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Everything posted by wyskass

  1. It looks like a great place for military related into. I've read some of it myself before, but not for this purpose. It seems there's a 8 article / month limit unless you subscribe for $10/month though.
  2. I accept your point. This is not a request though, since I'm not asking someone to do this. I posted in modeling specifically to get some feedback related to making models of these things. I figured the location would be clue enough but to clarify more: -Is this a viable model idea? It has to have interest first. -What unique difficulties in modeling horses and carts exist? -Any thoughts on how this would have to be executed. This is a modelling question and post, which necessarily starts with a question of viability and interest.
  3. You shouldn't play Arma if graphics come first and then gameplay. Yes the graphics are great, but the gameplay is better. I found COD to have better graphics but left me feeling empty because of artificial, contrived, arcade gameplay.
  4. wyskass

    Speech Recognition in Arma 2

    I've been using VAC successfully and to does everything I want or expect. I've setup my own list of all commands I use in profile. http://www.dwvac.com/
  5. wyskass

    Warfare Questions

    That's not true. Bear Rising is a warfare scenario in A2. If you capture the airport, specifically the hangar at the airport, you can buy jets there. An airport hangar would work just like a barracks or heavy vehicles plant. Buy a unit and jet appears near it. Get in, take off and there you go. Next step though would be to build a service station at the airport, otherwise you won't be able to rearm after your sortie. I guess you can also use trucks to do that. But basically you need to bring in some logistics for refuel/rearm just like other vehicles.
  6. wyskass

    Custom face from photo

    Textures for faces are not simply photos of faces. Because it's a 3d shape, the actual graphic is stretched in the same way as if you ripped of the skin off your head and laid it out flat. It would be stretched and not look like a photo from the front. It's an image that is wrapped onto the model, not a projection of a photo. Otherwise it would only look correct from one angle. It's not as easy as it might seem to make your own head into a game face. Best way to do it would be to take a an existing face template from the game, take a few shots of your head from a few angles all around, and merge those photos in Photoshop onto the template with some finessing to make it look correct.
  7. wyskass

    Arma 2 to OA: Import controls?

    Follow this process: 1.) Gather a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil 2.) Open the Arma 2 controls screen 3.) Write down every control and its corresponding keymap 4.) Close A2, open OA. 5.) Open controls screen 6.) Transcribe from your written keys into the the new controls. 7.) Save and enjoy. :)
  8. wyskass

    satchel charges

    I think it's 800 meters. This was tested in an OA mission where you sneak in to blow up tanks at a base. I wanted to get away as far as possible before detonating to have time to escape and the connections started dropping off past 800. Easy to test for certain. Just setup a unit in the editor, set a bomb, Shift-Click a waypoint, run away and see how far you still have a connection in your action menu
  9. It's hard to say which is best, because people enjoy different things. I've played A2, AOA, BAF, PMC, and have to say they are all different and would appeal to different people. A2 (Harvest Red): Infantry/Spec Op the whole time, and you progress from follower initially, to leading your 4 man squad for most of the campaign. You get into the character the most, and deal with mainly small operations, taking down small groups, gathering intel, various tasks. It ends with a couple warfare style missions, and does a good job of giving you increasing exposure to game features, and giving good variety. I enjoyed this campaign the most of all. If you don't like chaotic rush and want to focus on strategy and control in a small, manageable, independent team, you'll like this. A2 (Eagle Wing): Small pilot focused campaign. Quite enjoyable. You fly a chopper and eventually get shot down. It's fairly focused in goals and story and plays from an interesting perspective. A2OA: Much different in that you're playing a part of a full scale move. You play different characters including mechanized infantry, armor, chopper and spec op team. You never feel as connected to your character as in Harvest Red, since you're switching. You would like this if you want to be part of all aspects of an attack and like playing with machinery. I felt that this campaign was designed more as a demo of units and tech, so you can learn various aspects of the game and later focus on what you like most. BAF: A very good campaign where you're infantry again. It feels more connected to the war beyond your unit, yet stays focused on your characters. You end up doing spec ops, and some skirmishes. Feels more like Harvest Red, but in Takistan. Kind of in between OA and Harvest Red in terms of control, tasks and scale. Generally praised. PMC: Very story driven and a bit more contrived. You're dealing with protecting clients the whole way and manage to get into some hairy situations. This is a more defensive campaign where you're getting attacked more and it's always a small group. I found that most missions were repetitive where you're dealing with the same kind of threat the whole time. Drones attacking you one mission, then slaying attackers with a mini gun the whole time. Doesn't ever require the strategy and cleverness of the other campaigns and can be frustrating. Either way it was a good effort in idea and is a good change of pace, but not as good as the others.
  10. One thing you want to do is make sure that the camera can pick up all the extremes of your head movement. I try to adjust the Track Clip so that it can be visible from all angles. Also during the game I often recenter with a hotkey, and when the running problem occurs and just hit recenter and/or look down.
  11. wyskass

