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Everything posted by MadMuzza

  1. Good to see an Arma 3 Warhammer mod going, huge Warhammer fan here - I actually run a Warhammer 40k gaming clan (www.battle-brothers.net). I don't have any experience in modding but if I can help I will do my best :) Lady is around, though he can't access this forum due to him being banned... Shame, he's a nice fella.
  2. MadMuzza

    Infected Virus

    Thanks mate :)
  3. MadMuzza

    Infected Virus

    How do you upgrade to the Dev build?
  4. MadMuzza

    Headgear and Glasses Pack

    Any chance of making some sci-fi kinds of helmets like these: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/18/17446/MoTE_IG_helmets.png (868 kB)
  5. MadMuzza

    -E3- Units (new camos)

    Any chance of some Imperial Guard helmets like these: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/18/17446/MoTE_IG_helmets.png (868 kB)
  6. MadMuzza

    Custom Face

    I've put it in the Arma 3 folder but I can't see Custom face anywhere. Edit: Managed to get it to work by now I'm blue :)
  7. MadMuzza

    How Strong Will The PVP Scene Be?

    Does CTI count as PVP? Always play them :)
  8. When I make my own cameo, where do I put it?
  9. MadMuzza

    Dslyecxi's 'Paper doll' Gear Menu

    How do I install this?
  10. Had family who took part in that conflict, do them proud gents.
  11. Ah well, hopefully a Warhammer fan will show up in the future for either CO or Arma 3, thanks anyway lads :)
  12. Bloody Hell I didn't know it took that much effort mate haha! Erm guess I will leave XD
  13. Thanks MadDogX, I have my fingers crossed on that feature.
  14. I'm sorry if it has been posted before but will players be able to shoot from moving vehicles?
  15. Wanted to get rid of my old request so I could ask for the following request: I'm looking for someone to make a base model of this trooper (Will pay): Some more reference images: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_mCi6jSv_dKY/TVGQAyh6fXI/AAAAAAAAAis/-bcP3JKR_sM/s1600/SAM_0842.JPG http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y270/Captain_Brown/Elysians/Elysian120.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y270/Captain_Brown/Elysians/Elysian120.jpg Thanks for the read chaps :)
  16. MadMuzza

    Best software?

    Thanks mate, much appreciated.
  17. Well I'm about to take my first steps into modelling with this game but at the moment I'm stuck on which software to use, I've spoke to a couple of friends who all use 3Dmax for their stuff, but I was wondering if there is certain software more suited for Arma?
  18. MadMuzza

    Best software?

    Thanks buddy :)
  19. Anyone interested in making a Warhammer 40k Mod? I have some great Ideas! Really want to get a team together!
  20. Me and some friends are thinking of hosting a private Zargabad life server, we have a dedicated box but I was wondering how do I actually dowload and install the mod? I've looked on mods sites for it but I have came across nothing, could anyone help me with this? I'm new to the mod industry for this game so all information would be great. Thanks lads :)
  21. MadMuzza

    Life (Zargabad, Chernarus, etc.)

    Bump, also interested in this.
  22. Is there any 40k mods in production for Arma2 or Arma3? If not would anyone be interested in starting one? Please PM me if you're interested.
  23. Is there any 40k mods for these games?
  24. MadMuzza

    40k Mod?

    Isnt that for OFP?