ,model.cfg,config file or something glasses addons example file:butbut:
  10. Post title and as I will need a bit of a Addon 1. IL-76 2.TU-95 Do please help?
  11. i want a AH-1S/F or T-80U & F/A-18C Hornet :) Weapons -Magpul Masada ACR:bounce3: