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About DMB

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  1. Thanks sbsmac I see, waitUntil{not isNil "bInsertionBusy"} is the key, and then doing the init unit stuff from init.sqf. I will try it a.s.a.p. Thanks DMB
  2. Hi --------------------- Update -------------------------- After some more searching, I found this post:Clicky. And then thanks to sbsmac for his solution, which is simmilar, but more explanitory than above: SOLUTION!!! --------------------------------------------------------- For the past three evenings I have been struggling with passing the value of a variable to a function (sqf) from a unit's initialization field. The function is called, and the other parameters passed to the function is correct, but not the before mentioned variable. So without rambling on for too long, let me show the code. In the editor I have placed a helicopter (named oHelicopter1), and a player unit, and in this units initialization field I have placed the code: _null=[this, "FIRE_TEAM_LEADER", obHelicopter1, bInsertionBusy] execVM "initPlayer.sqf"; Where: this - the unit "FIRE_TEAM_LEADER" - the role I wish the unit to perform, used to give the unit a required loadout. obHelicopter1 - a heli that will be used for insertion. bInsertionBusy - boolean value to indicate if I want the unit in the vehicle (obHelicopter). This is the problamatic publicVariable... The code of "initPlayer.sqf": _oUnit = _this select 0; _sType = _this select 1; _oSpawnVehicle = _this select 2; _bSpawnInVehicle = _this select 3; //here i do the loadout, this works [_oUnit, _sType] execVM "armasa_loadouts.sqf"; if ( _bSpawnInVehicle ) then { _oUnit moveInCargo _oSpawnVehicle; }; Now one last thing I have to note, and I think this is where the problem lies, the initialization of the variable bInsertionBusy. 1) First I had the following in my init.sqf: if (!isNil "bInsertionBusy") then { bInsertionBusy=true; publicVariable "bInsertionBusy"; }; This did not work, and if I understand things correctly it is because units placed in the editor will be initialized before init.sqf runs. Therefore when the "initPlayer.sqf" is called from the units initialization field the variable is still undefined. 2) So then I though, well remove the above from the init.sqf, and put down a "Game Logic" and put the following in the GL's initialization: bInsertionBusy=true; publicVariable "bInsertionBusy"; But alas, that did not work either, and then I realized that the "Game Logic" was placed after the player unit, so it's initialization will run after that of the unit, resulting in "bInsertionBusy" not initialized when "initPlayer.sqf" is called. 3) So I opened "mission.sqm" and edited it so that the "GL" is before the player unit in the list of class items. But alas, that also did not work. Other things to note: 4) If I change "initPlayer.sqf" to be: _oUnit = _this select 0; _sType = _this select 1; _oSpawnVehicle = _this select 2; _bSpawnInVehicle = _this select 3; [_oUnit, _sType] execVM "armasa_loadouts.sqf"; if ( bInsertionBusy ) then { _oUnit moveInCargo _oSpawnVehicle; }; It works, but I need to be able to decide at spawn time if I want the player in the vehicle or not. 5) Everything works for JIP players, therefore I believe it has to be the order of initialization of the objects. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks DMB