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Posts posted by Luxurious

  1. No need for water on 2600K and you will see a considerable performance difference.

    I don't use multi monitors myself but I do have some experience with them and you will run into memory limitiations with 1.3 GB of RAM at that res.

    Trackclip pro cord is about 4 feet long.

    I already have the water system setup so replacing the board/proc in the current PC is just easier sticking with water on the CPU and who knows, maybe I'll get a decent chip and get 5Ghz with enough cooling to suffice :)

    Trackclip pro cord is 4' long? Wow... what were they thinking? Should be at least 10' IMO. If you had (and I don't, mind you) a VR room setup with your computer a ways away from you, who wants the added bulk of an additional USB extension plug mucking things up. That's just a bad design choice.

    What is your experience with multi-monitor setups, BangTail? My brother has a 3x gtx470 setup and his frames on core i7 are lower than mine. I realize this can be attributed to 2-way vs. 3-way driver optimization however he has an additional 1GB of VRAM over all so something doesn't add up.

    In the interim since my post I did solve the FPS issue in all situations save for one. I started by lowering all settings to Very Low or Disabled with View Distance at 500, etc. Then I raised View Distance up slowly watching the FPS. Got to 10000 and still the frames didn't change at all, locked around 152ish FPS. Then I adjusted settings individually to see which had the largest performance impact. Terrain Detail by far, for my setup, had the largest perf hit with difference from Very Low to Very High being 45 fps. Object detail was a close second with Very Low to Very High dinging in at ~25 fps. This lowered the overall frames to ~65.

    All other settings besides Post processing, Anti-Aliasing (set to Disabled) and HDR set to Normal (8-bit) honestly had no effect on lowering FPS. Shadows from Very Low to Very High was only 2-3 FPS difference. None of the other settings had any effect on FPS.

    Something I'd missed from the demo was the new addition of the Triple 12:3 aspect ratio in the menu and I wasn't using that before. Now with that set correctly I'm getting 45-60 FPS in all the boot camp missions accept for one.

    What's up with the Night Ops boot camp mission? Everything runs at 45-60 FPS but this one. It runs between 15-20fps and its unbearable. You'd think with everything black and dark the cards would have significantly less to render and yet the FPS are unbearable. Game optimization issue? Driver issue? SLi issue? (running 266.58) though the previous drivers for the 570 had the exact same issue. Not sure what's going on here, have you guys got any ideal?

    Also, I think I'm going to hold off on the Sandy Bridge upgrade because of the SB-E release later in the year. I'll just save up more till then and maybe the hex-core SB with be reasonably enough priced to go that route. Really like to go from quad core to something more substantial seeing as this game obviously uses all cores on the current platform (utlization around 80% on all cores).

  2. Just purchased this game after playing the demo and have a few questions for the Arma II gurus out there.

    Current setup so you don't have to go profile fishing:

    Q6600 @3.4Ghz

    sli 570gtx's 1.3GB memory variant

    GA-EP45-UD3P rev1.3 (NOT an SLi board but running the "SLi fix"<--------very unsure of this as updating my video drivers forces me to update the SLi fix and I've had crashes and other issues so I really would like to eliminate it from the equation by getting a new SLi certified motherboard. I realize that Windows 7 doesn't care whether the board is SLi or Crossfire "supposedly" (from what I've read it just looks for a certificate or something) but you never know if there are other issues caused by something like this) and it is a seperate "boot" option so I have no idea what the SLi Fix has actually done.

    I'm considering upgrading to a Sandy Bridge 2600k and overclocking it on water and I'm curious for any input from users who:

    1) run this game - Arma II or Arma II Operation Arrowhead

    2) have or have upgraded from Q6600 or other quad cores to 2600k and have seen a gain or are currently running a 2600k

    3) are also running SLi of some variant, dual 4 or 5 series cards, and surround configuration

    I realize at 5916x1200 or other high surround resolutions, the video card memory comes in to play a lot particularly with AA though I have that disabled in-game.

    My in-game settings are set using the bezel corrected 5916x1200 and are as follows:

    Visibility - 3600

    Quality pref - Very high

    Interface resolution - 5916x1200

    3D Resolution - 5916x1200

    Texture detail - Very high

    Video memory - Very high

    AF - High

    AA - Disabled

    Terrain detail - Very high

    Objects detail - Very high

    Shadow detail - High

    HDR - 8bit Low

    Post processing - Disabled

    Interface size - Very small

    Aspect ratio - Custom

    Vertical sync - On

    Vertical sync in-game on or off does not seem to affect the frame rate aside from the 60fps cap it imposes.

    Tree infested areas with buildings/fences/livestock/troops I'm getting in the low to mid 30's (fine), dips in the 20's occasionally (awful).

    Desert areas with buildings/fences/livestock/troops the fps are from 40-60.

    The SLi meter... anyone know how to decipher the behavior of this thing? Its usually about half the screen height from the center out and very rarely goes nearly all the way to the top and bottom of the screen like its not doing anything accept occasionally.

