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About drivetheory

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  1. drivetheory

    Problems with sound

    reinstalled the june 2010 directx redistributable package, problem solved. last time i played arma 3 was in december and it worked fine, not sure what happened in the interim to break things... that pack is in the arma 3 folder: .\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\_CommonRedist\DirectX\Jun2010\DXSETUP.exe
  2. drivetheory

    Problems with sound

    problem occurs regardless of cpu count in my experience. rpt file shows the following: 17:13:28 InitSound ... 17:13:28 Error: Create XAudio2 device failed, error 80040154 17:13:28 Warning: Audio device creation failed, attempt to create default audio: 17:13:28 SamplesPerSec: 44100, channels: 2, bitsPerSample: 16 17:13:28 Error: Create XAudio2 device failed, error 80040154 17:13:28 InitSound - complete
  3. i saw the MP Framework but it wasn't very elaborate in it's hint examples/limitations, does rHINT support formatting and variables?...
  4. got the popup target range script working in an MP environment, will post back later with complete details
  5. if you run the script via addAction only the person who performs the addAction sees the hints/score and everyone sees the targets. when i tried if(!isServer)exitWith{}; nobody sees the hints/scores but they do get the popups if you run it via server side trigger everyone sees the hints but the popups go haywire because everyone is triggering the popups... i'm trying to make the script only popup server side but hint/score on all clients hey F2k Sel, any ideas? I'll post my work in progress modification if it'd help. EDIT: currently messing with some ideas, will post back later
  6. I can't seem to get this basic script idea to hint all players within the given radius in a multiplayer game. the constants: 1) 1 flag pole placed in game called "hint_pole" 2) init field of that flag pole: this addAction ["Generate Test Hint","distance_based_hint.sqf"]; I've tried to following: _players = nearestObjects [hint_pole,[],30]; {if (_x == player) then {hintSilent "TEST HINT #1";};} forEach _players; and _players = (position hint_pole) nearEntities 50; {hintsilent "TEST HINT #1"} forEach (_players); yeah.. im not very good at this scripting thing, but im relentless in my pursuit of trying to make things work...
  7. @cuel I didn't really understand what you are saying... the problem i ran into is that, if you look at the code i posted, it does NOT work if i don't do it that way. It kept changing the PublicVariable locally and not globally... EDIT: I see now... AirRaid = true; PublicVariable "AirRaid";
  8. so, after many hours of work and lots of trial & error and wiki page reading (instead of sleep, god im going to be worthless @ work today) this is the final working result: init.sqf if (isNil "AirRaid") then { AirRaid = false; if (isServer) then { publicVariable "AirRaid"; }; }; "AirRaid" addPublicVariableEventHandler { (_this select 0) execVM "air_raid_pt2.sqf"; }; description.ext class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { WarningSiren }; class WarningSiren { name="Warning_Siren"; sound[] = {"\sounds\danger.ogg",db-10,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; "el_flagpole" init field: this addAction ["Begin Air Raid Warning","air_raid_pt1.sqf",["AirRaid"]]; air_raid_pt1.sqf private ["_params","_PubVar"]; _params = _this select 3; _PubVar = _params select 0; if !(AirRaid) then { call compile format ["%1 = true;",_PubVar]; publicVariable _PubVar; sleep 1; el_speaker say3D "WarningSiren"; hintSilent "Incoming Aircraft!"; sleep 5; hintSilent "Hurry! Take Cover!"; sleep 5; hintSilent "They're Almost Here!"; sleep 5; hintSilent ""; call compile format ["%1 = false;",_PubVar]; publicVariable _PubVar; } else { hintSilent "The Alarm Has Already Been Sounded"; sleep 3; hintSilent ""; }; air_raid_pt2.sqf if (AirRaid) then { el_speaker say3D "WarningSiren"; if (player distance el_flagpole < 50) then {hintSilent "Incoming Aircraft!";}; sleep 5; if (player distance el_flagpole < 50) then {hintSilent "Hurry! Take Cover!";}; sleep 5; if (player distance el_flagpole < 50) then {hintSilent "They're Almost Here!";}; sleep 5; if (player distance el_flagpole < 50) then {hintSilent "";}; }; I'm still not 100% certain why: 1) the public variable name has to be passed via command line in the init field of the flagpole 2) "call compile format ["%1 = false;",_PubVar];" has to be used instead of just "AirRaid = false;" if anyone could explain these 2 things is in a way that someone as incompetent as myself could understand it i would be very appreciative of such generosity. i tried using "AirRaid = false;" many times but it would only change the public variable locally and never propagate to the server or other clients and when combining "AirRaid = false;" with "PublicVaraiable AirRaid" in pt1 the script seemed to just hang (debugged it with the oh-so-clever use of a million hintsilent lines) and as i sit here typing this out im wondering why addPublicVariableEventHandler ran when AirRaid was changed to true at the begging of pt1.sqf but did not again when AirRaid was changed back to the original value at the end of the very same script... or is it only run when it's changed from the state originally listed in init.sqf?..... _Me = "rather confused"; thanks again