    Spoken Team commands

    Sweet! Looks like I missed this when browsing the addons there.
  12. Does anyone know of a way to turn off the spoken commands and only those that the player speaks? I use VAC for voice commands so I speak them, but don't really want to have my player repeat it with his voice. It would be nice if my team and everyone else would speak normally, but only my own players voice would be turned off. Thanks
  13. Thanks for the suggestions. It seems like it's actually related to TrackIR. When I re-recenter or look down all the way, I'm able to run again. It would seem to be related to that.
  14. On the Gunner position on the Jackals, there is an ACOG scope but I'm not able to get into it, like with other statics. I had to turn on crosshairs to be able to use it. It's a shame if it's supposed to come with a scope for the guns but they aren't usable. It's vexing to see it and not use it. Is this just me, or are those scopes not usable? Thanks
  15. Thanks for the suggestion, and I got it to work now. I've abandoned default keymaps a long time ago, and use a gaming keypad, multi button mouse, keyboard, and voice commands. I think I fiddled with my mapping again before starting, and changed some things. I used to have both NUM 0 and Sec Mouse as optics before, and turned off the Num 0 as redundant since for infantry Sec Mouse would work the same. Also in some vehicles and I think before OA this was fine. Oh well. Sometimes we forget the most obvious things.
  16. Good question. I'm not finding any at the depots in towns either. My guess is no. Too bad you can't shoot your small arms out of vehicles.
  17. Yea I have to agree that this was a bit on the arcade size compared to most other official missions. I think the intent with the mission was good, but the execution was not so much. I don't agree with the premise that every single enemy along the way needs to be killed. The purpose is to transport the client, so we should be allowed to drive quickly and fire as needed. That is what a normal convoy leader would do. The following cars refuse to move until every straggler in the hills is killed.
  18. The fix mentioned previously mentions going to Command View and back when you restart. This only works if you have command view available. I'm playing the PMC campaign and am not in command, so I don't have Command view to fix it. So yes it's these situations it's unplayable. Fortunately most missions have player in command so it's fine. I just usually turn off 3rd person view so there again it wouldn't work. 3rd person view makes turning out of vehicles annoying because it defaults to 3rd person if it's on. Anyway, great addon and there's a work around for this common problem, I've read.
  19. Maybe there are limits for the poster on You Tube, but Megavideo only allowed me 72 minutes of view time, before asking me to subscribe and pay or wait 30 minutes. I guess I'll be watching this in installments. Quite annoying. I'll take YouTube any day to quickly get a video out for the world to easily view.
  20. I've been running into this issue when sometimes unpredictably my player will refuse to run for a intermittent period. This occurs regardless of ground steepness, since it can occur on flat. I'm not tired or out of breath because it recently happened just at the start of a mission. My squad can run just fine, and there is still a perceptible difference in walk/run speed but it's as if both suddenly got cut in half. It's a real bitch when it occurs during sprints between cover and I end up strolling across the street while getting shot at. Specifically I'm in a run, after toggling to run, and it just starts walking. Switching to walk makes it even slower. A sprint doesn't speed it up at all. Then with no change in controls he'll run for a few steps then back. On flat and 100 % fresh. I can't even figure out a pattern of occurrences. Has anyone had this issue?991991
  21. wyskass

    Confused with larger missions

    Excellent. This is what I couldn't find.
  22. I've a bit confused with some of the more advanced missions and can't find any good resources to clear it up. Like a complete full manual for the game. Everything I found is very basic. I've played the campaign up to High Command which I'm still trying wrap my head around and a couple missions and that's fine. Where I get confused is when it comes to the missions with buying and constructing and lot's of other AI running around. There are SV number on enemy bases, points for capturing, changing goals, money, other units running around. Some kind of red and green bar timer. I have no idea what's happening, and it's starting to get on my nerves Is there any single comprehensive place to explain this? I get annoyed that after purchasing game, it doesn't come with a direct comprehensive explanation of everything, and I'm forced to try and search for this info myself. Thanks
  23. Hi, I've played most of the first campaign and it went fairly well. But when trying stand alone missions with closer combat against larger forces, keep getting shot down quickly from nowhere. Yes, I know it's part of the game and realism, so I'm not complaining. What I'm looking for is some sort of set of training scenarios which provide target practice beyond the too simple boot camp. I'm trying to get a feel for ranges of weapons and trajectories. Also, a being able to change stances quickly, aim and fire. Sure, I can just play and keep getting shot down, but a structured approach would be more ideal for improving more quickly and less frustratingly. Are there any good purely training scenarios that someone can point me towards? Any other advice? Thanks. Really love this game and how much depth is there.
  24. wyskass

    How to improve with training.

    Absolutely. That's a great mission for firearms training. BTW, does the ballistics chart work in the Arma2 version? Can't seem to figure out how to see it.
  25. wyskass

    How to improve with training.

    Great advice and help, thanks. Yes, I've gone over the first link before a little. It's definitely very helpful in getting the right approach with tactics. The mission you linked seems to be exactly what I need. Also, yes I have the Combined Operations and have been going through the armory. I can't really pass any of the ones that involve getting shot at. I can go through 10 rounds and not hit anyone, yet the campaign seemed easier. Armory is nice, but I just don't get enough feedback as to too high or too low and can't repeat specific ones. The target practice and shoot house was great but it just pops up randomly. I like a more methodical efficient approach to this kind of thing. Anyway, yes. I get that it's not a run and gun, shoot 'em up type of thing, which I like. I I think there should be more training tutorials and practice scenarios include in the game to begin with.