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Everything posted by Riffler

  1. Riffler

    Best SoundMod

    i use CSM2. the mod is small and have good sound for many weapons. BUT all a question of taste;)
  2. Riffler

    Tag Range

    thanks Demonized! both scripts run good, but the cpu-time was /(§&()=§ on my athlon X2 :cool: ok, this pc its for testing only and ithe problems with cpu load want be better on the real gameserver i think. can you tell me for now, how i can change the range of the enemy-tag-circle in game. where i can found this paramater (maybe)? greetings from sunny germany ;)
  3. Hi guys, i`d like the enemy/friendly-tag from both units are show permanent (on map and the red/green circle in game). How i can do this ? And how i can change the Tag range too?
  4. Riffler

    Webinterface for Arm2

    update 25.05.2011 :) progress: core=> 90% design=>75% here 2 new screens from my little project: greetings from sunny germany
  5. Riffler

    Tag Range

    exactly -> permanent marker from both teams on map and ingame (this green / red circles around the players) maybe with a greater distance too. I have search in here and google but i didn`t found anything about this theme
  6. Riffler

    Webinterface for Arm2

    hi i need your help guys! for a nice look i need some screen`s from all possible islands u are play in arma2 including all mods (size 800*600 and greater). this is important for the serverstatus.. please send me the screens to riffler79@gmx.de quick overview from my project progress: core -> 60% design -> 20% functions: start stop editfunction (for all configs & daemon params) some templates (to load different mods or restore defaultsettings) gameservermonitor systemmonitor (load, memory, cpu, hdd ect.) shutdown (for LANserver) other languagesupport and more other stuff... here a small preview from the chaos-style-interface don`t scare its a very earliness version http://img600.imageshack.us/i/previewdx.jpg and dont forget i`m no codebasher its my hobby!
  7. Riffler

    Webinterface for Arm2

    hi, i have finished the part to parse the arma configs into php and have found a bug?! with the linuxbox. "windowed = 0;" make non sense by linux server, but when missed this para. then make arma non sense with the configfile and change the chmod to 0600 on this file when the interfacedaemon write the content. if you know this is all good when not than is alamoo and you can search and search
  8. Riffler

    Webinterface for Arm2

    okido - thx PvPscene
  9. 1 step: use tolower 2 step: check your server.cfg correct code: // MISSIONS CYCLE //class Missions {} class Missions { class WarfareV2_067LiteCO_Chernarus { template = "WarfareV2_067LiteCO.Chernarus"; ...some other code wrong code: // MISSIONS CYCLE //class Missions {} class Missions { class WarfareV2_067LiteCO[color="Red"].[/color]Chernarus { template = "WarfareV2_067LiteCO.Chernarus[color="Red"].pbo[/color]"; ...some other code greetz from germany