Thanks for the suggestions. I am at work now so I don't have current version number, but since I installed Combined Operations only about two weeks ago it must be the latest patch. I already eliminated the nearby camp with UAZs, so there has been no attack.
One possibility is that Langushina didn't come with me after she was arrested. I never saw her actually get into the LAV 25. I switched to ride in the back and she wasn't there but I don't know if that is just because Bohemia never bothered to put an animation of her there. But the task list said she has been arrested and to take her to the LZ. The LZ is marked in yellow on the map. I had everyone exit the LAV 25 and she was not there.
Looks like I am just going to have to go back to an earlier save and try again. I am really enjoying this game and I hope the rest of it won't be as buggy.
Again, thanks.