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Everything posted by ryansoper

  1. ryansoper

    Automatic JIP Script?

    Ah Ok, is there a way to detect if the script is being run the first time or by a JIP player?
  2. Are MPEventHandlers destroyed when the unit is killed and then respawns? Or will they still be active and able to carry out their role?
  3. For some reason i cannot get group chat to display in the following code? This is just a snippet from the top of the file. The Hint displays, but nothing else. The script is called from a trigger and has the ExecVM bit in on Act. _vehicle = vehicle player; _hasCargo = _vehicle getVariable ["hasCargo", 0]; _reward = 0; _rNum = round(random 400) +50; hint "This Script Has Been Executed"; player groupChat format ["rNum : %1" _rNum]; player groupChat format ["Values: %1 %2" _vehicle, _hasCargo];
  4. Hi guys, How can i get the class name of a vehicle the player is driving? I thought vehicle did it, but apparently this is actually the unit name, I want to be able to return something like S1203_TK_CIV_EP1 so I can detect vehicle types. Thanks, Ryan
  5. Hi guys, Simple question, do triggers detect the 'side' of unmanned vehicles? So for instance a CIV UAZ that is spawned on a marker within the Trigger activation zone?
  6. Cool, I was in a bit of a rut last night and couldn't work out my issue, I thought maybe the vehicles I was spawning was causing the issue, turns out. It was. Just needed confirmation, Thanks guys, Ryan ---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 PM ---------- Yeah I had an activated by: Civillian trigger, to denote a restricted zone, but there are also empty vehicles spawned in there. Kept tripping the trigger.
  7. I found an easier way to fix it, just make civ characters spawn with a weapon.
  8. Hi guys, It seems Civillian Players are unable to fire any weapons they are given? Is there a way I can get around this so that they can? Thanks, Ryan ---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ---------- Ok, it seems I made a mistake, Civillian players can fire weapons if they are given them in their Init field, however, I wanted to give them a weapon at a later stage through a 'Shop', it seems when weapons are given to a Civ player once the game is in progress, for example through an sqf script that is triggered by an addAction, they can hold the weapon, but you cant' fire or reload the weapon. I have made sure the addMagazine is before the addWeapon. But no sucesss. Any Help?
  9. I'm a Java Dev by trade, so I've had to stomach Java Swing GUI's ;). I'm not sure anything can get more tedious that java swing. ---------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ---------- Guys. It seems I was wrong. There are things more tedious than Java Swing, and ARMA GUI's is it.
  10. Hi guys, Is it possible to parse variables into something like Groupchat? thanks, Ryan
  11. How can i detect when a specific vehicle is destroyed? I want to be able deduct cash from the relevant player for the destruction of their vehicle. Thanks, Ryan
  12. I'm still pretty new to SQF, how exactly would I use that bit of script? In a trigger Activation?
  13. What would be the best way to use this for an MP Game? Just replace the CreateVehicleLocal with CreateVehicle?
  14. Hi guys, Is it possible to do something like: _truck1 = "S1203_TK_CIV_EP1" createVehicle(getMarkerPos "tSpawn1"); but where there is S1203_TK_CIV_EP1 could I replace it with a variable that would contain the vehicle, so I could have a player variable with their vehicle in instead?
  15. Thats exactly what I want to do, so the player could have a 'vehicle' variable, and when they have purchased a vehicle, it gets stored there and I can then create that vehicle at a later date. Thanks.
  16. Hi guys, In a script I'm writing i have 6 players named 'player1' through to 'player6'. In some cases the player will be able to call a script though an action listerner, but I need to be able to find out whihc player called the script so I can set the appropriate variables. Any Ideas? I hope that mad sense, i'm a little tired, so probably prone to mistakes. Thanks, Ryan
  17. Hi guys, in my init file i have this: player1 setVariable ["money", 10000]; player2 setVariable ["money", 10000]; then in a seperate file 'rentTruck.sqf' I have: if ("money" < 950) then { player groupChat "You do not have enough Money!"; } else { player setVariable ["money", -950]; player groupChat "Vehicle Rented!"; }; The code in the rental file doesn't seem to run at all, i can only assume it can't access the variable? So it does a kind of condition (nil) thing? Any Ideas?
  18. SaMatra, Second time you have helped me now! Thanks! Might have to pop onto your wasteland server at some point ;)
  19. Ok, so the way I've assigned my variables is correct if I want to modify them at rental stage?
  20. AddAction. ---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ---------- Hmm, This looks like it could work actually, let me give it a try. ---------- Post added at 04:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ---------- Right, maybe I am doing something wrong, but basically, I have 6 player slots. Their unit names being 'player1', 'player2', 'player3', 'player4', 'player5', 'player6', these each have a money variable assigned to them in the init file. When the player wants to rent a vehicle (Using the action Menu through AddAction on the vehicle in question) I need to be able to detect which unit has called the action so I can deduct the relevant cash amount and give that player the ability to lock/unlock the vehicle. Thanks Guys.
  21. Just put that event handler on each player you want to be invincible, so name unit's accordingly and rather than player, use whatever you named the units in the editor. E.G "squadLeader", "pilot".
  22. ryansoper

    [101] 101st Division

    101 Div is back to playing ARMA properly again, having just purchased a new dedicated windows server. We'll be looking to play far more missions and scenarios, so if you have a mission you want to play with a group of friendly people or if you just want some people to play with, come join us! http://101stdivision.net/?p=Home is our website where you can find our most current TS info. Normally people are on our Teamspeak from about 4.30 to 10/11PM during weekdays and from about 11am on weekends. All times are GMT.
  23. I'll attempt to, Adding an EventHandler to a player with the type handleDamage will make the player invincible if it has no return value. Just remember to remove the EventHandler, unless you want to be always invincible... More Info: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers#HandleDamage