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About MerryChristmas

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  1. MerryChristmas

    SImple IED Script

    Ok, I edited that mission and now I can see everything. Although its interesting how you got the suitcase to attach to the bombers hand, it still doesn't attach the trigger (which makes the explosion) to the bomber
  2. MerryChristmas

    SImple IED Script

    probably should've mentioned I only have OA...lol. I'll see if i can edit it so that it will run on OA
  3. first of all, is there a way that I can disable certain types of support that it offers, and also is it possible to alter the amount of times a certain support is allowed? Secondly, is there a way I can make it so that the module isnt activated until I destroy certain targets? Thanks
  4. MerryChristmas

    SImple IED Script

    Pasted it in a folder in missions, won't work because it depends on content that has been deleted?
  5. MerryChristmas

    SImple IED Script

    Thanks bro, I'll check this out
  6. MerryChristmas

    SImple IED Script

    I'm a complete noob to not only the edior but scripting and I couldn't get this to work. It seems like writing trig1 attachto [car1,[0,0,0]] in the init of the car wouldn't place the conditions of the trigger on the car. I could only get it to work if i Placed the trigger over the car, which I don't want to do in order to avoid having triggers cluttering the map. Any idea what I could be doing wrong? I only have OA if that makes any difference...
  7. MerryChristmas

    Road Side IED

    How do you do the same thing with say, a helipad or a mine or something, intstead of a vehicle?
  8. Hey, I'm doing trying to do the exact same thing as OP on ARMA2OA and have had the same problem as him. The difference is though, when I made it so that I could change my txt file to sqf, a message continued to come up that said 'cannoy be found'. Does anyone have any ideas of the problem? It is definately in the correct mission folder as the sqm is there as well. Thankyou