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Posts posted by GreenGriffin

  1. I plan to update these guys in the future and I'm interested in what people want (no promises I will deliver however). First of all, ALIVE compatibility (will work on this as soon as I post). Also, I am thinking of cutting All In Arma (the downside being losing all those technicals and crew-served weapons). I am also thinking of using the weapons from Sudden's Russians. There is also the possibility I will remove the Massi uniforms and only use the (admittedly limited) default BIS uniforms. The reason is that I want to make the mod lighter and neater, with fewer dependencies. If I cut the reliance on Massi's Africans, I would appreciate if someone could make some BIS retextures to improve variety.

    So, wish away.

    I think cutting the number of dependencies is a really smart idea. For example, I wanted to use this mod for my upcoming mission based on an al-Qaida cell, but didn't want the user to have to download any more than two or three dependent mods.

    You can use the existing headwraps from Arma 3, and cut out two mods right there.

    If you just cut it down to being dependent on Sudden's Russians and African Conflict, that would be ideal.

  2. I would love to use this mod with my unit, but its just too darn big. We already have over a gig of mods (not including A3MP), and this is over twice the size of African Rebels. Great mod, though. Shame.

    For those of us looking for a light-weight unit mod, any chance of breaking these down into each faction and maybe have them use default weapons just to reduce size? I suspect we're a minority, but there's no harm in asking.

    Are you really complaining about the fact that he packed more into his mod than you feel like installing? The "shame" here is that you act like that's a negative thing.

    Yes, you're in the minority....maybe even completely by yourself. The rest of us would like more from this mod, not less.

  3. I don't even play the SP i havnt played the campaign or any of the showcase missions? I basicly just fire up A3 to test things now. It won't be any different if i was in a group on coop missions or whatever i just don't like the game anymore.

    To me its just the same as every other ArmA released buggy, headless AI, horrible urban navigation getting stuck on doorways and other useless shit, opening gates & doors like a retard, trying to do a simple action quickly and end up doing something else, gunplay is absolutely pants, controls are over complex and clunky it still feels to me like im playing a laggy robot which stumbles about, and the most important one of them all is that its still absurdly unoptimized, so now ive just had enough.

    The controls are better than A2 ok, but im sorry it still anit good enough. Lets put in bipods but not be able to deploy them good idea, lets leave all the things which the community asked for alone and just focas on making this massive amazing island where the buildings just disappear underground hoping nobody notices it. AI they still get up and down and run about the place leaving perfect cover to get mauled to death cool.. anyway im just ranting on but its game over to me game over..

    About my mod im just trying to get the smoke grenades to be effected by the down wash of helis, i got it working but its lost its ability to stay ontop of the terrain so im just making it expand outwards a bit better. Ive worked on the sparks and almost got them finished they are smaller and less of them as i said before they were eating up too much resources so they been toned down a bit. I expect the next update will be sometime this weekend and after that i dunno see what happens..

    OS out

    Awesome, thanks very much for hanging in there, OS.

  4. great mod! as a sniper/stealth specialist, this is great for picking off people without making others to aware. I was wondering if you could make another type of HE ammo where theres a 5-10 second delay on the detonation as well as just the impact detonation one? so that way it could stick in the target and they have a chance to walk around a bit (possibly closer to their friends) before the arrow blows up.

    Why would someone who was just shot with an arrow get up and go for a leisurely stroll over to where his friends are standing?

  5. Anyone know the faction name for the US Marine Corp and MARSOC units by massi? There's a nice class list of all the units, groups and objects but I don't know what faction name to supply the Alive Modules...

    Not 100% sure I'm looking at the right data, but I think they are as follows:

    mas_usa_devg = USSOCOM Navy SEAL

    mas_usa_rang = USSOCOM 75th RANGER

    mas_usa_delta = USSOCOM DELTA Force

    mas_usa_usoc = USSOCOM Special Support

    EDIT: Oops, nevermind. Just realized you're talking about a different Massi pack, not the SEAL/Ranger one I was referring to.

  6. Wonderful mod, been busy trying to understand it all.

    I have a couple of questions that I desperately want to have answered, as I am running into frustrating roadblocks with editing a mission.

    1. I'm building a mission in the 2D editor, and I want to be able to use MCC's 3D Editor to fine-tune the placement of units and some objects. Is it somehow possible to edit a mission, go into Preview mode to use MCC to place the units, then copy-paste MCC's additions into the mission.sqm? I tried to do it, but what was pasted to the clipboard looks nothing like what I see in mission.sqm. Can the info from both the 2D editor and my additions from MCC somehow be combined?

    2. Is there a way that I can add custom objects (such as those from Dren's Editor Upgrade) into MCC's 3D Editor for placement?

    Thanks in advance for any help.


  7. As a point of interest guys, OS is right, if you can't handle things with smoke then please do not use the mod. It does noone any good for you to flapping your gums.

    Neither does making obvious statements like, "If you can't handle it, don't use the mod".

    We're all well aware of the option to not use the mod. We're asking for it to be addressed in a future update, like anyone in any mod thread would if an important issue arose.

  8. Nice sound mod but still way from realistic, i mean the distance sounds are great, but when you are shooting the sounds aint that realistic. But its still better than the vanilla sound :P

    This is how the MX?!?!? guns should sound like since they are based on ACR

    What you hear on YouTube using footage captured by some guy's iPhone is hardly representative of what a given firearm actually sounds like. In fact, often it's not even close.

  9. I was planning on releasing a update tonight, im running a bit behind tho as i had a few things left to do with xmas things.

    Wow, that's terrific news!

    However, if you can't get it out OS, we all understand. It's Christmas - take the time for yourself and your family.

    Looking forward to the update whenever it comes out.

  10. Btw im messing with the colours atm. What u think of this? I think too much red/orange? The only way i know or aware of to have the light a differnt colour during lifetime is to make 2 lights present at the same time and have the lifetime and colours set differntly, the only problem is that your be using 2 lights at the same time and will increase the chance of running out of light sources.

    I wouldn't duplicate light sources for a single effect. Might alienate the users with more mid-range PC's - probably most people!

    In my experience, any fire at night involving fuel (i.e. any vehicle) has more of an orange tint to it, like your photo. Definitely not pastel yellow. I've only seen overwhelming yellow in the case of certain chemical fires.

    Perhaps add *very* slightly more yellow, and you'd be in the ballpark IMO.

    By the way, incredible mod! Like everyone else, I'm just interested in the very slight improvements to make it even better.

  11. Has anyone mentioned that the Slammer MBT machine gun is a little quiet at anything > close range ?

    There's definitely something wrong with certain vehicles at different ranges. I just haven't been able to isolate the issue to identify it.

    For example, I can be standing next to a Marshall, and barely hear its main gun, meanwhile its mg is blaring in my ear.
