In this variant displays information about the main weapon of the arrow:
private ["_group","_unit"];
_group = _this select 0;
whoDunnit = {
private ["_deatharray","_side", "_victim","_killer","_namvictim","_dis"];
_deatharray =_this select 0;
_victim = _deatharray select 0;
_killer = _deatharray select 1;
_killgun = primaryWeapon _killer;
_dis = round (_killer distance _victim);
_killer globalchat format ["> *%1* < hit the target > *%2* < distance of > *%3* < meters > weapon *%4* <", name _killer, name _victim, _dis, _killgun];
for [{_i=0},{_i<=count units _group},{_i=_i+1}] do {
_unit = units _group select _i;
_unit addeventhandler ["KILLED",{nul=[_this] call whoDunnit}];
sleep 0.01;
For the script in multiplayer need expert help !