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Everything posted by tonic-_-

  1. tonic-_-

    Any item to work as a ammobox

    _emptyBox = "Land_PaperBox_open_empty_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _weaponCrate = "Box_NATO_Wps_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _weaponCrate attachTo[_emptyBox,[-0.2,0.3,0.38]]; Then put the _emptyBox at the position you need it at or w/e Or place an emptybox down and put in the init: _weaponCrate = "Box_NATO_Wps_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _weaponCrate attachTo[this,[-0.2,0.3,0.38]]; Example Picture: http://tonic.pw/arma3%202014-02-07%2013-59-16-61.png
  2. Maybe something like this? { (getPos this nearestObject _x) setDamage 1; } foreach [314,315,,316,317];
  3. Does seem like it'd be useful. I'm just used to updating VAS myself for any mission I play and same thing goes for any script resource. I don't trust other peoples missions to be up-to-date with shared scripts by other people. Not everyone can be bothered to keep up-to-date with stuff like that :P At this point though with the most recent patch it should be easy to see if VAS is to out-dated with the weird looking scroll bar & popup errors about missing resources. The last 2 VAS versions should work just fine with ARMA 3 but anything before it will have issues.
  4. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    Diamond mines are in core\items\fn_pickaxe.sqf Reference: switch (true) do { case (player distance (getMarkerPos "lead_1") < 30): {_mine = "copperore"; _val = 2;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "iron_1") < 30): {_mine = "ironore"; _val = 2;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "salt_1") < 120) : {_mine = "salt"; _val = 4;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "sand_1") < 75) : {_mine = "sand"; _val = 5;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "diamond_1") < 50): {_mine = "diamond"; _val = 1;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_1") < 40) : {_mine = "oilu"; _val = 1;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_2") < 40) : {_mine = "oilu"; _val = 1;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "rock_1") < 50): {_mine = "rock"; _val = 2;}; default {_mine = "";}; }; Pretty much anything related to 'mining/pickaxe' are controlled through there, more mines would look like this: switch (true) do { case (player distance (getMarkerPos "lead_1") < 30): {_mine = "copperore"; _val = 2;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "iron_1") < 30): {_mine = "ironore"; _val = 2;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "salt_1") < 120) : {_mine = "salt"; _val = 4;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "sand_1") < 75) : {_mine = "sand"; _val = 5;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "diamond_1") < 50 OR player distance (getMarkerPos "diamond_2") < 50): {_mine = "diamond"; _val = 1;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_1") < 40) : {_mine = "oilu"; _val = 1;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "oil_2") < 40) : {_mine = "oilu"; _val = 1;}; case (player distance (getMarkerPos "rock_1") < 50): {_mine = "rock"; _val = 2;}; default {_mine = "";}; }; I think that modification would work. I can't remember if the switch statement has issues with multiple checks (OR/AND/NOT). *Edit* Also people don't private message me offering me money to do some custom work for you. I don't do this stuff for money and I'm tired of receiving messages about that stuff.
  5. Not specifically all files. Whatever file is last changed I note it down with the version number it was changed with and that is only with certain files.. I.e @version: 2.2 @file_name: fn_handleItem.sqf @file_author: TAW_Tonic @file_edit: 12/7/2013 @file_description: Handles the incoming requests and adds or removes it.
  6. tonic-_-

    A-10C for Arma 3

    It's the crosshair action key. Crosshair Action Key: Custom User 20 You need to bind it to a key in the controls -> Custom section.
  7. tonic-_-

    A-10C for Arma 3

    For those having issues on how to get the startup procedure to work I spent 20 minutes smashing my head and got a video on how to get it going in less then 5 minutes. http://www.twitch.tv/taw_tonic/b/501206808 Great addon btw.
  8. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    _units = {(_x distance _veh < 300)} count playableUnits; if(count crew _x == 0) then { switch (true) do { case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitEngine") > 0.7 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitLFWheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitLF2Wheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitRFWheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitRF2Wheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case (_units == 0): {deleteVehicle _x}; }; };
  9. tonic-_-

