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About Arrowstorm12

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  1. Arrowstorm12

    Degeneration V2.10 -Zombie Reign-

    Heh, I was one of the 2 playing with you. <- Daka. :P
  2. Arrowstorm12

    Degeneration V2.10 -Zombie Reign-

    Sweet. :P Can't wait to get into a game if you are hosting. :)
  3. Arrowstorm12

    Degeneration V2.10 -Zombie Reign-

    Any servers running for the excellent mission at the moment? :D I'm craving to go zombie hunting with a group of other excellent individuals. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Deathlord9006 Add me here sometime for a game, if you have steam. :P
  4. Arrowstorm12

    Degeneration V2.10 -Zombie Reign-

    The mod supports both types but the mission uses Infected (+ Dogs)
  5. Arrowstorm12

    Degeneration V2.10 -Zombie Reign-

    Any update on the release of the new version of Degeneration? :P
  6. Arrowstorm12

    Degeneration V2.10 -Zombie Reign-

    Go into Editor, pick Takistan and put down a random unit, enter the game and wait for it to load before exiting and going back into the Degeneration mission. It's a odd process but it works. Usually takes 2-3 mins to load then.