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Everything posted by PeterEdlin

  1. Hello, i use a anologe controller to play arma2 and there is one thing which i dont know how to change. Its the deadzone of the anologe controller i cant change. Is there a way to customize it?
  2. Hello, I havent played arma in about one year i gues and this week i restarted playing. I have been bussy with studying programming languages,modeling software and scripting. I also studied some other games/simulators and modifyed them a bit. But now when i play arma i get amazed by the complexity of it. Also the mods are so professional. And it almost seems to be no limit to the way u can mod and script ARMA2.. Very strong concept!
  3. PeterEdlin

    Controller deadzone [question]

    Sry but i dont understand. I dont want to add a deadzone, i want to remove it. And in my controller software i allready have put deadzone off. But still when i drive a car in arma (Chernolife) i get a deadzone which make me drive like i am drunk... Or is it in the car script..
  4. PeterEdlin

    Controller deadzone [question]

    Thx for the great info, I dont think my contoller setup has something to do with the deadzone in arma2 but i can be wrong. I mean when i check my controller functions in hardware configuration then there is no deadzone. So i think arma2 adds a deadzone to it so it doest make u move when u dont touch youre controller. But i dont want such a big deadzone, cause it makes me play like i use a keyboard and tab all the time. Its like having a delay between your controller and caracter movement.... So i think there is a parameter somewhere in the user.profile file. But i cant findout which one it is cause it has no comment and on the help page only sensitivity's are explained.
  5. Hello, I havent played Arma 2 for a while and now want to play MP games again, but when i try to join a game i get redirected back to the server select menu without any error message... Is there a log file wich i can check for error message's to see what is wrong? All help is welcome, P.
  6. Hello i am new to Arma 2 and was realy digging it. But the last few times i played multi player there was something strange going on. Someone used otherones names to join the game and then did all kind of things were against the rules. This went on and on and on without some one doing something about it. It was unpossible to play a MP game normal for hours! Frustrating everyone. Can somebody explain to me what happend and why this is possible? I tryed multiple MP-games but on all the games there were strange playernames (Russian-like) or well known player names which were acting against the roles messing everything up. All information is welcome
  7. PeterEdlin

    What the hell happend sunday 13-2-'11

    Ok Concursi, i have a look ate The Naked Fanatics-forum. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Sorry for posting this here but dont know where else: Concursi, i registered but dont get the activation email. Normaly i always get it right a way when i register, i dont have any spam filters active.
  8. PeterEdlin

    What the hell happend sunday 13-2-'11

    I am from the netherland time here is 15:24.
  9. PeterEdlin

    What the hell happend sunday 13-2-'11

    Thanks for the reply. Maby the i need to meet some people who are more experienced ARMA 2 users and ask them if i can join there group. I am new to all this so its a little overwhelming, but i like ARMA 2 very much.. I am not the vastest player/learner around but i enjoy mp games verry much.. I realy dig the graphics and how nice the villages in chernarus are setup. Well thanks for youre help and maby i will soon meet some people which run a decent server, and maby i can join.