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Everything posted by kotov12345

  1. kotov12345

    new warfare island

    I don't mind.Will nice that BIS include new islands in next official update.
  2. really miss that ofp config where you have to hit m1a1 gun to kill it easier
  3. I suggest keep repair/crew/other aside and post idea regarding damage only. Not other aspects.BIS not able to change everything at once anyway.Only step by step. ---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ---------- that's I'm talking about possibility to remove it.
  4. yea - but look video tanks blow from first shot
  5. Not understand m8 what you trying to tell me about :) it is all about make game a bit more interested. Lost driver - go back to base get driver. lost track - call for support. Lost gun -> retreat.
  6. kotov12345

    new warfare island

    have you read post ? if you have problem with performance or want to tell other people how good your computer - create another thread. I want new island not because pc works slow or faster - because it is not suitable for particular maps. I'm not gonna argue with you.Put 200 units on chernarus run server and see what happens when 120 players connects.
  7. kotov12345

    new warfare island

    What kind of problem ? BIS removed infantry air autolock long time ago. ---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 AM ---------- you so cool man my win 3.1 with 128mb ram play arma2 fine. It is tread about isloand will run smooth on any gaming pc and usable for warfare.Not usable for caaa1 or other project.Is sound clear ?
  8. kotov12345

    new warfare island

    I wish all students have same pc as mine :)
  9. kotov12345

    RADAR - new idea

    it is not a question about mods - it is question about vanilla game as suggestion thread. Weapons system that allow you lock bike (because it is enemy bike lol ) without visual contact does not exist :). On/off radar will be first step to change locking/targeting/radar system in game.
  10. kotov12345

    new warfare island

    yes a2oa - if you think that you can play chernarus until your death just play it lol. I'm not talking about view distance setting in game. boring when send 5 ai tanks to go with you and they stack in rocks - so 4 airstrips predictable and boring - bot current 2 in takistan not predictable and ok yes ?
  11. looks like overheat problem - try open case and play with opened case.
  12. watch on 0:36 moment with cow on background. Remind me something game lol.
  13. kotov12345

    RADAR - new idea

    they good compromise but they have so unrealistic interface.Never saw anything in real weapons.But Second problem is autolock in tanks - no mando system for it lol
  14. kotov12345

    Gossamer's Warfare --- Variant of Warfare BE

    agree BIS planes and attack choppers is real joke :) - Flying chopper or plane lock tank driving in forest somewhere 3km from it and kill from 1st rocket :)
  15. kotov12345

    RADAR - new idea

    lol ai so dummy in the sky and in tanks :)
  16. kotov12345

    How much RAM does the typical ArmA player got?

    depends on your chipset - if you use dual channel you need have 4gb doesnt matter if you have 32bit or 64. triple channel 3gb is enough(I use it now.)
  17. kotov12345

    Gossamer's Warfare --- Variant of Warfare BE

    For warfare coders special: I got another idea.I used to play AGW AAS maps we need to cap zone here.Each zone start capping when one team have more units than other team inside the zone.Speed of taking zone depends on difference between quantity of units of each team.When zone take you need to touch flag to finish process and if you keep positive difference you completely take that zone.Really nice idea if we can implement that code and do new warfare map. Other idea to remove spawn in camps. May be option force players(engineers) to build spawn points for each town (may be need to be build in research area) and force other team looks for enemy spawn point.May be implement spawn point like big tent or house with players spawn inside of it. Other idea can be taken from agw aas maps spawn in towns which belong to your team but if your death inside on town.
  18. kotov12345

    RADAR - new idea

    do you want ask bis to implement how radar, identification and communication works in real ? go on lol :)
  19. kotov12345

    new injure system

    Suggestion to make different injure system. Idea : Every soldier should have medic pack each can be refilled. System: left Hand injure and players should be able to use medic pack.can able to fire but no so accurate - but can go normal and not make any sounds like now. Right hand injure and only player will be able to help them - but can go normal cant fire and not make any sounds like now. Legs injure player can able to fire and able to use pack but they cant walk. Light Body/head injure player cant fire and only other player can heal him. But can crouch.Only real medics can help them. heavy injure lead to play produce sound like producing now - meeeeee :) and cant walk fire crouch and other players can take weapons from them like from dead.Only real medics can help them.
  20. kotov12345

    new injure system

    guys sorry for misunderstandings - I create thread in aspect of make improvements in vanilla version of the game. I'm asking which mod allow me use it. I'm not playing ace or other mods becouse I prefer 30 players + pvp games on well known servers and servers only working with allowed mods.
  21. so my question is - why we haven't got m1a1s with flir in game ? why we use nightview ?
  22. ok - TAB button is main target system in all vehicles in game.Such system not exist in real.where is realism ? lol Press TAB and your vehicles automaticly lock target and fire and target down :)
  23. why we still use night view in game ? :)