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About tod

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    Private First Class
  1. I may not have been clear enough: I tried running both the original UPS and UPSMON in the same mission--East was UPS, West was UPSMON--and I could not get both AI programs to work together. Of course UPSMON works on East and West in the same mission, common man. ;)
  2. I have no answer to your question THH, but! I did try making a mission where East called UPS and West called UPSMON and both of them would not work together. It appeared that whatever script was called up first was the only one that operated. If East started moving toward the marker, West would just stand there. I tried this several times in several ways and it appeared that they were not compatible. Just FYI. If you got them both to work I'd be interested in what you're doing to achieve those results.
  3. Caxton Gibbett, thank you for responding. I followed your instructions to the T and still had no action menu option (though I can use the action menu to switch weapons and heal). So I tried the keypress version and may have done something wrong due to lack of know-how. I set the custom keys 18, 19 and 20 to P, - and =. I then set P, - and = under turbo in the game-key assign page. This didn't work, either; so I'm assuming that I missed a step or something. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
  4. Can I get a little help on installation? I want to use the action menu version--so I named a folder @GIB_Copy_Stance and put it in my ARMA 2 root folder. I then put the @GIB string in the game start properties. AND, no new commands show up in-game when I press the space bar (which I've always assumed was the action menu). Am I loading the addon wrong?
  5. ^Copy that; thanks for the replies. I have been playing missions with UPSMON where the player is NOT the TL and I can verify that UPSMON runs on the squad. And you are correct in that the moment player become TL (due to death/attrition) UPSMON stops running on that particular squad. In fact, I just ran a test: I created a three man team running UPSMON. The rifleman was selected as player, a medic and the TL were playable. Once UPSMON had activated I could not select the TL as playable in the team menu. Funny thing, while I was playing as a rifleman in a UPSMON controlled group, we were being suppressed and I was firing back blindly, when all of a sudden the character I was controlling stops shooting and throws smoke without me. It was like he was saying, "Seriously dude, you're gonna get me killed."
  6. In a self-made mission where the player is the fire team leader of a group that is heli-dropped on the beach: How do I run UPSMON on the AI in my fire team? I've used the landing way-point/trigger to trigger UPSMON but can only get it to run when I am NOT the leader of the group. Is there some way around this that I missed in a previous post; and if not, has anyone found a way around this? This is what I put in the wp/trigger: nul=[(units group1) select 0,"town"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf" That has worked in many instances, but not when player = fire team leader.
  7. tod

    User mission requests!

    Sounds good. I'd like to see a SP mission based on/around the movie Tears of the Sun--where a fire team is dropped in hostile territory in order to secure and extract a living target. Would be a good scenario for coop as well.
  8. Sounds good. I'll give it a shot, or several. I can't recall the official name, but this sounds exactly like my favorite mission in the SP senarios that came with the original ArmA 2 CO. I'll report back in a couple when I've had time to try it out.
  9. Does the "cycle:",x parameter from the old UPS still work with UPSMON? ^quoted from UPS readme.
  10. How do I get rid of the text in the upper right-hand corner that says UPSMON 5.0.9 West East Ref etc... I can't find where to shut/delete this.
  11. @glazohar: Ah, get it. Your code does not depend on the hardcoded trigger conditions. @Proud Gamer: this is just what I suspect, but, in the UPSMON init that goes in your missions folder (the separate one that has the dialog that you delete if you don't want to run the sample mission) there is the setting {view distance 1800} or something like that. YOu may have to change or delete it there. Again, I haven't tried this myself; I just noticed the code.
  12. thank you galzohar and Lonestar. You were right Galzohar about the KRON_UPS...; I added the MON out of habit I guess. Does: {side _x == EAST && alive _x} count allUnits < 50 do something similar to count thislist <=50? And if so, do the x' have to be replaced with a specific object? ---------- Post added at 01:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 PM ---------- I've never used ambush, but someone in a previous post also said that placing the ambushing units too close to the ambush sight will cause them to behave poorly, or not at all. There is code in UPSMON that sets an ambush safeDistance variable or something. there's a perfect ambush number, in meters, that has to be considered, and I can't remember what that number is, like 50 meters or something.
  13. ^I could swear i read a couple of posts back that mines explode only when armored vehicles (tanks and such) trigger them--a bug or something.
  14. I have a question concerning the reinforcement trigger functionality: KRON_UPSMON_reinforcement1 = "true"; KRON_UPSMON_reinforcement1_pos = getmarkerpos "town"; Does all of that go in the Condition, or the On Activation in the trigger? Or does the first half go in the condition, while the position command goes in the On Activation? And is the above code actually correct for a group with nul=[this,"town","randomdn","reinforcement:"1] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"? I'm pretty sure that the squad leader init code is right, but the trigger codes--it just didn't seem intuitive to put the entire line in either the condition or the On Act. So I ask: What is the correct way to load the reinforcement trigger? Thank you.