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Everything posted by Kaz58

  1. I tested it some more and I seem to be getting a lot of flickering, it goes away when I disable the addon. Using AMD 5770 CF, post processing on low, beta patch 84749. Edit: Disabling crossfire seems to fix it, I'll fiddle around with some settings and post back if I fix it. Edit 2: Apparently I had some sort of crossfire profile enabled with RadeonPro, disabling it fix it.
  2. Thanks for the update, will test it out now. I hope you can get everything worked out. Edit: Tested for about 10 mins and it seems to work fine.
  3. Thanks for this. I've been playing for a long time and didn't even think of changing these. It made a pretty big difference to me.
  4. I emailed oktane today asking about the lack of updates, here's his response: "Hi.. yeah some crap happened all at once.. I've been on a 6000 mile motorcycle trip, I just got back yesterday to find that I have no internet anymore, and the guy that let me use the webspace for my noblur and RSS feed shut off the access. One relies on the other, via PHP scripts and stuff. So today I'm putting an antenna on the roof to get some wifi hopefully.. and Ill have to find somewhere else to host it where the PHP scripts can run. I'd use godaddy but they are too restrictive about their PHP permissions, my script has to be able to connect to Bohemia's FTP to get beta changelogs, and they block that. I'LL try to fix it all as soon as I can, if you could relay this in the thread I'd appreciate it man."