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Posts posted by Grevensher

  1. I am also having the glitch in the very same spot after the same event as described by the original poster. I shoot down the aircraft, then the loading screen comes up, and stays there for ever until the monitor goes into power save mode.

    I have Googled around and seen a few people that have brought this issue up in Steam and Armaholic forums. No one seems to know why it happens or have a solution. It bothers me because I had the same problem with ARMA 2, and have yet to finish a campaign because I have a life and can't replay 4 hour segments from the beginning.

    But considering the slew of bugs this game has, we have to count our blessings that it doesn't fry our motherboards. I have the latest patched version of the game through steam, as steam keeps it up to date automatically.

    Why the attitude? Did you have to say that?, wasn't enough?

    Did i say something to you, is he your little kid brother or something and your defending him?

    A better explanation and details would bring a different response, I dont care tbh if he cheats or not unless its MP, and that you pointed it out

    cheating can be used to test and debug, that makes more sense to me. All you had to say or something like it.

    When someone says "Is there a cheat to force the mission to win?" as in his 2nd post, what am I supposed to think that hed rather

    hack the game or mission so he can win which it looks clearly like it was his intention even though he had already beat the mission,

    or had another idea. I seen his intention to want to get through the mission.

    All i said is I dont see the point of cheating anyways, so clearly someone like youself could have said what you said it can be used for this and that,

    well then thats fine.

    Were all playing this game like you, and I'm here to help if i can, I dont give an attitude, nor get personal, nor did I attack anyone personally

    here or made such comments that made it appear that way, so why TF am I getting it?!

    Glad I can do my part and get stepped on, I appreciate the courtesy from my fellow forum mates.
