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About Sabertooth007

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  1. Sabertooth007

    Confusion over which Arma 2 package work with ACR DLC

    Thank you for your response. Question answered.
  2. I read probably 50 pages of the ACR dlc topic and didn't find an answer. The game reqs. "The Arma 2: Army of the Czech Republic is the addon for Arma 2: Combined Operations. It cannot be played separately." What if you don't own the CO but Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA. I know that makes up the same contents as A2CO, however when they make such a specific point to say which game it works with it usually is a warning to make sure you have the right parts of the game first. I purchased my game on Steam, Arma 2, Arma 2 OA, Arma 2: Brit DLC, Arma 2: PMC dlc, so they have all been updated via steam. So do I have to actually go buy A2CO then to use/buy the Czech DLC? It would be helpful if both Steam and Bohemia would clarify if having the A2 and A2OA meets the reqs. Thank you for any help you can provide.
  3. Maybe this is the best place to post this, I currently own Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead from Steam. I purchased PMC and BAF from Direct2drive I know that PMC from d2d will not install with the steam version (didn't see the note). but I cannot find there or on this site whether or not the Direct2Drive version of British Armed Forces will work with the Steam version or if I have to also buy BAF from Steam (since some post I read says depending on the retailers you can mix and match). If I can are there any special installation instructions, like has to be installed into Steam folder somewhere, etc. Thanks in advance for any help.
  4. I was hoping after a few days someone could help me with this issue as I am stuck with whether I can install BAF or not or if I have to repurchase BAF from Steam instead. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
  5. I have been unable to find a definitive answer on this. I bought the BAF and PMC from Direct2drive. I bought ARMA II and OA from Steam. I discovered that PMC from d2d will only work with the d2d version of ARMA2 and OA. However I cannot find out if BAF from Direct2drive will work/be installed with the Steam version of ARMA 2 and OA. I have been searching both steam, d2d, and these forums for some sort of definite answer. If I can install the d2d version of BAF into the Steam version of the ARMA2 and OA, is there anything special I have to do? I ask that because I saw in my searches where some people were told to install some part of ARMA2 or OA into the Steam directories for a non-steam version to work with or give all the features of the non-steam game and steam game. Thank you in advance. It would be helpful if perhaps a sticky could be made that presents what versions can or cannot be mixed, etc. That would help others I am sure. Perhaps even provide the link to retailers and online shops that sell any ARMA 2, OA, CO, DLC-BAF or PMC so the customers know in advance whether they can buy that item and get it to work with whatever version from wherever they bought it. For example I will have to go rebuy PMC from Steam as I didn't notice the warning saying you had to have the base version of the game from D2D for PMC to work/install.