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About Joshwall

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  1. Hi Spartan, been a wee while. Its great to see you're still active with this project! Have you made any head way with the "F" version and the addition of a similar functionality as Blake's PINS? Its definitely something the flight guys in my group (6th Airborne) are looking forward to playing with. We haven't stopped playing various versions of 'Carrier Ops', a little mission I made on FSF Varkgard with the Nimitz. Also on a different note, is there any plans to add a more realistic sound pack or allow 3rd party mods to add sounds, I know JSRS has a great sound for the Harrier and a group (some time ago) made a pretty decent sound pack for the RKSL Typhoon. I suppose its a little peripheral now, but perhaps in the future?
  2. Hi John, thanks for responding to my comments. Its a shame about the ACE CCRP/CCIP, I would have thought they'd be rather open to get it integrated into other aircraft, it would seem not. I hope you keep pestering them though, it'd be great to see it in other well made aircraft such as your F18. Also good to know you're still hoping to get the FLIR camera / targeting pod to work, I would definitely suggest talking to Blake about it, I believe he's still about doing things every now and again. I have found a slight issue with the F/A18F variant that I haven't seen in the E, its to do with the Service Menu. I have a rather decent carrier deck (using JDog's Nimitz) now with a few different aircraft (though the majority of them are F18s) but I can only get the service menu to work with the E model, not the F. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
  3. Yeah, I believe I was actually using the blue 'Tailhook down' option rather than the green 'in built' option from John's F18. I feel that may have been an issue. It wasn't my flying per se as the gear would automatically retract for some odd reason. BUT, all is fixed now and it works. Though I still hope John can answer my other comments etc.
  4. Hi Spartan, first of all GREAT ADDON. I've been playing around with it on JDog's Nimitz carrier for a couple of days now. One thing I've noticed that I don't thinks been mentioned here is an issue with the carrier landing. I keep landing correctly (though every now and again I need to go around) and when I land and i'm stopped by the arrestor wires the gear of the F18 decides to automatically go up without input from me. Is this me landing a bit retardedly or is this an actual bug? OR is it to do with the carrier? Anyhoo, onto a couple of other points. I'd like to see the self-designator work in the future, I think you said you were working on it a few pages back. Blake's PINs had a similar function which was fantastic when used with the GBU12s, perhaps he'd be a good guy to talk to? Oh and will you be releasing a version with Mk82s (dumb bombs) with the ACE CRRP/CCIP capability at some point? Thanks for your time and once again, great addon you've got there, keep up the good work!
  5. Hi all, basically the title says it all. My ingame voice doesn't work yet my microphone (a logitech, wired headset and mic) works fine in all other environments such as Source engine games, TS3, Ventrilo and RO2. So why on Earth doesn't it work in ArmA? I've done the following in attempt to fix it. - Update my audio drivers. - Turn my mic up to maximum in the Windows Sounds and Audio Devices area (i'm running XP still). - Fiddle with the ArmA audio settings (though there really aren't that many) - Reassigned the 'push to talk' key. - Reinstall ArmA: CO and expansions completely and wipe all mods from my hard drive. None of these things has yielded a result and i'm really stuck at the moment. Give me a shout if you need system specs etc etc. Thanks.
  6. Thank you for the reply. How would I go about changing it in the description field?
  7. *Bump* Sweet Jesus this forum is either slow or people don't like to help each other...
  8. Hi, I'd like to rename the 'characters' or 'men' in a mission i've made but try as i might I can't seem to find a tutorial for it after google-ing for an hour. An example would be renaming a 'Demo-Man' to a 'Machinegunner' in the squad selection menu and show up in-game when your cursor is over the player. I hope this isn't a question you guys get spammed with but it'd really help if someone could give me a quick walk through or point me in the direction of one that's already been made. Thank you.