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About Blockhead

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  1. is there a non-addon version of this that I can implement in missions? I tried using the old version on OFPEC but it doesnt work at all.
  2. I really like the look of modern russian soldiers, looks awesome. The only issue I really have is with the textures messing up at a really short distance.
  3. Blockhead

    AnimalMother92 Presents...

    I love your missions man, keep cranking them out. you should try and make a longer mission than your usual ones, see how it turns out. Most of them are pretty much Go from point A to point B to point C, which is fine but I would love to see the same epicness with a little more complexity than that.
  4. OK so im still doing this mission where you change units to simulate putting on the enemies uniform. After they change uniforms, im trying to add a local action so the player can take off the disguise and revert to their old unit. I cannot get the addAction arguments to work properly and also I need the action to be local to each machine so someone else doesnt make someone else take off their disguise. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //_null = [playerUnit_Name,switchToUnit_Name] execVM "switch.sqf";///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Switch.sqf _unit = _this select 0; _newUnit = _this select 1; _dir = getDir _unit; if (_unit == player) then { // fade to black titleCut ["Switching uniforms..", "BLACK OUT", 2]; // wait a moment sleep 2; // teleport disguise to location of player _newUnit setPos (getPos _unit); // switch player selectPlayer _newUnit; _newUnit setDamage (getDammage _unit); _newUnit setDir _dir; sleep 5; // fade from black titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 2]; _unit setPos (getMarkerPos "hideplace"); _Switcheroo = _newUnit addAction ["Discard Disguise", "Scripts\switchback.sqf", [_newUnit,_Unit], 0,false, true, "", ""]; // _newUnit addEventHandler["fired",{_newUnit execVM "scripts\fired.sqf"}]; }; and then Switchback.sqf looks like ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //_null = [playerUnit_Name,switchToUnit_Name] execVM "switchback.sqf"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Switch.sqf _unit = _this select 3; _newUnit = _this select 4; if (_unit == player) then { // fade to black titleCut ["Switching uniforms..", "BLACK OUT", 2]; // wait a moment sleep 2; // teleport disguise to location of player _newUnit setPos (getPos _unit); // switch player selectPlayer _newUnit; _newUnit setDamage (getDammage _unit); sleep 5; // fade from black titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 2]; _unit setPos (getMarkerPos "hideplace"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this is the weapon transfer part, just quick and dirty, not caring for ACE or backpacks.// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // collecting amount and type of equipment player had before switch. _weapons = weapons _unit; _magazines = magazines _unit; // removing all weapons from new unit. removeAllWeapons _newUnit; {if (_newUnit hasWeapon _x) then {_newUnit removeWeapon _x}} foreach (weapons _newUnit; // here we add all the magazines and weapons of the previous unit, not that all magazines will be full. {_newUnit addMagazine _x} foreach _magazines; {_newUnit addWeapon _x} foreach _weapons; };
  5. Hey im trying to make a mission where the players end up killing some people and taking there uniforms so they can infiltrate a base but I have encountered a few problems. Problem #1 = Identity On the wiki, it says identity is now transferred correctly in ArmA 2 but its not working in SP so I know it wont work in MP. This isnt a huge concern in terms of playability but it would still be nice. Problem #2 = Script Execution The mission is going to have 25 people in it, and I want them all to have the ability to 'Take off the disguise' and switch back to there original model but I dont know how to create a function or script that will work for all of them. The only other alternative I know of is to create 25 seperate SQF files. Problem #3 = Weapon Transferral I cannot figure out how to transfer someones entire inventory to the other unit. Semi Problem #4 = Havent tested it out, but the mission is going to be using ACRE and wanted to know if this would be problem. Here is all I have for switching players. Switching back is pretty much the same thing only the units' places are reversed ---------- Post added at 01:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 AM ---------- Tried doing the 25 SQF file, didnt work anyway. this is how I did it and all of the seperate d.sqf files looked like this only with different disguise number. Sorry im pretty bad at locality and all that jazz(and scripting in general:p).. when I previewed it I jumped into every single units body.. how do I make it so each script would be executed only on that unit's player's machine?
  6. Blockhead

    Lost CD Key

    Hello, I messaged someone who works at BI a few days ago with no reply so I will try here instead: While trying to figure out what was wrong with my ACRE, I was told to reinstall OA and that would fix it. So I uninstalled it and then went to get the booklet with the code on it and it is no longer there. I can not install the game again because of this and I shouldnt have to pay for an entire new game just to get a new CD key. I bought OA off of Amazon and there is a record of the purchase so now i'm looking for some way to either get a new CD key or recover the one that came with the game.
  7. Im making a cooperative mission where you are lead by an AI character, he drives the car to a certain point and then everyone is suppose to get out and follow him on foot. I am not using the in game waypoint system, Im doing it all using trigger executed scripts. Ive gotten the AI to make all the right turns and when the vehicle gets there everyone is ejected and the car is locked. Problem is that he always orders everyone to get back in and then all AI units are able to bypass the lock aswell. How do I keep them from trying to use the car without blowing it up or whatever.
  8. For me this is happening only when using both the old Blacks Ops and Desert Mercenary Pack and not only in takistan. If I take off the old pack the skins look normal. Also the bug where the pro helmet is missing a model is fixed when you run both the old and new pack.
  9. I have already found this cool little script that closes most doors to regular buildings, but I need it to close the doors for this specific kind of building aswell. It is the greyish silver warehouse that has two entraces with the blue double doors. Its name is "Land_Shed_Ind02" and I have tried experimenting with some of the animations listed on the wiki but havent found a solution. If you are still not sure what building im talking about it is on page 7 of the Armatech building library (for plain arma2). This building is included in both OA and vanilla arma but I assume the animation name is the same. EDIT: Less as important as that building, but it would also be very helpful if I could close those big cargo containers aswell.