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Everything posted by Horner

  1. I don't know of any tutorials, however, there are a few projects out there with uncompiled versions of the extension and you could use those to learn. I recommend ArmA2MySQL.
  2. I think this is what you're looking for.
  3. You are saying that the lbData command is returning an empty string, I can't see why if you don't show me how you're using the command.
  4. Horner

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Dom, your voice is so soothing. I may fall asleep to that tutorial video later.
  5. Post some code you are using or I can't help :)
  6. lbSetData and lbData can be used for what you're trying to accomplish.
  7. Horner

    Disable Key Press / Input

    Scratch what I said, misread part of your post.
  8. Yep, what lala said. addAction is a local command, you'll need to use bis_fnc_mp (or a pvar eh, if you're old school) to execute on other clients.
  9. You have to use publicVariable after you change the value.
  10. Could you specify which part isn't working for you? Did you mean this script is run via addAction?
  11. That's because the check variables are global variables and global variables are client side. Try using publicVariable.
  12. This should work for you. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_MP
  13. A suggestion, if I may make one, would be to arrange the objects into a GUI for creation instead of on the action wheel, as it leaves the action wheel somewhat overpopulated. Nice work, though!
  14. Spawning the explosion works, hence why I posted "Thanks guys".
  15. So I've been out of the scripting game for a while and I'm trying to get my footing again. I'm doing this sort of AA missile defense system that shoots down missiles within a certain vicinity. I can't seem to figure out how to detonate the missile midair (without collision between two missiles). I've tried using setDamage but that didn't work. Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance.
  16. I wasn't aware you could spawn explosions, I was under the impression that you had to spawn a bomb or something of the works and let it go off. Do you have a classname example of any explosion?
  17. Horner

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain WIP]

    Definitely the best terrain project I've seen for ArmA 3 so far! Keep up the outstanding work!
  18. Loot System by Horner I made this system inspired by the system used in DayZ. Basically I used a custom function (that I lost the code to but would post if I had it) to grab all building positions in all the buildings on the map (of chernarus in this case) and spit them out line by line in my rpt. Then I copy/pasted them, formatted them and put them into an array. And the system basically works by grabbing a random position from that array, then grabbing some random gear (check out the code for more details) and spawns "loot", sort of like in DayZ. There are also several parameters that you can adjust including the initial spawns and the time in-between spawns. I thought it would be interesting to try out something like this and I hope this comes in use for any freelance mission makers that need it. If you have any questions you can ask below. Enjoy! Download https://dl.dropbox.com/u/67505055/hrn_loot.Chernarus.pbo
  19. I think DZS used Celery's zombies. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. Looks impressive. Best wishes in your project! I hope to see/play this mod when it is finished.
  21. I see what you mean, generally Arma2Net is used for most plugins, but yes the overall code that is passed into the extension is a string, I figured this was a given. _return = "Extension" callExtension "stringtobepassed";
  22. This isn't totally true, you pass an array of strings into the function, if the function takes strings into it's parameters (works the same way as an ArmA function, only it's not loosely written so it must be defined in the function), so say in your plugin (I'm just going to use C# and standard ArmA2Net plugin structure) you have this... [AddIn("MyPlugin")] public string ReturnMyString(string myString) { return myString; } You would call it like so.... _return = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension "MyPlugin [ReturnMyString, 'StringContent']"; And would return back to you "StringContent".