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Everything posted by Horner

  1. I know Celery made a bunch of missions similar to this. If you found them you might be able to work off that.
  2. Sooooo I made a little template in the editor and copied down the coords and was going to use setpos to set them to that position, but apparently when using setpos the coords puts my stuff in the ocean. (The marker shows up in the southern ocean.) I don't know what's wrong with it someone help. :P //Mission 1 - Supply Depot Destroying private["_grp","_dshkm","_mrk","_box1","_box2","_sld1","_sld2","_sld3"]; [nil,allUnits,rHINT,"You must destroy a Chedaki supply depot, the position is marked on the map"] call RE; _grp = group OPFgroupLogic; //Dshkm _dshkm = "DSHKM_Ins" createUnit [getPos spawnLogic, _grp]; _dshkm setDir 273.18; _dshkm setPos [4670.8809,280.79248,4711.9297]; //Marker _mrk = createMarker ["Mission_Marker",getPos spawnLogic]; _mrk setMarkerPos [4678.9336,281,4702.6777]; _mrk setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mrk setMarkerType "Destroy"; _mrk setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _mrk setMarkerText "Destroy Chedaki Supply Depot"; //Ammo Boxes _box1 = "RUBasicWeaponsBox" createVehicle (getPos spawnLogic); _box1 setPos [4682.1055,281,4708.4253]; _box2 = "RUBasicWeaponsBox" createVehicle (getPos spawnLogic); _box2 setPos [4682.9683,281.03592,4710.9009]; _box1 setDir 109; _box2 setDir 109; //Soldiers _sld1 = "Ins_Soldier_1" createUnit [getPos spawnLogic, _grp]; _sld1 setPos [4687.3599,281,4704.499]; _sld2 = "Ins_Soldier_1" createUnit [getPos spawnLogic, _grp]; _sld2 setPos [4670.6445,280.85013,4698.6226]; _sld3 = "Ins_Soldier_1" createUnit [getPos spawnLogic, _grp]; _sld3 setPos [4672.5474,281,4697.9595]; _sld1 setDir 275; _sld2 setDir 427; _sld3 setDir 339; waitUntil {!alive _box1 && !alive _box2}; [nil,allUnits,rHINT,"Congratulations, the supply depot has been destroyed!"] call RE; sleep 60; deleteVehicle _dshkm; deleteVehicle _box1; deleteVehicle _box2; deleteVehicle _sld1; deleteVehicle _sld2; deleteVehicle _sld3; deleteMarker _mrk; This is for Chernarus btw. (In case "CHEDAKI" didn't already give it away :) )
  3. It doesn't really matter for like a 40 line script with only like 5 createVehicle commands :)
  4. @kylania Because they are side missions picked randomly and created/removed via script. So they aren't there at the start of the mission. @F2k The DSHKM doesn't seem to be spawning but the soldiers do, I'll try assigning a variable name to it later and trying it that way. But for some reason with my actual UNITS that spawn, they will essentially ignore the setPosASL command and just stay at spawn. While with the ammo boxes (being created with createVehicle) do move.
  5. I just noticed that lol. Thanks again. ---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ---------- Okay well setPosASL is not working with the UNITS created. The ammo boxes spawn and move but the soldiers just spawn and don't move. WTF?
  6. Alright, thanks bud. And yes I was using the coords defined in the mission.sqm to place them using setPos. But I guess they don't relate :( EDIT: F2k I love you, for some reason that's what was showing up in the mission.sqm but if you reverse the 2 you get the correct coords :) Thanks bud.
  7. The only way I can see this working is if you run some kind of very very complicated display event handler. Even then I don't know how to get the position of the cursor on the map. Sorry, I think the rotation effect is hard-coded into the game. Maybe a GUI where you can set the direction of the marker using a 0-360 value?
  8. When you use - _marker = createMarker ["Road Block", loc]; The "Road Block" is the name of your marker. I wouldn't use a space between those two words, for explanation purposes let's just say you used "Road_Block". So later on you would just use something like this. "Road_Block" setMarkerDir 0; Hope that helped. :)
  9. Check out Rcon for server management (logging IP's, and such).
  10. nope, all the configuring that is even possible for a mission is done through the description.ext
  11. Hey guys, I've been looking around for an answer and have yet to find one but is it possible to make RscEdit (Basically Typing Space inside of a dialog) multi-line? If not is there another Dialog option to get multi-line functionality out of? I'm asking because what I've done is basically created a script console where you can copy and paste code and run it on the fly. Thanks in advance :D ---------- Post added at 10:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 AM ---------- Well apparently ST_MULTI (0x10) along with htmlControl = 1; and lineSpacing = 0.1;, any advice?
