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Everything posted by Lhd23

  1. Hi everyone,I recently bought A2 and A2:Operation Arrowhead from steam with a friend and we played on some coop missions just fine(I was hosting the server from my machine with a 10mbps bandwidth)and we had some doubts: 1-What do I have to do so we can play coop on a single mission(more specifically "Death from Above")? 2-Why ARMEX keeps changing it's inventory to dlc's that neither of us have(PMC and BAF) and can we get the equipment we chose without starting an operation which only uses the last selected vehicle for both players. 3-Some hints so we can improve our multiplayer experience(both are new to the ArmA series) PS:Some threads said to copy the mission file to the MP folder but in my steamapps/commom arma 2 and OA folder both Missions and MPMissions folder only contain a readme with only "Singlemissions" and "MPMissions" respectively wrote in them.So where are the mission's files? Thanks in Advance.
  2. Thanks for the aswers Günter I already started making some,but could you give a link to a more complete tutorial, this one helped with most of the things but I still want to now how to put those markers that show distance and lead you to the objective (the orange ones). And still there isn't someone who can tell me where are my mission files?(Steam Version) Thanks for the reply!:)
  3. Thanks for the help everyone,it has cleared many of my doubts,but I still can't find my missions folder, do I have to complete it so it will show on multiplayer just like the campaign missions do? (Anyone that has the steam version could clarify that to me?) Thanks for the invitation Concurssi I will talk to my friend about it. About the mpeditor do I have to download it or is it the included editor in the game? Thanks for the help again.:D