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Everything posted by d0a1ta

  1. Had same issue, Just delete all instances of the "mcc_path +" and any extra spaces and characters "," there are 8 places to edit. onPlayerRespawn has 1 ("mcc_path +") , and specta.sqf has 7 (lines 111 thru 117 ",MCC_path")
  2. I have a trigger that works by radio, or when anybody enters it, what I want it to do is to check for a specific human player in a specific vehicle as driver then my trigger is activated, suggestions, advise on how to go about it would be appreciated, was trying to do it in the condition field using player uids. Thank you for any suggestions Trigger is ellipse type is none activation is anybody repeatedly present Cond: This is the part I am having trouble with! private ["uid"]; uid = [0icu812]; if (getplayerUID player in uid) == (driver vec2) then {true} else {false;}; Cond: that half works is but doesn't single out 1 particular playeris below! player == (driver vec2) All this below works on act: vec2 setObjectTexture [0,"kittybody.paa"]; vec2 setObjectTexture [1,"kittytail.paa"] on deact: vec2 setObjectTexture [0,"helibody.paa"]; vec2 setObjectTexture [1,"helitail.paa"]
  3. d0a1ta

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Like the Mod! but have an issue with the sound, when the jet is crashed and you respawn, Alt tab out and back in,for example the jet sound never goes away. Just curious if any one else is having the same issue?