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About Birch

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  1. So only Frost and Asano are playable. Thanks.
  2. This may seem sort of a trivial thing, but I have a question regarding the multiplayer option for the PMC DLC. I have never been interested in ArmA until the PMC expansion for Operation Arrowhead was released. Now, with an interest in the life of private military contractors and the history of mercenaries, I'm game for buying the original ArmA II game just to get the PMC expansion. However, I would like to know something about the multiplayer first. Are all the characters in the storyline available for multiplayer? For that matter, can you play as any character in the regular story? My impression was you can play as any character in the multiplayer, but not in the regular storyline. You only get to play as Brian "Poet" Frost in the story. What about the multiplayer? My favorite character so far has been minor character Tanny Radcliffe, the Scottish PMC, and I would like to know if I will be able to play as him at any time in the game, regular story or multiplayer.