    Stand alone hmmwv

    Even provided 'As is' you sir are awesome and already fell in love within the first five minutes. Thank you!
  10. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    What shops exactly are missing items.
  11. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    You probably deleted the jail releasement marker. The marker was originally placed in Kavala called "jail_release". If you've deleted the marker you need to re-add it otherwise the default coordinates are 000000. Reference: core\civilian\fn_jailMe.sqf switch (true) do { case (_bail) : { life_is_arrested = false; life_bail_paid = false; hint "You have paid your bail and are now free."; serv_wanted_remove = [player]; player setPos (getMarkerPos "jail_release"); [[getPlayerUID player],"life_fnc_wantedRemove",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [1,false] call life_fnc_sessionHandle; }; case (_esc) : { life_is_arrested = false; hint "You have escaped from jail, you still retain your previous crimes and now have a count of escaping jail."; [[0,format["%1 has escaped from jail!",name player]],"life_fnc_broadcast",nil,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [[getPlayerUID player,name player,"901"],"life_fnc_wantedAdd",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; }; case (alive player && !_esc && !_bail) : { life_is_arrested = false; hint "You have served your time in jail and have been released."; [[getPlayerUID player],"life_fnc_wantedRemove",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; player setPos (getMarkerPos "jail_release"); [1,false] call life_fnc_sessionHandle; }; };
  12. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    There was a particular reason why I had it setup on an addaction and that was because I wanted to keep the lights on but the siren off so attaching it to the F binding is rhfbndsyhfgbgerfhjnfdcdytgdscgnDSRFHfdhgwsHGB34^T#$^#WYGw but maybe this? life_actions = life_actions + [player addAction["Siren Lights ON",{[[vehicle player,0.22],"life_fnc_copLights",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; vehicle player setVariable["lights",true,true];},"",0,false,false,"",' vehicle player != player && (typeOf vehicle player) in ["C_Offroad_01_F","SUV","HUNTER","IDKTHECLASSNAMESOFFHAND"] && !isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"} && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && !(vehicle player getVariable "lights") && sunOrMoon < 1']]; life_actions = life_actions + [player addAction["Siren Lights OFF",{vehicle player setVariable["lights",false,true];},"",0,false,false,"", ' vehicle player != player && (typeOf vehicle player) in ["C_Offroad_01_F","SUV","HUNTER","IDKTHECLASSNAMESOFFHAND"] && !isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"} && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && (vehicle player getVariable "lights") ']]; Pay attention to the replacement (typeOf vehicle player) in [ARRAY] and be sure to add the vehicle classnames to the array. In the fn_vehicleShopBuy.sqf & fn_vehicleShopBuySave.sqf just put: _vehicle setVariable["lights",false,true]; and that should fix the issue. I never expand the lights past the offroad because I thought it just looked goofy.
  13. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    If you really want to donate...
  14. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    I got bored and started making the spawn selection menu more modular to where you can easily add spawn points just by editing the config. May aim to make it tie into the territory control system I have planned for it where if Rebels were to take Kavala cops could no longer spawn there till they get rid of the threat. I don't even know anymore. It's coming down to a game of when I'm bored... http://tonic.pw/arma3%202014-01-29%2016-23-48-17.png As for the guy that was having issues adding new spawn points I know why you are having issues. It's a design oversight that I had done and it's sort of hard-coded at the moment but for civilians you need to look at fn_initCiv.sqf and look for stuff like this: civ_spawn_4 = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos "civ_spawn_4", ["Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F","Land_i_House_Small_01_V2_F","Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_F"],250]; You basically need to do the same thing but replace civ_spawn_4 with the marker name for the spawn point. The rebel thing that you are trying to achieve may not work with that exact code and may require adjusting. Again it was a design oversight but civilians were only meant to spawn at 4 specific towns and there was an array setup with buildings that they would randomly spawn in. Adding additional spawn points for cops no problem but civilians require more work for additional spawn points.
  15. tonic-_-

    TAW View Distance Script

    Don't quite get what you are asking, a bit more specific?
  16. tonic-_-

    Server globalchat??

    [{systemChat "Hello World"},"BIS_fnc_call",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
  17. That issue has been fixed since 2.3 if you are having problems then you have not updated to the latest VAS.
  18. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    This is the last time that I bother packaging it and uploading it. If it doesn't work then I don't know nor do I care. I'm constantly spammed on a daily basis via Email, Forums and even my steam account over this and I really have gotten the slightlest care for this mission due to how people talk about how badly coded it is and other things when they don't even bother trying to do one from scratch. http://tonic.pw/life/Altis_Life_RPG_v310.zip If it still doesn't work even though i'm 100% positive it's packaged right I don't know what to say other then figure it out your selves because at this point I'm just done with it.
  19. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    I just tested it and it does work, make sure you have downloaded this package: http://www.iamtonic.co/life/Altis_Life_RPG_v310.rar Your MPMissioncache might also be bugged.
  20. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    Hotfix for 3.1.0 is up on the same link, resource files are now fixed. http://www.iamtonic.co/life/Altis_Life_RPG_v310.rar
  21. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    Looking into the Cop & Clothing stores now. It has something to do with a resource GUI that I didn't pay much attention to. It's hard to remember what to keep up-to-date when you don't touch it for a month or two.
  22. tonic-_-