  12. Thanks benny I'll give it a try, my goal is to eventually make my console more user friendy and help newer people scripting get started by being able to use built in functions (such as inserting hints, if statements, etc.) to round out a script and test it then and there. It's also going to have an addAction system so you can test the code of your addAction without having to have a separate sqf. Thanks again :D ---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ---------- So I tried that and I started getting game crashes, I reverted back to the old dialogs/defines and the problem remains, nothing is different, this has worked before, (I hadn't tested with the .paa's) But it keeps crashing my game with the error (config.cpp line 17 missing '}'). When clearly the config.cpp is set up CORRECTLY, I even get the error when I don't put in the extended_eventhandlers bit. Could someone please look at it. And tell me what I'm doing wrong, it's beginning to piss me off.
  13. object say3d "soundname"; More info here.
  14. Well it really depends on how your vehicle is set up.... For example with making vehicles unless all your selections are the exact same as bi models you will have to write your own model config. As for the config.cpp, the same really applies. I suggest looking at others work and see how they do things, there are lots of addons with unbinarised configs such as this. Also, Kegety's arma 2 tools come with a neat little program called Un-Rap. Which essentially allows you to de-binarise configs/rvmats. You can find the tools here. Good Luck :D
  15. Addons should not have multiple pbos seeing as it is the PBO that has sig checking. If you learn how to use yoma's addonsync I think there is a way for them to set up the keys for you.
  16. Oh now I remember, yeah F2k is right. Place down a non-playable unit of each faction in like the corner of the map with possibility of presence set to 0 and you should never get that problem :D That's what MSO did.
  17. It's funny because I used cursortarget before, but I want the action assigned to the play that the script is ran through in their init line because the guy I'm making it for wants it that way. I like your way of using cursorTarget, I never though of that. Lol. I'll try it later when I'm not half asleep and I'll let you know. Also I was wondering if it was creating an array inside of an array thank you for clarifying. And my explaining wasn't the best so sorry for the confusion lol.
  18. This script is ran through an addAction. I think the problem is through the switch command, although my case matches with the type of the vehicle as I've done a check for it through groupChat. Take a look at it. private["_car","_type","_carPos","_dir","_newCar"]; _car = _this select 0; _type = typeOf _car; _carPos = getPos _car; _dir = getDir _car; if (count (crew _car) > 0) exitWith {player groupChat "This vehicle is not empty!";}; switch {true} do { case (_type == "Offroad_DSHKM_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "Offroad_DSHKM_Gue" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; case (_type == "Pickup_PK_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "Pickup_PK_GUE" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; case (_type == "UAZ_SPG9_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "Offroad_SPG9_GUE" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; case (_type == "Ural_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "V3S_GUE" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; case (_type == "UralOpen_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "V3S_GUE" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; case (_type == "Ural_ZU23_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "Ural_ZU23_GUE" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; case (_type == "TT650_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "TT650_GUE" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; case (_type == "BMP2_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "BMP2_GUE" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; case (_type == "BMP2_HQ_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "BRDM2_HQ_GUE" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; case (_type == "BRDM2_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "BRDM2_GUE" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; case (_type == "BRDM2_ATGM_INS") : {deleteVehicle _car;_newCar = "BRDM2_GUE" createVehicle (getPos _carPos); _newCar setDir _dir;}; }; private["_fuel","_damage"]; _fuel = ((floor (random 5) + 1) * 0.1); _newCar setFuel _fuel; Any and all help is appreciated. I also get no script errors when using it.
  19. The level that sounds come out is, I'm guessing hard coded into the game that it is dependent on the user's effect's volume. You can't really force people to hear a sound at the volume you want, that's like buying something and having no choice in what it is you bought ;) lol As far as the subtitles go I dunno, I've always just used the titleText command.
  20. Your game is lagging because of the excess units and code being run. If you're only running it on your computer you may want to optimize it a bit. However, if you plan to have it run on a server it should run way better.
  21. First off, I'm not sure if you're using this for your own custom addon/mod or you are trying to edit your actual arma 2 content. If you are replacing this with your old PBO STOP. You do not want to mess with your default expansion addons and/or addons as most-all servers you will play on will have what is called addon-signature checking which means if you have edited your pbos then you will be kicked off the game and you will have to reinstall EVERYTHING. (Sig-Checking is generally done to keep people from scripting in exploits into their addons) Now that we have that sorted, if you're trying to create your own units then you're going to have to change the paths for the configuration files and change names of things so you don't do what I like to call "double-class" which is where the same thing is defined twice in your config files. (In your case happening from having the same config file as BIS configs) You could overhaul the config and make the character models still map to the default ca_characters models and have different names for different loadouts. But you won't be able to change the default BI Content without completely screwing over your game. To get started on making Addons/Configs I'd say start here. Good Luck! Horner
  22. Could you give us a little more detail on your situation? We'll be able to help more :D