    Task manager when running the game shows 1 core @80-90% utilization and the other 3 cores @ 70-80% utilization.

    Sorry, don't mean to be long winded. I realize Surround resolutions are generally VRAM and video card bottlenecked and this game is suppose to be CPU limited with higher overclocks helping a great deal from what I hear. Is the CPU bottleneck issue only on single montior setups?

    What kind of performance are you guys getting with this game and with what setups/clocks/vram.


    I also have a question about the HUD ingame. You can set triplehead=1 and that brings all the elements in to the center monitor however the left-most side of the HUD is cutoff behind my bezel . I see in the .profile you can adjust the topLeftHUD, bottom right, etc... but I've had no luck with with changing these.

    Moving the Top left to the right pushes the whole HUD to the right and then cuts off the right side and the subsequent change to the bottom right corner to bring it back in pushes the left side back under the bezel. I've only made very small changes to these numbers like .01 increments trying to mess with it but can't make any ground on the issue.

    Any ideas with this?

    Also, does anyone know how to add comments in the profile? I'd like to comment the default lines out so I still have them and make changes to a copy.


    Another question I've come across is about the TrackClip Pro for the TrackIR. How long is the cord? Can't find anywhere with this information even in reviews. Maybe that's because its long and a non-issue but I'd like to know.


  3. Just purchased this game after playing the demo and have a few questions for the Arma II gurus out there.

    Current setup so you don't have to go profile fishing:

    Q6600 @3.4Ghz

    sli 570gtx's 1.3GB memory variant

    GA-EP45-UD3P rev1.3 (NOT an SLi board but running the "SLi fix"<--------very unsure of this as updating my video drivers forces me to update the SLi fix and I've had crashes and other issues so I really would like to eliminate it from the equation by getting a new SLi certified motherboard. I realize that Windows 7 doesn't care whether the board is SLi or Crossfire "supposedly" (from what I've read it just looks for a certificate or something) but you never know if there are other issues caused by something like this) and it is a seperate "boot" option so I have no idea what the SLi Fix has actually done.

    I'm considering upgrading to a Sandy Bridge 2600k and overclocking it on water and I'm curious for any input from users who:

    1) run this game - Arma II or Arma II Operation Arrowhead

    2) have or have upgraded from Q6600 or other quad cores to 2600k and have seen a gain or are currently running a 2600k

    3) are also running SLi of some variant, dual 4 or 5 series cards, and surround configuration

    I realize at 5916x1200 or other high surround resolutions, the video card memory comes in to play a lot particularly with AA though I have that disabled in-game.

    My in-game settings are set using the bezel corrected 5916x1200 and are as follows:

    Visibility - 3600

    Quality pref - Very high

    Interface resolution - 5916x1200

    3D Resolution - 5916x1200

    Texture detail - Very high

    Video memory - Very high

    AF - High

    AA - Disabled

    Terrain detail - Very high

    Objects detail - Very high

    Shadow detail - High

    HDR - 8bit Low

    Post processing - Disabled

    Interface size - Very small

    Aspect ratio - Custom

    Vertical sync - On

    Vertical sync in-game on or off does not seem to affect the frame rate aside from the 60fps cap it imposes.

    Tree infested areas with buildings/fences/livestock/troops I'm getting in the low to mid 30's (fine), dips in the 20's occasionally (awful).

    Desert areas with buildings/fences/livestock/troops the fps are from 40-60.

    The SLi meter... anyone know how to decipher the behavior of this thing? Its usually about half the screen height from the center out and very rarely goes nearly all the way to the top and bottom of the screen like its not doing anything accept occasionally.

    Task manager when running the game shows 1 core @80-90% utilization and the other 3 cores @ 70-80% utilization.

    Sorry, don't mean to be long winded. I realize Surround resolutions are generally VRAM and video card bottlenecked and this game is suppose to be CPU limited with higher overclocks helping a great deal from what I hear. Is the CPU bottleneck issue only on single montior setups?

    What kind of performance are you guys getting with this game and with what setups/clocks/vram.


    I also have a question about the HUD ingame. You can set triplehead=1 and that brings all the elements in to the center monitor however the left-most side of the HUD is cutoff behind my bezel :(. I see in the .profile you can adjust the topLeftHUD, bottom right, etc... but I've had no luck with with changing these.

    Moving the Top left to the right pushes the whole HUD to the right and then cuts off the right side and the subsequent change to the bottom right corner to bring it back in pushes the left side back under the bezel. I've only made very small changes to these numbers like .01 increments trying to mess with it but can't make any ground on the issue.

    Any ideas with this?

    Also, does anyone know how to add comments in the profile? I'd like to comment the default lines out so I still have them and make changes to a copy.


    Another question I've come across is about the TrackClip Pro for the TrackIR. How long is the cord? Can't find anywhere with this information even in reviews. Maybe that's because its long and a non-issue but I'd like to know.

