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About Jachra

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  1. Jachra


    The 'inbetween' stuff is fully as important as the in-mission stuff for X-Com. A big question: Simulate the passage of time with random events or have set branching trees? Or some other way to mimic a variable, open-ended campaign.
  2. Jachra


    Buwahaha, IceBreakr, you magnificent bastard, that's awesome. Thanks for the input.
  3. Jachra


    I'm sorry, let me clarify: I'm not requesting this Addon, I'm asking about whether this is something that a modder would be able to do with some level of dedication. As in, I'm not asking whether it's possible for someone else to, I'm asking whether or not it's possible for me to do it if I took the time and effort - Specifically, with regard to the options I mentioned above. Or does that question belong in another forum?
  4. I was curious about how possible it would be to do something at least remotely similar to traditional X-Com (albeit in ArmA 2 gameplay, obviously.) Specific elements include: A variable, open-ended campaign Persistant equipment and statuses 'Research' of captured equipment and interrogation of captured beings Psychic powers