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Posts posted by Amstas

  1. Ah, way toooo interesting.

    BTW, to the point with Israel

    option 1: beeing neutral = Quite possible and even plausible

    option 2: beeing overrun = Quite probably and also plausible

    option 3: beeing allied with an islamc coalition ( aka Iran ) = They would rather nuke themselves.

    With option 2 we would rather nuke ourselves too, It is called the "Samson Option", look it up.

    will be interesting to see were BIS is going with this.

  2. As far as I'm aware the inactive AI squads bug has been around for a while, I've seen it in every warfare match I've played every since Arma 2. I don't quite understand how it's been around so long without being fixed.

    I dont see this bug anywhere outside Warfare BE(2.067) and dont see this bug in the current version of the standart BE (2.068)