  9. i think you put it there to update the pubvar after the local client changed it? am reworking the method to use the addPublicVariableEventHandler now, it's always slow going- scripting is antithetical to what i can quickly wrap my head around so it always requires an immense amount of focus and concentration.
  10. addPublicVariableEventHandler .... i was actually reading the wiki for this and wondering about using it before i originally posted. hmmmm. any ideas on the geographically/marker/area limited hintSilent?
  11. i had thought about using the addAction to toggle the pubvar and making the pubvar value the condition for the trigger (saw this method used before)- but don't triggers check the condition state once every cycle?... and if there's 1 flag pole in every city and 30 cities that's 30 triggers checking pubvar status every cycle? least this was the reasoning that had me continuing in the manual fire script method... thanks for pointing out the re-declaration of the pubvar with the "if (isServer) then {publicVariable "AirRaid";};" line, that part of the client+server what gets executed/updated where still confuses me since i can't get it crystal clear in my mind what does/is-supposed-to happen where.... will re-script, test, and post back edit: any ideas on how to limit the hint to people only within 50m of flagpole?
  12. The end result I am trying to accomplish player activates an addAction attached to an in-game flagpole object ("el_flagpole"), which calls an SQF that executes a say3D ("WarningSiren") sound ("\sounds\danger.ogg") from an in-game object ("el_speaker") as well as sending a hintSilent to all players within a 50m radius of the activation object. the problem i'm having is making the say3D sound and hintSilent occur on all MP clients, as well as making the global variable work (which it's not when i mp host it?...) I've tried and tested a couple ideas to make things propagate to all clients but they aren't working so i've come here seeking help. coding is definitely something i'm not very good at and confuses me greatly at times... below is what i have so far that seems to be working correctly, but only for the client that executed the action added to the object. init.sqf if (isNil "AirRaid") then { AirRaid = false; if (isServer) then { publicVariable "AirRaid"; }; }; description.ext class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { WarningSiren }; class WarningSiren { name="Warning_Siren"; sound[] = {"\sounds\danger.ogg",db-10,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; "el_flagpole" init field: this addAction ["Warn The Locals!", "air_raid_warning.sqf"]; "air_raid_warning.sqf" if !(AirRaid) then { AirRaid = true; el_speaker say3D "WarningSiren"; hintSilent "Incoming Aircraft!"; sleep 5; hintSilent "Hurry! Take Cover!"; sleep 5; hintSilent "They're Almost Here!"; sleep 5; hintSilent ""; sleep 1; AirRaid = false; } else { hintSilent "The Alarm Has Already Been Sounded"; sleep 3; hintSilent ""; };
  13. love the script Tophe, but havin some trouble with the vehicle respawn location... this is the SQF snippet i created that is giving me trouble hangar_1 = createVehicle ["Land_Mil_hangar_EP1", ([getMarkerPos "xtra_hangar_1" select 0,getMarkerPos "xtra_hangar_1" select 1,0.4]),[],0,"NONE"]; hangar_1 setDir 150; a10_one = createVehicle ["A10_US_EP1", ([getMarkerPos "a10_1" select 0,getMarkerPos "a10_1" select 1,0.4]),[],0,"NONE"]; a10_one setDir 330; a10_one setVehicleInit "veh = [this, 10, 10, 0, FALSE, FALSE] execVM ""vehicle.sqf"";"; "xtra_hangar_1" is a marker on the map where the hangar spawns in. "a10_1" is a marker on the map where the A-10 spawns in. the problem I'm experiencing is that the A-10 respawns where it crashes instead of respawning in the hanger at marker "a10_1"... i've tried to modify your script but can't quite get it right. i'd truly appreciate all help you can provide as concisely as possible- coding is definitely something im not very good at and confuses me greatly at times. thanks in advance
  14. why wouldn't IPv6 be viable? the ISP will assign their modem an IPv6 address, and their computers an IPv6 address with a network prefix designated by their cable modem so wouldn't they have to change/spoof the mac address of their cable modem to change their specific network prefix?
  15. blocking IPs won't really be a viable solution until IPv6 becomes commonplace and NAT'd IPv4 is no longer implemented imho...