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Everything posted by Omaha9999

  1. Excuse me if this has already been answered but I've got a little bit of a problem that I'd like cleared up. I've got arma 2 on disk and arrowhead on steam, I've got arrowhead installed but I don't have arma 2 installed. If I install arma 2, would they combine together to make combined ops?
  2. I bought arrowhead on steam and arma 2 on disk. Would arrowhead being on steam affect anything?
  3. Combined OPS or something I mean. The thing wheb ARMA 2 and AO are in the same package or something.
  4. I have arrowhead on steam and ARMA 2 on disk. I've got arrowhead installed.. but I don't have arma 2. If install arma 2.. will that combine into combined arms?