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Everything posted by rotekz

  1. rotekz

    TMR Modular Realism

    It's just a pain in the butt and made me swear loads. Then I tried VTS and thought 'Thats better!'. Your weapon resting is too strict on the conditions required. Dropping back packs and helmets is just a faff that will get me shot.
  2. rotekz

    TMR Modular Realism

    I agree with NordKindchen above and use VTS weapon resting instead as it is far more forgiving when on slight downslopes. I would much prefer for TMS to be doing the weapon resting as I use the most of the other modules. VTS also allows you to move around a little whilst posted up without having to repost the bipod. It is far nicer to use.
  3. rotekz

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Looks like it will be evening then before I get to try it out.
  4. temp toggle stance will only be good for me if it can be assigned to a controller like pedals. I need to be able to move left/right with A & D whilst the using the stance but you have A & D cancel the stance.
  5. rotekz

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Great answer. I agree 100% with this. :)
  6. PiP is very bad on performance as the whole scene has to be rendered twice. The game already has major fps issues for many people and any further big drops would be totally unacceptable. As Almanzo said above 4x human vision is not possible and is an exploit. The developers have simply forgotten to fix it so far. It is something that will be sorted out soon and all zoom scopes will behave like the SOS.
  7. Actually I have been using trackIR for a while with a dead zone and turning it on and off with a key is an unnecessary fudge to a problem which need not exist if the scopes behaves like the SOS.
  8. this does not get rid of the hunting for the scope problem that occurs when the track IR is not perfectly central. It is a real pain in the ass and your solution does not address that.The only system that works in practice is to lock scope view to centre. Otherwise track IR users are at a significant disadvantage with these scope as too tricky to handle.
  9. Dayz standalone yes. Arma 3 no. Its just the way it is with Arma being so open to user content and consoles being so closed.
  10. PiP is out of the question as the performance hit for acceptable quality is far too high. The only solution that works is to lock the head to centre when looking through a zoom scope.
  11. It isn't possible to alter track IR sensitivity based on zoom settings. The simplest answer is the system in place on the SOS scope. Head movement not available when looking though a zoom scope. If you want to turn your head switch to the secondary red dot/iron sight on top of the scope.
  12. The problem with track IR on 4x 3D scopes is primarily when transitioning from the red dot on top to the actual scope. More often than not I have been looking around with track IR and it is not perfectly centred. Even when off by a small amount it means it is totally off in scope view and have to waste time trying to find and centre the optics. Not easy when it is so sensitive at 4x. The scope view should be locked to centre like the SOS.
  13. I too have a TrackIR and am frustrated with the new 3D RCO and ARCO scopes. Plus the gloss is way too high on the rear lens making it too opaque.
  14. rotekz

    release of Altis map

    MP performance is highly dependant on the coding of the game mode that the server is running. On a well scripted version of domination, Invade & Annex or Sa-Matra's Wasteland I can get up to 60fps at 2560x1600 with very high/ultra settings using a single GTX680. It rarely drops below 40fps. Other versions of Wasteland struggle to hit 30fps.
  15. rotekz

    Fatigue effects

    Utter nonsense. Providing options allows you to play the way you enjoy the game.
  16. If you want high frame rates in Wasteland play the Sa-Matra version. Its well coded.
  17. Are there any Domination v2.99 servers that run Zeus? I can't see any game servers that use it.
  18. rotekz

    Surround sound problems, DEVs take notice

    I have a proper 7.1 speaker setup and the sound localisation in Arma 3 has always been poor to nonexistence. Its terrible not knowing where shots are coming from. Other games do not have this issue.
  19. rotekz

    Fatigue effects

    The blur is a joke. Load up a carry-all backpack with kit then run 20 yards and the blur is so strong that it does your eyes in and makes fighting impossible. Everyone I play with thinks it sh*t. By far the worst thing in the game.
  20. rotekz

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Thanks for trying to find a fix. We didn't know there was an extra person in our group until too late when he had wiped us out in 15 seconds flat. Only the group leader can see in their HUD the current group members and they did not notice anyone new joining.
  21. rotekz

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Hi SaMatra, great work with the mission! However I just wanted to say that this group invasion happened to Penguin and myself again the other night. The guy somehow got in our group and then killed all of us. We were at a disadvantage because he had the group marker on him and in the confusion it was not obvious he was an enemy player. He then shouted in direct chat " Ha Ha! I killed your whole team!" This guy was using it as an exploit for sure.
  22. rotekz

    360 Controller: Y-Axis Inversion?

    Yes the lack of 360 controller invert y axis has screwed me up too. I find the game unplayable without it so it looks like I have thrown my money away. How can the developers not have patched this by now? :mad: