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Everything posted by Bloodpainter

  1. Bloodpainter

    Warfare BE

    I have a problem I hope somebody can help me. The itself is running fluent without lags. But when I open the options in order to buy units in the later game it needs a long time (sometimes over two minutes) to open. How can i fix this? Thx
  2. Bloodpainter

    Warfare BE

    Great Job Benny, I really like your Warfare version. But I have a few questions. 1 Is is planned for AI using M115 or MLRS or similar? 2 What does I need to request a icbm? I have the Factory and the money. 3 Why does the AI sometimes use the Trucks at the beginning to drive to the first Town and sometimes they dont? Thanks for your work!
  3. I found WICT yesterday. Great idea. I wanna play on the Fallujah map. I created some new bases but the Units are just guarding the first base they are not trying to conquer some new bases. What is my mistake. :confused: Is there something more I have to configurate? Thx
  4. I have no idea of editing so please excuse my stupid questions. A simple trigger should call the Artillery (or Airstrike) on a predefined position. Is it possible to activate the simple support module automatically instead of calling with Radio? Second Problem: The simple support module you can use as often as you want. How to add respawn time for one of the supports? Thx 4 help.
  5. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=416
  6. I am not a professional too but you can use the Software Unpbo on this Warfare Mission (so you can edit it with the editor) put it in your documents\Arma2\mission folder. So you can change whatever you want in that mission but it's not easy. Creating own Warfare missions I think is too hard for beginners.
  7. The standard Warfare for Takistan has no option to increase the number of units. Only 8vs8 and with Guerillias.
  8. I've tried Warfare and I really like it but I want more players. About 32vs32 or even more (against AI). I found Benny Warfare with more players but its focus is on MP the Ai really sucks (they dont even wait at the beginning for Vehicles...) Is there an opportunity to get more players with the Ai from the main Warfare?:confused:
  9. Hi everybody I am in the process editing the standard (O:A) warfare mission: MountainWarfare 16 in the editor (unpbo and copied it). I'm looking to have 64 Ai on both sides all of them can buy weapons, vehicles... I added them but only the standard 8 Soldiers are moving. Does I have to change something in mission.sqm? I hope you can help me. I tried Benny Warfare 64 before but I dont like the Ai of it. There not waiting at the beginning for Weapons and they're all running into the same direction. If someone has an even better better AI tell me please Thanks Sorry for mistakes but I hope you can understand my english Bloodpainter is online now Report Post Edit/Delete Message
  10. Bloodpainter

    Mointain Warfare more AI

    nobody able to help me?:confused: