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Posts posted by GreenGriffin

  1. After only 5 minutes of testing i realised that in 1.01:

    1. 50% of all vehicles in pack have errors about script not found or wrong texture!

    2. CDF faction completely broken. Only static gun persist.

    Why leight? Why?? Why you hate us so much?

    You think renamed classnames ,deleted vehicles and as result - tons of broken missions was not enough?

    So your decied to post absolutely horrible " 1.0" and patched it with absoultely horrrible "1.01" patch to trolls us a little more?

    Very nice. Why don't you guys try antagonizing Leight and insulting his hard work a little more?

    Maybe then he'll get pissed enough to drop the mod altogether, and we can all blame you for it.

    Grow up already.

  2. I switched over to LITE after the 1.40 patch broke the sound scripting.

    Overall is seems to work well, without real obvious problems. The sonic cracks are the only thing everyone notices are missing at the moment.

    Oh, and the minigun sounds on the helicopters are either really low, or not playing. Not sure which.

  3. In short, the mod is unplayable because the bots always in prone, and killing with one shot to the head.

    Must be something on your end.

    Not only is the mod very playable, the AI is roundly kicking our tails with coordinated tactics.

    Great work Robalo. Thank you for continuing to keep this mod updated.

  4. Just my two cents... These guys carve out quite a bit of time each week of their personal time into this mod, without asking anything in return. Many hours, I'm sure, are spent at night after work and family obligations to ensure we have a fun, quality mod to enhance our entertainment experience.

    IMO, if they want to add some branding, they deserve it. Outside of the workarounds for removing the intro, if the branding is still bothersome, one can always deactivate the mod.

    So do dozens if not hundreds of other modders on this forum.

    Some of them have created even more ambitious projects than this, and never attempted to re-brand my entire game. RHS Escalation, for example.

    The ALiVE splash screen alone was enough to make the point, and I was fine with that. Now it has become obnoxious.

  5. is it possible to carry and load in dead soldiers into vehicles ? cause if a team member dies i can't see the "carry-menü" ?

    I would really like to know if this is possible myself.

    If not, is there another way to pick up and load a dead body (or turn it into bodybag, then do so)?

    This is an important part of a mission I'm working on, and I can't seem to be able to figure out if there's a way to achieve this.



  6. This is an incorrect pair of statements. Foregrips are used correctly in certain applications, mostly on weapons with full-auto capability in CQB/CQC environments. Smaller foregrips can be used as a 'handstop' where the user still holds the handguard of the weapon, just butts his hand to a mini foregrip. Wide spread use of full size foregrips are a mixture of it 'being fashionable', and lazy or incorrectly trained soldiery thinking it gives them better control - when it doesn't.

    Reflect on why you don't see sniper and marksman rifles with foregrips for standing or kneeling shots. Same to be said of shotguns.

    Do not confuse fashion with professionalism.

    I agree. I don't believe foregrips give the shooter a higher level of control, except perhaps in full auto under CQC.

    Either way, I'm with the others here who do not want to see Massi's weapons given foregrips. It's getting tiresome seeing them everywhere.

    Unless Massi is willing to add them as an additional option, I too would prefer his rifles to remain without them.

  7. Hi, sorry if I'm about to ask a silly question.

    How exactly would I be able to copy this mission onto a smaller map, say Stratis for example?

    I can easily move the base around in the editor myself, but I'm just not sure how to actually change the map of an existing mission into another map.

    Thanks for any help.

  8. Hey guys,

    Two things.

    First, thank you so much for one of the most outstanding, game changing mods. Really incredible work, and I hope you continue to develop it into something even more mighty than it already is.

    Second, I apologize but in my opinion, the new intro music is god-awful. Due to the repetitive nature of the track, it's very grating after just a few consecutive game loads.

    I appreciate everything that you do, but between the ALiVE splash screen, the big Johari logo now on the main menu, and the new music, the mod promotion is a little over the top.

    Love your mod beyond belief, but for the next version, I beg you, please stop hijacking the rest of the Arma user interface for it. Or at least, make this stuff easy to disable.

    Thank you,


  9. I've found that you can remove/replace weapons, but not backpacks. I thought I'd get the jump on Ohally and try making my own middle east civs by spawning the middle east units as civilians and removing their weapons and backpacks, but ended up with backpack wearing civilians :)

    I'm pretty sure I was able to get rid of the backpacks in my early tests, but in the end I decided they needed them anyway to carry a decent amount of ammo, so I skipped it.

    What about adding a command to your loadout script that waits for the Aggressors randomized gear script to finish, then removing the backpacks in your loadout?

  10. How do we go about giving these guys custom gear? Like guns? Like for example, if i wanted one of them to be a sniper? Thanks
    you don't, they are randomized for a reason, otherwise place down the marksman with SVD

    JCae2798, you can do this quite easily. You can set up a gear script (just a quick .sqf file listing the loadout you want for that unit), then place the unit, and have that unit execute your custom gear script in its init.

    So for example, I have several loadout scripts....AK74rifleman.sqf, marksman.sqf, grenadier.sqf....loaded with exactly the equipment and weapons I want. Then for each unit I place, I stick the "exec" command in its init (sorry, I forget the exact command) to call the script for the loadout I want. Works perfectly.

    I'm currently doing this because I prefer to have the Aggressors units using Massi's AK's and other weapons.

  11. Another attempt at a hotfix:


    I don't get any errors when it is just Massi's weapons or his weapons and Africa pack. However, when I add the Aggressors mod, I get:

    I have tried messing around with different things in the config, but can't find a solution. Any ideas?

    The wound textures are missing from the Aggressors mod. The author mentions it in the known issues of the release thread.

    Hopefully he's going to do something about it, but considering his general attitude toward people asking him for anything, I wouldn't hold my breath ;)

  12. I get it even with just @dr_irregulars, @NATO_Russian..., which is what I used to test removing driVehicles.pbo.

    Did you update to the just-released version of Massi's weapons? Drongo is now using that for this mod.

    If you didn't update that, it's going to return errors referencing the launchers (and probably others) because they didn't exist in the previous version.

  13. Only way would be with a animated sprite. I tried this before years ago and it works on small things but massive explosions will result in some strange issues with the effect. But i no longer work on BC, am on strike till BIS decides to fix their engine.

    Well, since we know BIS will never do what you're asking, should we assume Blastcore is dead?

    It doesn't work right in the dev branch anymore, so if you won't be supporting it, I guess it will be.

  14. I have been getting other weird config errors referring to missing wounds.tex and some woman model, but they are difficult to reproduce.

    Are you by any chance using the Aggressors mod? I started getting those same errors as soon as I loaded up Aggressors.

    The wound textures are missing for the middle eastern enemies, and I'm pretty sure it has p3d files for women in there too.

  15. thanks,glad you like. but are you freakin serious with that question?

    Clearly I'm not alone in feeling this way, but your people skills could use some serious modding.

    If you can't respond to simple questions and requests without copping an attitude, maybe you should have someone with an ounce of patience manage this thread for you.
