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About Antonoo

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. So youre telling me the server doesn't allow me to join because I have a minor mod enabled that it doesnt have? LOL... EDIT: HAHAHAHAHA! Lol the server won't allow me to join because I have other mods installed such as ad_helos, SAS skins, weapons. Im not using modfolders for those and I can join any other I44 server but the kellys heroes because of this. Screw it.. Thanks anyways but it is fail..
  2. Nope still can't join kellysheroes server. Now im recieving some shit about Jayarma2lib but with the same exact message.
  3. Did all steps told in Yoma Addon thingy in the first post. Still doesn't work, same error about CBA/Addons keys that are not listed or something I don't know. I can't really be arsed because everything is so damn complex. Anyone heard about simplicity? Nothing works in this game and I always get issues as soon as I install something.
  4. Ahh well guess I wont be able to play on the kellys heroes server because when i paste this URL:http://addonsync.kellys-heroes.eu/AR.../i44CO-Repo.7z into the auto config url it says failed importing server details...
  5. Guys I cant join the kellys heroes I44 server:( It says something about CBA/Addons keys that havnt been installed on the server. Should I update my CBA or what should I do?
  6. Will we see glider planes in the future? Like the Airspeed Horsa or Waco Glider?
  7. Downloading right now. Im in the 6th airborne unit for a year back now. We used to play this mod Resistance and Liberation which died three months ago. Since then we've played arma. And if this mod goes in the right direction I can see us converting to this mod hopefully :) Looking forwards to glider planes!
  8. Yeah I have a few mods installed but I only used addons that are on the server.
  9. Hi. I finished my mission and I uploaded it to my clans server. When I try to pick the mission thats on the list it goes to black, says waiting for host. 5 Seconds later it goes back to the mission pick thingy. I can play the mission myself though running only OA.
  10. Thanks braw for the fast answer thank you alot! If I return I will do so with issues in this thread. Otherwise it works! THANKS EVERYONE :)
  11. Guys.. Youre confusing me lol. So what Ios said wont work in MP, this is supposed to be a MP COOP mission so ill rule that thing out. However thanks for learning me on some more scripting. Okey so how do I get this to work in MP. Pickup item-Item dissapear-Mission completed-Mission Added.
  12. Hello. Ive searched around I got the answer to do this, but it requires scripting and what I need is to add an objective when the item is picked up. The answer I found only makes the current objective completed. I do not have the logic or experience to do this so I wondered if you guys know how to do this?
  13. Ohh okey thanks for the answer.
  14. Hi. Ad_helos are using a USMC pilot for the AI pilot and gunner. That pilot is Arma 2 but my clan server is an OA server only so I need to change the AI pilots to OA compatible ones for us to play it on the server. How do I do this?