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Everything posted by Satanello

  1. Hi all. I added a 2nd monitor to play A2OA at 3840x1080 (2x26" Lcd) but i have no changes in screen resolution settings in the game. What is the problem? My system: i7 920@4000 mhz, 12 Gb, 2xGTX460 SLI. OS Windows 7 x64 Nvidia drivers 266.58. Tnx in advance!!
  2. I usually play only coop warfare online (i host the game); we are 2-3 palyers. I see most of fps drops when i play arma2 (OA is usually faster) so i reduced video settings to: Visibility: 2500 Texture detail: High Video memory: High Anisotropic filt.. Low Antialiasing: Low Terran detail: Low Obj detail: Normal shadows detail: High Gamma dir: Normal Post proc: Low (Okt no blur mod) Vsinch: disabled I run the game with these options: - nosplash -cpucount=4 -exThreads=7 When i try Arma2 benchmark or OA benchmark i noted good fps (some stutter even at 150 or 70 fps) with some fps drops especially in the benchmark 01 (after the helicopter when the shot go down through the trees and focuses on one or two units on the hill. My internet connection is "good" for 2-3 palyers (5m download 1 mb upload). The "problem" can be AI related or can also be related to the client connections? P.S. please be patient, i make lot of mistakes when i translate in english :p
  3. :) Hi guys. I want to upgrade my system 'cause i'm not satisfied (i hate fps drops in some scenarios) but i should dcide what to upgrade to obtain the maximum advantage of fps. I'm runnign the game at 1920x1200 My system: i7 920@4200 mhz HT Off no turbo 12 Gb ram 1600 3x OCZ Vertex 2 120 gb (1 for OS; 1 for Arma2 and OA, 1 for other programs) 2xGigabyte GTX460 SOC@900 gpu/4000 ram Upgrade option 1: 2x gtx 570 Upgrade option 2: Sandy Bridge 2600k + good mobo What do you think about? Tnx in advance!
  4. Satanello

    Second monitor note recognized.....

    :D thank you, it was only a test to verify the performance of my system (i can't waste lot of money....), in this test review a couple of 460's runs very well!!