    Altis Life RPG

    UPDATE: v3.1.0 Notes: This update isn't something I was prepared to release nor do I have the exact full changelog for this version. Most of this work was done a month or two ago and I have forgotten what issues were in this build so be sure to report them. Punishment for various crimes: - If you are wanted and are killed by cop you will lose the following licenses: Rebel, Driver, Firearms, All Illegal licenses. This will create a money sink and add punishment for doing suicide by cop, however it may create problems for cops straight up killing you but it will encourage you just to surrender as it will be cheaper. - Upon being arrested you will lose the following licenses: Rebel, Driver, Firearms. - Running a player over you will lose all motor vehicle licenses (Driver, Boat, Truck). - Killing a player while owning a firearms licenses will make you lose that license. Bug #3: Vehicle respawn position at AIR HQ ! Bug #4: Head Gear Always change "Hats" !! Bug #6: Unable to lock/unlock Mohawk from pilot seat Bug #7: Toolkits all used up when repairing Bug #9: Civilians can Enter/Exit vechiles in restraints Bug #18: Unable to purchase Iron Processing license Bug #22: Unable to Repair Vehicle - Mohawk Bug #23: Unable to repair vehicle after being spike stripped Bug #24: "Vehicle not persistent" at garage Bug #26: Pyrgos cop vehicle shop not invincible Bug #29: Garage still charges fee if spawn point is blocked Bug #31: addAction for Rebel Training shows incorrect price Bug #32: Using various outlets from vehicles Bug #33: Cannot lock MOHAWK from inside ! Bug #38: Rebel Hummingbird - maybe a bug??? Feature #17: Repair action no longer refills fuel Feature #35: Readd turtle poaching Feature #44: Impound timer Feature #46: Cops can 'question' Drug dealers Feature #50: Keybind for restraining Task #8: Finalise and format rules for inclusion in mission Task #10: Key chain functionality becomes broken on disconnect. Task #19: Distribute donator shop items into tiers Task #34: Move all license vendors to dynamic display price changes in licenses. Task #40: Ticket >= bounty removes wanted Task #41: Coplevel 3+ can pardon Task #43: Rewrite Wanted System Task #45: Licenses scroll in player menu Task #51: Check that arresting removes appropriate licenses Changed: Prices for helicopters have went up. Changed: Moved rebel outposts farther away from spawn points Changed: Removed the drug dealer at NW part of map and moved NE dealer to the swamp Added: Civilians can now knock out people by pressing Left Shift + G (You must have a weapon). This allows you to rob them of cash (for now). Fixed: HMG Hunters had thermal vision. Changed: For the time being the car shop gui has been made wider. Changed: Prices for HMG Hunter & Armed Offroad both set to $750,000 Added: New wanted states Fixed: Loss of input from being restrained. Fixed: Excessive restrainment has been fixed and adjusted to check after 5 minutes of being restrained if a cop is near by. Fixed: Gun stores showing 'truck license' as the text. Fixed: Random hats (again) Fixed: DP-12 NPC was in the ground. Fixed: Fish market guy in Kavala was a midget. Fixed: When paying a ticket you become unwanted Fixed: When paying bail you were still wanted. Fixed: Boat shop at Neochori & North part had no vehicles. Fixed: Free banking insurance. Fixed: When using Shift + R or Shift + G you would throw a grenade/chemlight or reload (Life action key related) Changed: When tazed your heath goes back up, it is a side effect of stopping death by tazer. Changed: When restrained you can't be killed. Changed: When restrained you can't abort or respawn. Changed: If arrested while wanted timer is 15 minutes and 10 minutes before you can pay bail, if not wanted then it is 10 minutes & 5 minutes before you can pay bail. Added: Punishments for various crimes, more detail below. Changed: Updated GUI Resources for new patch. Download Mirror: Altis Life RPG v3.1.0
  23. tonic-_-

    TAW View Distance Script

    Does the addon version give that problem? Because it shouldn't as it can access the actual Resource classes.
  24. tonic-_-

    TAW View Distance Script

    UPDATE: v1.3 Change log: Changed: Updated GUI Resources for new patch. Download: TAW View Distance Script v1.3