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Posts posted by Combatbob

  1. There's wide vaerity in the term "Stuck Ai".

    Type A: Ai-Leaders standing still just waiting for insured (inconcious subordinates)

    Type B: Ai-Leaders standing still @ their respawn

    Type C: No-Name in Team-Command menue

    Type D: "Error: no-vehicle"


    Type A: Go into the Command Menue and disband the injured Unit(s)

    Type B: Take a Flashbang and flash them (Try multible times)

    or change their teambehavior ... or both. works for 95%.

    Type c: Disband all units from the Group but the Leader (Dont disband him, or he'll get Type D)

    Type D: No known fixes.

    Be aware! Dont hit "respawn" "Type C" Ai, ... thats the best way to make them "Type D"

    Type C and D are a something even Benny can't solve (AFAIK),

    cause this problems are rooting to stressed Servers in connection with JIP

    (isPlayer) ... should be fixed in 1.58 OA.

    Tried beta, wasn't fixed -

    PS.: to generally prevent Type B AIs, make sure that there are as less as possible Objects in a radius of 30m around the Factories. If you build your factories too close to forrests or treetrunks they'll start to block.

    hope it helps

    Thank you Freak

    I run the server for UAL002, i am upgrading it tonight or tomorrow to a Quad core and some more memory, and then will try to test these different states.

    So far we have seen all of these types, though from what i am reading i was inducing some Type D's on my own! :o

    I will give the disband or flashbangs a shot, the majority do see to be the "stuck at spawn" doing nothing, to which i would click respawn, worked 25% of the time maybe.

    I can run same amount of AI, with plain Benny version and its pretty flawless AI wise, but with ACE version the AI stalls within an hour or sooner, sometimes longer.
