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The Firestarter

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About The Firestarter

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  1. I'm no expert but I think that: 1. every core you see in the Task Manager is a virtual core. They are called "logical cores". 2. CPU4 and CPU5 use the 3rd physical core and CPU6 and CPU7 the 4th physical core. So there is no difference to CPU0-3, except that they use the first two physical cores. 3. it should make no difference which cores the games uses except on those core that are used by other programs.
  2. The Firestarter

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Looking at your frames it seems that you don't have the problem I had. Those frames where impossible for me before.
  3. The Firestarter

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Those guys made no difference. I simply didn't want to wait for them to leave. I'm not saying I have a solution for everyone. It's definitely working for me. Here are some more screens I made with default clock speed. http://imgur.com/a/NDNlP This mission had a lot less FPS and the direction I'm facing gave me pretty low FPS. 90° to the left or right was above 30. I will make a test with Helos mission, but I don't expect that big of a difference in SP. While on those MP missions using that scripted "Virtual Ammobox" it takes a lot of time to display every one of those in the list. While at 9 FPS it takes ages to refresh after you clicked another category. Without Speedstep and ~30 FPS even this Ammobox script works pretty smooth for me. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5 runs with Speedstep ON and 5 with OFF. ON: 34, 34, 34, 28, 30 - ∅ 32 I ignored one attempt with 22 FPS and made another one OFF: 41, 41, 40, 42, 42 - ∅ 41 Screenshots with settings http://imgur.com/a/9wNrL
  4. The Firestarter

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    For a week or two I had those extremely low FPS in MP. In missions like Wasteland or King of the Hill I had 9-12 sometimes 15 FPS. In Domination missions the FPS where around 20. While I always had similar FPS on Wasteland and King of the Hill, Domination was playable, not great but playable. Up until one of the updates around a week ago, when even Domination became unplayable. My Specs are i7-3770K, 8GB, SSD and GTX680 AMP!. A clanmate of mine has a similar system. He has a GTX670 OC with the came CPU and amount of RAM and he also has an SSD. Two days ago we both joined a Domination server with the same driver and game settings (1 exception, he accidentally set his object draw distance to 3k instead 1,5k like I did. I only noticed that later). We stood at the same position looking down the same road and he had much more FPS despite his settings being much higher (as we know object draw distance is a big difference). Some days before that I made some tests in the editor and noticed strange FPS drops. My FPS where between 50 and 65, sometimes even 70. I was in an empty Agia Marina with an MH-9 in front of me. Disabled PIP, because that cost me 30 FPS... After a while I noticed that the FPS sometimes went even below 30 and a moment later it went up again. Without anything happening on the screen. So I tried to figure out how I was causing this. Once I restarted the mission and looked at the FPS counter which was at say 45 (I don't remember the exact numbers anymore) Then I simply turned around 360°, suddenly the FPS went down to 25 and stayed there and I couldn't bring it up again. Changing settings didn't do much. The FPS seemed to be capped somehow, just like in MP. My CPU and GPU where dozing away. It just stayed there until I restarted the game or the mission. Sometimes alt tab and back into the game was enough. This happened several times but I couldn't see a trigger for that. I also noticed that I couldn't get up the 55, 60 or even 70 FPS anymore. Another strange thing I noticed (SP and MP) was that after making a screenshot with steam/fraps the FPS counter went up for some seconds and dropped again. You actually could feel how the game suddenly became much more fluid and then it was gone again. Same thing happed every time I made a screenshot, except when my FPS where in a range where it was supposed to be. In those cases the FPS counter behaved like expected, a small brief drop in FPS. I know most of the stuff I wrote was nothing new to this thread and I hope the rest was not too confusing. I know I was confused! Today I tried an attempt to mitigate this problem by overclocking my CPU. By coincidence I disabled Speedstep in the UEFI (read something in a guide about it). So after this I joined a Wasteland server. Lo and behold! 40-50 FPS. First I thought it was yesterdays update (tested with the dev build). Before downgrading to the normal build and redownloading I decided to check Speedstep first. Joined a full Domination server, made some screenshots, enabled Speedstep again, joined the same server and there I had those 25 FPS again. Now in hindsight those strange FPS drops in the editor made kind of sense as my CPU simply stayed at 1.6GHz with Speedstep activated. Here are some screenshots I made. http://imgur.com/a/4VDcZ As you can see those are pretty high settings and I was facing the Island while standing in the base. So more then 35 FPS was difficult at that moment.
  5. The Firestarter

    Advance And Secure

    Is this still in development?