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Everything posted by rikjuuh

  1. I jus hate it that there are none/a few server online running coop.
  2. rikjuuh

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    the video is looking good :) I do have 1 question. in the video you always use the Japanese army, never the marines. could you make a video with marines once? would like to see those in action :)
  3. if you have it via steam do it like this http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=2036576&postcount=1072 be sure that you have run Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead atleast once!
  4. I can understand that. would love to see some screenshots again :)
  5. they tried to combine CoD and Arma = a no go for me
  6. download the installer, let it install in Arma2OA, then go to library>Arma 2 operation Arrowhead>properties>set launch options place -mod=@CBA;@I44CO in there. then start arma 2 and arma 2 oa once, right mouse on OA and launch as Combined Operations.
  7. rikjuuh

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    I have to agree with this
  8. rikjuuh

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    thank you :) EDIT: the black pipe (from the gas tank) looks a bit weird :p
  9. rikjuuh

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    looks good, also looking forward to some screenie's of the flamethrower ;)
  10. can anyone tell me the difference between these guys and the british 3 rifle guys?
  11. nice! EDIT: in wich folder do I need to place the pic's? I don't seem to have a readme EDIT 2: I had the wrong download :P
  12. if you have Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=101214
  13. rikjuuh

    Help me!!

    windows firewall? turn it off.
  14. I might be just dumb :P but how do I know if Arma is running directx 9 or directx 10?
  15. rikjuuh

    Cliffs, abseiling and caves

    you have watched James Bond didn't you? :P
  16. rikjuuh

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    this might been said already but I'd like to see the ambient vehicle module (not sure what it's called but the module that places random cars) improved, ie don't place ural between 2 building where it's to small to place a ural. let the module check for objects you placed (like a checkpoint) and don't place a car 1 meter next to it (unrealistic, probaly won't happen in real). and let AI drive around (already saw in the first post something about make them drive fluid).
  17. I understand it. and I already know about the map (thanks anyway) but I'd prefer to play it with some winter units (WWII).