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Everything posted by Horner

  1. Horner

    Count rounds left

    I made a script that displays in the form of a hint that does just this for you. /* Written by Horner for Giallustio Displays current rounds out of max number of rounds */ private["_mag","_maxRnd","_curRnd"]; _mag = currentMagazine player; _maxRnd = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _mag >> "count"); _curRnd = (player ammo (currentWeapon player)); hintSilent format ["%1/%2", _curRnd, _maxRnd]; Untested, let me know if it works.
  2. Did a little research on Apache Hive. Apparently it is similar to MySQL but allows for multiple insertions of data and drawing data through tables using select commands. Seems to make it easier for arma to use it, good call by the DayZ devs. But again, I still don't even remotely know how DayZ server hosting works, much the same with a lot of people here. Questions like this would be better answered by people who you know play the game and who you know host these kinds of servers. While we don't discredit you for liking the mod (as the OP assumed in the first post), we are just trying to point you in the right direction :)
  3. Last I checked the DayZ mod team gave you the mission and stuff to run the mission, and you ran it on your server. There was no editing involved on your side (I may be wrong). Also, why (or how) in the world are you using a MySQL DB to place things on the map? I'm quite sure that's how DayZ saves things such as XYZ grid coords, Inventory, Hunger, Thirst, Damage, etc. But the things they place on the map, that are not effected during gameplay (such as sandbags, buildings, etc.) are only edited simply through the Editor like kylania said. And yes, I could only imagine having to get that info from the DB for each object is innefficient, lol. And yes, any questions regarding the DayZ mod should go on the DayZ forums. But for information on the arma 2 mission editor you can always check here.
  4. { _x setUnitPos "DOWN"; } forEach (units (group this)); Should work for the whole group in the Leader's init.
  5. I never use set personally, inconvenience of having to keep track of the index. Just add to the array with _arr = _arr + _entry;
  6. Isn't there an eventhandler of sort that you can add to the dialog's configuration that runs whenever you type in something (I think it's onChar.)? You could just run a script and if the text isn't in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] then it erases it with setCtrlText.
  7. The real question is, why are you defining functions in a script file that is ran multiple times? You're defining the function on each run, that defeats the purpose of a PRE-DEFINED function. But besides that, I see no syntax errors. Generally when arma returns a missing ";" on a line it is referring to the line above it. (With no semicolon, arma recognizes this as a run-on command, thus pumping out a missing ";" error.)
  8. don't use setcaptive, as setCaptive sets the units side to civilian
  9. createCenter shouldn't be needed if units of the same side are spawned in at mission start (center gets auto created).
  10. WEST setFriend [EAST,0]; EAST setFriend [WEST,0];
  11. So I'm making a simple map, terrain is flat, 2 second brush over in Wilbur, but I have an issue now. I have defined my textures in the layers config and all, now I imported the Sat map and MCO. I have this issue now. http://i.imgur.com/W5tAy.jpg?1 It seems as though it has applied the satmap to be the texture, not what I want at all. My mask has the whole thing painted over in (0,255,0) RGB. But it still does this. It also does not create a "layers" folder in my data folder. I don't even know what's going on anymore...... Please help.
  12. Horner

    Weird map issue.

    @Robster, I got the layers folder situated, and I spoke to Jakerod last night. I'm not creating this terrain anymore so I require no more assistance, thanks for the help though guys :cool:
  13. Horner

    Weird map issue.

    The thing is I've done this before with a sand texture and the actual SAND texture showed up that I defined in the layers.cfg. The whole map is only supposed to be one texture. My bad for adding an "s". The whole mask_lco was painted over in 0,255,0. Also jakerod I just used a grass sat_lco from the terrain starter kit.
  14. Well, I've had this error before while duplicating addWeapon commands, don't know what is up with your's, mind uploading the mission?
  15. What shuko said. Make sure you use that foreach command first. { { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach (crew _x); } forEach (nearestObjects [getPos _pos, ["LandVehicle","Ship","Air","Tank"], 500]);
  16. Horner

    Weird map issue.

    Anyone got an answer to this? It's really holding me up ;_;
  17. Might want to post this in the squad section.
  18. You can find all the information on the mission editor here. :)
  19. @Rej I think he wanted to delete them. So you'd probably compile them into an array with nearestObjects then use this. {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _array;
  20. First of all, ArmA 2 is on like, patch 1.10. So you having the 1.06 patch is a problem (unless it is a prerequisite, I have steam :P). Other than that, you should go to your AppData\Local\ArmA2OA\ArmA2OARPT to see what is causing it to crash, if you don't understand, upload the RPT somewhere and we can take a look.
  21. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestObjects
  22. From my experience, using spawn has always been a more effective way of doing things than actually calling a new script.
  23. Sure they can inside of spawn but if you use call then it won't work :P. He may be using call because he needs to wait for that func to finish to run the rest of his script.
  24. If this is in a predefined function, your problem relies in the command "sleep". Predefined functions cannot use sleep.
  25. Horner

    Rtm setup

    Always wondered how to make custom animations, I was just happy with user animations for the longest time :P Nice job, will definitely be checking it out.